Background Image????????

In previous versions of DAZ there was an icon in the CREATE toolbar that allowed you to insert a background image, it is not there in 4.7 neither is the option for the same thing in the dropdown menu. Is it not possible to use a background image any more? If this is the case then how do I roll back to an older version, is the version I have been using recently but I just checked and it isn't there in that version now either.
I only know of Backdrop in the Edit Menu.
The option to use a background image has been moved, as has the change background colour option.
You need to go to Window > Panes (Tabs) > Environment, and load the background image from there in the pop-up window.
Sorry, I should have said I was referring to 4.6. Environment in 4.7, as Jimmy says.
I am just getting used to 4.7 myself Chris, quite a few changes :)
I hadn't realised that the background colour could be changed from the Environment pane as well as the Customise option
Nice explanations by Richard
Excellent thread - bookmarked. Thanks Kerya
Thanks guys, that helps a lot.
Thank you !!! Was hurting my brain trying to find this.
backdrop image turns off if i add models to the scene - 4.8 and, i can't find the backdrop button in 4.6 anymore - it's not in the 'EDIT' menu or any of them
Edited to add subject to body of post
whenever i import a model, the background image disappears...
What version of DAZ Studio are you using? (Help > About DAZ Studio will tell you)
What format of model are you importing (OBJ, FBX or something else?)
If you create a New Scene from the File menu, you will have to reload the background, unless you always want that background, then you can do that in Preferences.
Are you using Iray or 3delight to render? The Backdrop command has been replaced with the Environment pane - Window>Panes(Tabs)>Environment - where you set the Type to Backdrop to get the equivalent of the controls from Edit>Backdrop, plus a few new ones. However, if you are using 3Delight you may want instead to use the Environment section in Render Settings and apply an HDR image to the dome, which will (with the mode set to Dome or Dome and Scene) light as well as providing a backdrop - but of course you are then limited to the available HDR images.
In Edit>Preferences>Scene which tick box do you have selected in the Backdrop Image section?
i'm rendering the preview, not 3D delight
i'm in the 'environment' tab and when i first load a new scene and add the image, it works fine but, it drops when i add anything to the empty new scene and it WILL NOT show the image when i reload it
it does show that it loaded in the settings pane but, it never loads in my actuan scene
thank you
Are you using the beat or the release build? There's a bug in the release build that causes the pane to get out of sync - it shows settings, but in fact in DS it is set to None internally. This is fixed in the beta, according to the Change Log, but in the release build the workaround is to set the Type option to Backdrop even though it already says it is - alternatively simply don't set the backdrop until you have loaded an item into the scene.
the backdrop will not load into a scene after i've imported a model into it - it shows in the pane but, never on the stage
i don't know what version i have - i've never seen 'beta' anywhere - i think it's the non-beta release
OK, as i said in the pane from the Type menu set it to Backdrop - I know it says it's already set to that but it isn't really. When you do that you will be able to adjust the settings and they will affect the scene.
OK, I used panes, environment, backdrop to insert a background image. After I posed the figure, I chose 'None' to remove the background image. I saved the file. When I loaded it later, the background image was there too. How to delete the image so it won't show again -- ever.
The backdrop function seems to glitch fairly frequently, so that the settings it shows don't match what it'll do when you render. Try switching it back and forth from "None" several times, not just once. That usually fixes it for me.
Go back to the environment panel and set Type back to none.
Edit: Heh, I had the window open before SpottedKitty responded.
Also, make sure you are running the most recent version, as there were several problems with the backdrop that are supposed to be fixed.
Thanks friends appreciate your help.
Can this option be moved to the "Rendering" panel, since it is a "Rendering Option". This is driving me crazy having ot change this for every scene, digging in opposite ends of anything that is related to rendering.
Should be in the "General" tab, of the rendering settings, or as a replacement for the "Skydome", and with an option to "Use Alpha". (Alpha or Color), not (Alpha or Background), as a background may have an alpha as a PNG, thus, you would see the COLOR or the SKY-DOME, or the final ALPHA. Why waste memory creating an alpha-layer if it is never seen.
Something like this... (Stacked from back to front... {Color/Alpha}/{Image/Alpha}/{Sky}/{Foreground 3D scene})
- Background color [255.255.255][None {Alpha}]
- Background Image [image.png][None {Alpha}] (Like color, not accepting light, it is what it is, for colors)
- - Use Alpha [Yes/No]
- Sky-Dome [image.png][None {Alpha}]
With the obvious foreground being the 3D scene, and always present.
Bonus if there is an option to "Set horizon", on a camera/scene, to lock it to the background horizon on the actual image. So that the ground-plane matches the actual background image ground-plane.
P.S. Adding an image to a primitive does not work, because there is no option to make the object NOT accept light, and the "Ambient light" setting in the materials, is apparently broken, or not programmed correctly. 100% ambient light would be the image textures 100% colors, and 0% light-effects. 0% or 100% has absolutely no change in ambience with solid black or solid white, on the image. 100% diffuse makes the image super white saturated and any value less than white, leaves a horrible grey-tone where white should be. (Tested in IRAY, not the other rendering engine. Ambient may be programmed correctly there. But that isn't an acceptable rendering engine for reality. Only for plastic renderings.)
you have some question marks for free ?
i am doing the "barfoot dancer" tutuorial in v. 4.9 edit>background selection box is still not there as previously posted. what do i do--where do i look for it?
I have found that the background/environment function could not possibly be more kloogy and annoying, with background images disappearing, seemingly with no rhyme or reason. Sheer frustration has caused me to adopt the as yet foolproof alternative method of applying my background image too a vertical plane, placing the plane where required and moving it about at will/as needed. This also allows the background image to benefit from DoF settings.
That environment pane background function needs to be either fixed, once and for all, or abandoned.
the bacdrop is very nice feature as the environment and the ability to customize and changing the color of the viewport.
Sometimes computers don't follow the owner's orders because of so many reasons that cannot listed here...
Is it possible to make the backdrop a video file? I want to time out my animation to my background plate. Is this possible?
In case other stumble on this thread,
I would think the animated textures script in the daz store (or the other store?) would map PNG sequences to the background as an option. Haven't tested.