Non-software specific tips on animation
Was pleased to find loads of blog posts at the Digital Tutors blog that can be useful for wrapping one's head around animation techniques without being software specific or bogged down in the technical details of how this software does that. I'm aware some discussion has gone on here in the past about how great animation goes beyond learning the software, though I'm in agreement that without knowing how to use the software, you'll get frustrated long before you can attempt any great animation. So for those who like me are starting to get comfortable with their software and are looking for more software agnostic tips on improving their animation, I recommend the several blog posts (for free) at digital tutors that deal with different aspects of the subject matter, and if you find any of their tutorials interesting, why not, you may also subscribe (at a fee). P.s. I'm not in any way affiliated to Digital Tutors, just a seeker, like you! :lol:
DADA Universe,
Some great information on the links you posted, I didn't know they had free stuff like this there. Thanks for this link. I think to learn animation it is a must to look at sites like these.
Thought you might find these interesting.
Eyesee(Jedi Tea Master - Have a great holiday!!)
Really great stuff, well over 200 pages of useful definitions and basic concepts, and they have really nice illustrations too!
Thanks! More interesting stuff to read through during the holiday.
Thanks for this link, looks very informative.