Bryce Installation problem

Hi. I am running Windows 7 (64 bit) and tried to install Bryce 7 Pro. It *seemed* to install correctly, but when I tried to run it I got a requester stating: "The application has failed to start because its side-to-side configuration is incorrect. Please see the application event log or use the command line sxstrace.exe tool for more detail. What do I do now? I'm a newby to Windows 7.
Post edited by hatter_0cba87a973 on
I had that too ...
Yes as Kerya says, this is a frequent problem when installing Bryce for the first time. THe problem arises becuse Bryce is a 32bit app and you are probably running on a 64bit system. You need to add the missing .dll in your VisualC++. which is included in the vcredist_x86 redistributable form Microsoft, which is spoken about in the link Kerya has given you.
Keyra and Chohole,
Much thanks! Yes, I'm running a 64-bit system. I'll do it!
Well, it didn't work for me. First I checked Windows Installer and found I was up-to-date. I also checked the "uninstall program" list on the Control Panel and found I had Visual C++ x64 already installed. I tried installing vcredist_x86.exe, and got a requester saying "MS Visual C** Runtime Library. Runtime error! Program C:\Windows ... R6016 - not enough space for thread data." Clicking "OK" did not make this go away. Clicked on the red X and it disappeared. Tried to start Bryce and got the side-by-side message again. Tried restarting the PC and got the same message when I tried to start Bryce. Heck, I tried installing the x64 version. I also tried installing the IA version, but got a requester saying my processor did not support it.
Further suggestions welcome.
Seems to be a common issue for Win7 64-bit users. I can install Bryce 7 Pro, but it won't run, for exactly the same reason. DAZ, any chance of getting a Win7 64-bit compatible version of Bryce 7 Pro?
That has been tried before, and has proven not to work. The last build was 2010 (I believe), and did not solve the side-by-side issue; and the build before that does not offer support for Win7.
Well, it worked for me when I got my new computer with Windows7 64bit this May ...
I installed the English versions of the Microsoft Visual C++ thingies (both of them, just because), even with my German windows. Since then Bryce is working well.
Having a 64bit system made me able to use the 3GB LargeAdressAwareness too - which makes Bryce even more stable.
I did search a bit more, because I found my solution in May in the old forum ... I think it was a message by Rashad. That one told me to install the 2005 Visual C++
That has been tried before, and has proven not to work. The last build was 2010 (I believe), and did not solve the side-by-side issue; and the build before that does not offer support for Win7.
Actually your statement isn't true as there are quite a few of us Brycers that are running Win 7, had this problem and then solved it by getting the 32bit version of the VisualC++ redistributable and installing it, myself included. Given that more people have solved this problem this way then there are others who couldn't solve it this way. That would suggest there is something in the configuration of you Win 7 install besides the VisualC++ redistributable that is the cause of the problem. Either that or you're not installing the correct one or you're not doing the update as well as installing the redistributable. Given that the current top priority is likely to get Bryce working with the latest Mac OS I highly doubt we'll be seeing a 64 Bit version of Bryce anytime soon.
I may have spotted the problem though, the link above to the Daz support zendesk link talks about The Microsoft Visual C++ 2010 Redistributable Package for Windows 7 64-bit. It also talks about an update some may need which is The Microsoft Visual C++ 2005 Service Pack 1 Redistributable Package MFC Security Update which is available on the zen desk page where it says:
You may also want to add this update from Microsoft's website:;...
I know to get mine working I had to install that update as well as The Microsoft Visual C++ 2010 Redistributable Package for Windows 7 64-bit. I noticed that CyraNose indicated having tried the x86 version, the x64 version and the IA version. That suggests that CyraNose only download and installed the updates for The Microsoft Visual C++ 2005 Service Pack 1 Redistributable Package MFC Security Update as that was the only link that had an IA option. That would also explain the error message CyraNose got because if Windows 7 shipped without the 32 Bit version and then CyraNose tried to run an update to that version it stands to reason an error would generate because there was nothing there for the update to update. So what one needs to do is go to the second link on the zen desk page first to download the 32 Bit version of The Microsoft Visual C++ 2010 Redistributable Package for Windows 7 64-bit and then if it's not working go to the first link and download the x86 version of The Microsoft Visual C++ 2005 Service Pack 1 Redistributable Package MFC Security Update.
LordHardDriven: do you remember exactly which one (2005 or 2010) you installed?
Maybe it's the problem of the official Daz page (my link above) that it links to the wrong VisualC++?
Because, as I said, I am quite sure I used the 2005 one.
I don't remember 100% for certain but I think it was The Microsoft Visual C++ 2005 Service Pack 1 Redistributable Package MFC Security Update that did it for me. I just edited my post above to offer a solution though. By CyraNose's reference to an IA version it is clear CyraNose was looking at The Microsoft Visual C++ 2005 Service Pack 1 Redistributable Package MFC Security Update since that's the only one that offered an IA version. I suspect the error CyraNose reported getting on the x86 version is because the update was wanting to update files that weren't on CyraNose's drive since Win 7 didn't ship with the 32bit version of the VisualC++ files. So I think for most people they'll need to download and install the 32 bit version of the 2010 redistributable first and if that doesn't fix the problem then do the update for the 32 bit 2005 VisualC++ files. In other words at the page you linked to at zen desk click the second link first to download and install the x86 version of the 2010 redistributable and then if the problem still persists click the first link and choose to download the x86 version of the 2005 update.
