Voting Thread - Side 2022 - Soylent Green

DiomedeDiomede Posts: 15,225
edited May 2021 in Carrara Discussion

This is the Entry/Voting Thread for "A Li'L Side Render 2022: Soylent Green"

See the WIP Thread Here -

Please vote for three (3) entries.

When voting for your three, please using the following format.

Entry #




(summary of theme)

Dystopian Science Fiction

I am offering a $10 Daz3D gift card for a first place and a second place Carrara rendered image (or Carrara plug in renderer).  Why?  Because "Tuesday is Soylent Green Day."  You don't have to incorporate Soylent Green.  You can imagine any dystopia you want, or refer to any other dystopia imagined by anyone else.

Here in Texas, we are saying that the pandemic year 2020 was hell, and 2021 was the year hell froze over.  Brrrr.  Well, a quick check of a scifi movie chart shows that next year, 2022, is the year that the movie Soylent Green was set in.  Have you seen Soylent Green?  It is a movie about people.  devil

Requirements - use Carrara in your workflow for an image displaying a dystopian future.  Post your image in the designated entry thread when the time comes.  You can use scene assets (props, figures, lights, shaders,...) from any source, not just Carrara. Postwork is fine, but please post the un-postworked render in the WIP thread.  Speaking of that, at least one work-in-progress post to this discussion thread is required.  The render must be new (started and finished during the time of the Lil Side Render Fun).  Have fun.

Dates - to be announced, but this WIP thread will be open at least through March 31st.  May 1st.

Dystopia defined on the internet
Definition of dystopia
1: an imagined world or society in which people lead wretched, dehumanized, fearful lives
Use in sentence, "There's almost a flavor of science fiction to the scenes Chilson describes, as though he were giving us a glimpse into a 21st-century dystopia of mad egoism and hurtling hulks of metal."
— Adam Goodheart
"Over the course of the movie, the late-60's ideal of togetherness turns into a dystopia of violence, revulsion and finally death."
— John Leland
2: ANTI-UTOPIA sense 2
writing a dystopia
Use in a sentence, "… leaping across the century to the 1990's to attempt a dystopia about the disintegration of Australian democracy into startling, irreversible despotism."
— Pearl K. Bell

Post edited by Diomede on


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