Daz Importer : Diffeomorphic - nails aren't apply correctly
Posts: 6
Hello !
I have those nails above my mesh: https://www.daz3d.com/hand-salon--fake-nails-and-jewelry
That's work perfectly fine in Daz but when exporting in Difformorphic addon in Blender : (save as scene), I have those artiffact on Blender, how can I fix this ?
Capture d’écran (80).png
1920 x 1080 - 436K
Capture d’écran (81).png
1920 x 1080 - 599K
That is impossible because the dbz option bakes what's in the viewport. There's no way you get a different geometry. Unless you import as "unmorphed unique" ?
Daz replace the original genesis8 nails mesh by the new one but Diffeomorphic addon add them both… is that possible ?
My file wasn't set at unmorphed unique..
Uh I see .. Then yes there's an open issue at diffeomorphic about that and Thomas is working on it. Meanwhile you can delete the mask modifer and fix it yourself with the blender geometry editor. Or hide the daz nails with an invisible material.
Pardone, thank you a lot for giving me a solution, I will try that tomorrow.
I try to hide the mesh of the nails or even delete them in Daz but it's hide the first part of the finger because it's seems attach to eat. No single mesh just for the nails.. What do you mean by "Hide the daz nails with an invisible material " and "delete the mask modifier" ?
I mean you can do everything you want once you get the model in blender. Then if you don't know how to deal with materials and modifiers it's perhaps time for some blender tutorials. There are plenty. Anyway Thomas fixed it in the last version so just grab it.
Hello Padone, thank for you for your quick response and tutorial links :)
I have a last question for close this topic, I actually have the version of diffeomorphic addon on Blender. I use Blender 2.92. How can I upgrade the new version of Diffeomorphic ? because on the blogspot I see this stable version 1.5.1c. Do I need to desinstall the previous version I have to this new one with the bug fixed inside ?
The best way is to install by hand. That is, delete the old folder and place the new one, with the same name, in the blender addons. As for the version to use if you want the latest bug fixes you need the 1.6 development.
Pardone, thank you a lot for your help !! :)