I don't remember 100% for certain but I think it was The Microsoft Visual C++ 2005 Service Pack 1 Redistributable Package MFC Security Update that did it for me. I just edited my post above to offer a solution though. By CyraNose's reference to an IA version it is clear CyraNose was looking at The Microsoft Visual C++ 2005 Service Pack 1 Redistributable Package MFC Security Update since that's the only one that offered an IA version. I suspect the error CyraNose reported getting on the x86 version is because the update was wanting to update files that weren't on CyraNose's drive since Win 7 didn't ship with the 32bit version of the VisualC++ files. So I think for most people they'll need to download and install the 32 bit version of the 2010 redistributable first and if that doesn't fix the problem then do the update for the 32 bit 2005 VisualC++ files. In other words at the page you linked to at zen desk click the second link first to download and install the x86 version of the 2010 redistributable and then if the problem still persists click the first link and choose to download the x86 version of the 2005 update.
I can honestly say that it doesn't work -- at least not for everyone -- because I've tried all of it, including the suggestions raised in these recent discussions, and it still doesn't work, damn it. I'm not running anything exotic -- just a Dell laptop with an Intel i3 dual-core processor, 6 GB RAM, and Win7 Home Premium 64-bit. I really had hopes for the LAA plug-in, but even that didn't take. I just gotta face that there is something about my current machine that Bryce doesn't like -- just wish I knew what the Hell it was. Hey, thanks to everyone for the ideas; hopefully, this will help others.
I'm fairly sure it's the 2005 version that needs to be installed. I would try this one, as it's a standalone package, not an update. *Thank you* Microsoft for naming all the files in all versions vcredist_x86.exe. >:(
Yeah, that's a no-go, too -- I tried it just now and I think I tried it a few weeks ago, as well. My machine is simply not going to run Bryce. Thanks...
Yeah, that's a no-go, too -- I tried it just now and I think I tried it a few weeks ago, as well. My machine is simply not going to run Bryce. Thanks...
What happened when you tried it?
What happened when you tried it?
Same thing as always: install the C++ runtime (all of the different versions listed in this discussion), reboot, attempt to restart Bryce, and then the "side-by-side" error message pops up. I've uninstalled and reinstalled Bryce 7 Pro several times, and it's always the same.
I am sorry, I had hoped for an error message during the ++ install, which I could search for.
I wished I could help you, because Bryce is so much fun ...
Just to cover an old issue for completeness, are people on W7 sure they installed Bryce 7 somewhere OTHER than Program Files (x86)? Bryce is a funny animal. It insists on having its content in the same parent folder as the program. Because W7 forbids user content in Program Files, that means you have to install Bryce somewhere else, like C:\Bryce7.
One of the C++ runtime installers (I forget which one exactly) wouldn't run -- it threw up an error saying that it was incompatible with my processor. All the others ran just fine; they just didn't fix whatever the problem is. In case you missed it, my machine is a Dell laptop with an Intel i3 dual-core processor, 6 GB RAM, and Win7 Home Premium 64-bit -- a pretty vanilla system. I'm keeping my fingers crossed for a 64-bit version of Bryce 7, hoping that'd fix the problem.
I'll try that and get back to you, thanks.
--- LATER ---
No, that didn't work, either, but thanks for the suggestion.
Is'nt Bryce a 32 bit only prog or is it now both?????? My old brain is a bit fuzzy this morning, need more caffiene and nicotine.
It's 32 bit. Which is why people with 64 bit windows installed get this side by sied error show up. THey need to install a redistibutal file from Microsoft to add the missing .dll in the visualC++ . A lot of the toruble is caused by the fact that MS have released various different versions, but call them all by the same name, so how the hell are you supposed to know whether you need the 2005 version, or the 2008 version or the 2010 version. It really doesn't ehpl people who really want to use Bryce, but have opted for a 64 bit PC.
Makes me wish I could order my new PC with windoze XP installed. I know I can run Bryce on that, because I am doing it now on this one.
I've got mine on a different drive - as nearly all of my software.
Bryce can be installed on any drive, even network or USB stick (if you do it right). As soon as you use more than one version of Bryce, you need to install it to different folders.
I have window 7 64 bit and Bryce is installed with all of it's contents into Program Files (x86).
No problems running it.
I have window 7 64 bit and Bryce is installed with all of it's contents into Program Files (x86).
No problems running it.
For most people, that is a problem, because W7 secretly moves all the user content to Program Data. That's not an install issue tho, it's a runtime issue.
hai I have a problem about register Bryce 7 pro on my macbook..
why when I enter the name and serial number and the click ok, then appeared content that the program has an error?
Please help…..
What version of MAC OS are you running? Bryce will not run on Lion.
so I can't use bryce on lion? do you have any suggestion for me? should I make a dual OS on my MAC? thanks
Quite a few poeple have had success by using either parallells or bootcamp on Macs with OSX7.
You still have to pay the Microsoft tax to do this, but it can be done. Natively, Bryce will not run on Lion or Mountain Lion. This is well documented.
Bootcamp gives you a dual-boot system. Anything is possible there, since Apple uses Intel processors on Macbooks. Parallels is a vrtual machine that runs Windows under Mac OS. Either way, you have to buy a Windows OS to run in it.