Making two holes !
Hello, I am trying to place two holes into a face, of a primitive cube, and then pushing into the cube to create a pair of cavities. This is very simple to do in Google Sketch-up, but seems near impossible in Hexagon. Am I completely missing the boat ?
Thanks for any help ... Sam
This is pretty simple to do in Hex :)
Firstly - the quick method. Warning - this involves a Boolean operation, so if you are going to do any chamfering, etc on the cube, do this first. A Boolean operation should be the last thing you do, because it is difficult to do any other modelling afterwards.
OK - you need to be in full DG mode. Draw the shape you want the depressions you want above the cube. Select the cube, go to Surface modelling and select Boolean operation. Select the first of your shapes and then select the external volume option under the properties panel. That will cut a hole right through the cube. Validate, then select the cube. Under DG, select Curve (control) - that will bring your curve back, with a green line through the cube.
Under Utilities, select Stretch. You can now manipulate the green line to shorten the depth of the cut (by moving the bottom dot upwards), or move the cut around and change the angle. Hit validate and collapse DG.
Do the same with the next shape you want to cut in.
When done, take DG back to restricted, select the cube and go to Utilities, Triangulate n-gons. This last step is very important!
If you don't like the ugly mesh you end up with, you can either spend some time cutting in new edges and cleaning it up to make all quads, or go the long method and first model the depressions, then build up the cube around those.
Hi Roygee ... Thanks for your help, I will try your solution tonight and let you know how I made out ... Sam
Hi Roygee - I did get it to work after some fanageling ... I ended up with an organic shape, with oval pockets, side by side. Just what I was looking for. Thanks for the information, I learned a great deal. Sam
Happy to have helped :)