[Released] Now-Crowd Billboards - Roman Legions Bundle [Commercial]



  • RiverSoft ArtRiverSoft Art Posts: 6,651

    Greybro said:

    Icredible looking set. I LOVE That someone is taking pains to make historical products.

    Thanks! smiley  The roman set was easy because the outfit was available.  The Barbarian Warriors Bundle was a lot harder.  I wanted to make Celts, and I think I probably came close enough, but I wasn't comfortable enough to call the set that. laugh.  I also was disappointed that no-one has made a sling weapon I could use, which would have been more accurate than an archer.  Archers were used but not often so I compromised by making only one of them.

  • RiverSoft ArtRiverSoft Art Posts: 6,651

    Silent Winter said:

    RiverSoftArt said:

    odastein said:

    Great work, albeit not cheap for the complete set. I guess that I'll abstain unless I absolutely need this. But impressive nevertheless. 

    Thanks.  Pricing is not under my control (though I did ask for a discount for Now-Crowd - Romans owners), and considering the set is almost 3x the size of a regular Now-Crowd, it is not unreasonable. 

     And that discount applies if you don't have Romans yet but buy it in the same cart too. Makes for quite a bargain as Romans is already 50% off (and 60% off if you buy it with a new release (such as the Legions bundle)).

    I did not know that.  I am glad it worked. smiley

    Dividing it up into 9 products was not fun either, but does give you the ability to mix and match.  Anyway, with Daz, if you wait long enough, the price drops like a rock. surprise


  • LoonyLoony Posts: 1,817

    Just for Nerdy Number stuff..

    How much GB is the full new Rome Legion collection? :)

    I assume 100-200GB? :D

  • RiverSoft ArtRiverSoft Art Posts: 6,651

    Loony said:

    Just for Nerdy Number stuff..

    How much GB is the full new Rome Legion collection? :)

    I assume 100-200GB? :D

    Not even close!  ONLY a little over 26GB! laugh

  • LoonyLoony Posts: 1,817

    RiverSoftArt said:

    Loony said:

    Just for Nerdy Number stuff..

    How much GB is the full new Rome Legion collection? :)

    I assume 100-200GB? :D

    Not even close!  ONLY a little over 26GB! laugh

    Really?!.... I was instant scared, how in the name of the holy cow, will anyone download that :D

    why is this now so small? normally does one pack from you takes 20GB if I am not wrong.

  • RiverSoft ArtRiverSoft Art Posts: 6,651
    edited June 2021

    Loony said:

    RiverSoftArt said:

    Loony said:

    Just for Nerdy Number stuff..

    How much GB is the full new Rome Legion collection? :)

    I assume 100-200GB? :D

    Not even close!  ONLY a little over 26GB! laugh

    Really?!.... I was instant scared, how in the name of the holy cow, will anyone download that :D

    why is this now so small? normally does one pack from you takes 20GB if I am not wrong.

    Most Now-Crowd products are in the 10-14GB range with 30-35 figures.  Some of the early now-crowds could be bigger because I would have multiple characters in the billboard (which I would create 4K textures for instead of 2K), until I learned that was not a great idea.  The Roman Legion is 78 billboards (none of them are double-sized) so it is inline with the others.

    Post edited by RiverSoft Art on
  • LoonyLoony Posts: 1,817

    So its now 2K texture, that makes it smaller?

  • RiverSoft ArtRiverSoft Art Posts: 6,651

    Loony said:

    So its now 2K texture, that makes it smaller?

    My rule has always been 2K textures for individuals, 4K for multiples, and 3K for judgement calls (such as the Aquilefer marching where the standard makes the figure so small otherwise).

  • Griffin AvidGriffin Avid Posts: 3,779

    Any Spartans coming?

  • Worlds_EdgeWorlds_Edge Posts: 2,152

    Hi Riversoftart, I love all your products. You're unbelievably innovative!

    I wonder if you'd consider making place or environment specific billboards. As an example, people filling up one of the popular taverns such as the ROG set, or a specific club etc. populating places like that is a bit of a chore. 

  • RiverSoft ArtRiverSoft Art Posts: 6,651

    Griffin Avid said:

    Any Spartans coming?

    Not any time soon.  I will put them in the list though.

  • RiverSoft ArtRiverSoft Art Posts: 6,651

    Worlds_Edge said:

    Hi Riversoftart, I love all your products. You're unbelievably innovative!

    I wonder if you'd consider making place or environment specific billboards. As an example, people filling up one of the popular taverns such as the ROG set, or a specific club etc. populating places like that is a bit of a chore. 

    Thank you for the kind words! smiley  and for your request.  However, I think that such a product would have too narrow of an audience.  Also, with something like sitting in one of those sets, billboards need a lot of creative placement very dependent on where the camera is, etc, so I am not sure how useful it would be anyway.

  • Worlds_EdgeWorlds_Edge Posts: 2,152

    I understand. Always look forward to your next magical product. 

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