Posing problem in Carrara

mikael-aronssonmikael-aronsson Posts: 554
edited December 1969 in Carrara Discussion


It look like I am the only one having problems so I guess I am doing something very silly but I have no idea what it could be.

If I try the following in DAZ Studio all works fine.

1. Load a character (Giselle 6)
2. Put on her as dress (Delight)
3. Load a pose to make her sit down, the dress will correct itelf for the new pose with some tweaking.

I would expect the same behavior in Carrara but no.
When I load the pose she will sit down but the dress do not change, it will hang straight down right thorugh her legs, look very silly.

I make sure I did "Fit to: Genesis Female 2" in General tab for the dress.

Are there any special rules on what node I should drop the cloth on, Genesis 2, Giselle 6 or Actor or something else ?

I really can't figure this out, maybe I am to old for this kind of stuff ;o)

I Tried this with Daz Studi 4.7 and Carrara 8.5 pro.


  • Steve KSteve K Posts: 3,227
    edited December 2014

    This sometimes happens to me in Carrara Pro. First, I drop the clothing item onto the figure name in the scene tree at the lower right of the Assembly room. The clothing item should then be "configured" to the character in its own general settings. Then when I drop a pose on the figure, sometimes the clothing does not pose. Usually I can move forward one frame in the animation sequencer, and the clothing poses correctly, it sort of "catches up". Plus I can move back to the first frame and the clothing is still posed OK. Probably a bug and I'm using a workaround, but it works ... most of the time. :coolhmm:

    Post edited by Steve K on
  • DiomedeDiomede Posts: 15,135
    edited December 1969


    What I am gong to suggest is from my personal experimentation, but I know that others have had success using a different method. I find that I have the fewest problems if Genesis or Genesis 2 and the clothing item are "sister" objects in the same group PRIOR to the "fit to" function being applied or any poses applied.

    - I load genesis or genesis 2 from Carrara's browser directly to the assemble room.
    - With the figure group selected, I select EDIT : GROUP from the top menu, and create a "super group"
    - I then load the clothing item from the Carrara content browser to the super group (it loads as a child) without fitting to anything.
    - Once clothing is a child in the same group as Genesis/2, I use "fit to" (occasionally then address some poke through)
    - Then I pose Genesis/2, or load a pose from the content browser.

    I know that some other people prefer to load their character, its clothes, and poses in Studio, then save. Then they reopen in Carrara.

    Here is a link to what I consider best practices that you might find useful on a number of related topics.


  • TangoAlphaTangoAlpha Posts: 4,584
    edited December 1969

    What I usually do is select the clothing then "fit to none" followed by " fit to Genesis 2". It's the old "switch it off and on again" technique, but it seems to work.

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