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The old database is not corrupt. It is fully functional in the 4.6 32bit installation I still have running.
Both versions will be using the same database engine - unless it's a very old 4.6, perhaps, but I think all have been able to use PostgreSQL if present.
never mind.
can't seem to find delete here for this post.
Try it. Somebody else mentioned a different plugin was uninstalled, and reinstalling the plugin was all that was needed.
This thing is just wrapped around the axle AFAICT. I followed your suggestions, a couple of times through, with interpolation... I also un-installed the "Conversion" and varied whether I re-installed it or not.
I did not install the 32-bit SQL CMS so my 32-bit has always been using the Valentina. I had already re-imported using it earlier. But I went through your steps anyway,
uninstall SQL CMS
"uninstall" the CMS conversion
start DS and export
close DS
install SQL CMS
install CMS conversion (runs several minutes)
start DS
Re-import metadata
result: NO Categories, NO Products, NO Smart Content.
Had 70MB log file, hard to tell what step wrote what, so most recently I cleared the log & went around again...
uninstall SQL CMS
"uninstall" the CMS conversion
start DS and look at it... with the old CMS I have Categories, Products, Smart Content
close DS
install SQL CMS
install CMS conversion (runs several minutes)
start DS and look at it
With the SQL CMS I have none of [Categories, Products, Smart Content]
Look at the log. During startup DS logs this:
So here's the status. The 64-bit PostrgeSQL CMS that is on the site for downloading today, calling itself PostgreSQL CMS 9.3.4 (64-bit), does not work.
Along the way I did see that uninstalling it allows the 4.7 to revert to using the old CSM.
So I'm going to uninstall it again and run that way until somebody gets aroung to fixing this [deleted].
[I saw this was messing up the board so I re-wrapped that error message. Sorry about that ].
I have never installed the 32-bit PSQL CMS.
Try it. Somebody else mentioned a different plugin was uninstalled, and reinstalling the plugin was all that was needed.
ran the install again and still not showing up :( i'll hunt for it later.
Can someone do me a favour and do a quick test to see if they can apply a PZ2 pose the Kids 4. I have reinstalled, run the bat etc etc but not one DAZ3D store and free poses will work. V4 and M4 are fine. The poses I am trying are the bundled poses, We Are Kids and SportRoudneff's skateboarder poses. They won't even work on Genesis. I even tried V4 and M4 poses on Kids 4 and they don't work either
scratch that I have them working now....twilight zone stuff
Yes, that will work. When loading a "figure" as a new item in the scene, whether it be through a Scene, Scene Subset, Character Preset (only when loading new) or Wearable(s) Preset, that figure will have its favorites set as they were saved into that file. Favorites can vary greatly between users, but also for the same user (depending on the project). Done this way, you can have multiple sets of favorites... i.e. a base and several others tailored to specific uses.
Yes, that will work. When loading a "figure" as a new item in the scene, whether it be through a Scene, Scene Subset, Character Preset (only when loading new) or Wearable(s) Preset, that figure will have its favorites set as they were saved into that file. Favorites can vary greatly between users, but also for the same user (depending on the project). Done this way, you can have multiple sets of favorites... i.e. a base and several others tailored to specific uses.
-RobThanks again, Rob. Now that you have armed me with some knowledge, I can give it a try. It sounds like a useful feature to find often parameters quickly.
This thing is just wrapped around the axle AFAICT. I followed your suggestions, a couple of times through, with interpolation... I also un-installed the "Conversion" and varied whether I re-installed it or not.
I did not install the 32-bit SQL CMS so my 32-bit has always been using the Valentina. I had already re-imported using it earlier. But I went through your steps anyway,
uninstall SQL CMS
"uninstall" the CMS conversion
start DS and export
close DS
install SQL CMS
install CMS conversion (runs several minutes)
start DS
Re-import metadata
result: NO Categories, NO Products, NO Smart Content.
Had 70MB log file, hard to tell what step wrote what, so most recently I cleared the log & went around again...
uninstall SQL CMS
"uninstall" the CMS conversion
start DS and look at it... with the old CMS I have Categories, Products, Smart Content
close DS
install SQL CMS
install CMS conversion (runs several minutes)
start DS and look at it
With the SQL CMS I have none of [Categories, Products, Smart Content]
Look at the log. During startup DS logs this:
So here's the status. The 64-bit PostrgeSQL CMS that is on the site for downloading today, calling itself PostgreSQL CMS 9.3.4 (64-bit), does not work.
Along the way I did see that uninstalling it allows the 4.7 to revert to using the old CSM.
So I'm going to uninstall it again and run that way until somebody gets aroung to fixing this [deleted].
[I saw this was messing up the board so I re-wrapped that error message. Sorry about that ].
PostgreSQL takes precedence over Valentina, even if it's the 64-bit version, 32-bit DS will use it.
What security software do you use? Zone Alarm has a long-standing bug with respect to PostgreSQL.
I didn't have time to test in another machine. In my machine, after a shader uninstall-reinstall process, problem with toonycam pro persists.
For differents surfaces I set differents ID colors, in first render pass this colors should be seen, but no, only white is displayed in all surface with a red background. Next only external outlines are weakly displayed in the final render pass.
If somebody own toonycam pro, and can test it in DS 4.7 it would help.
For the most part I am really liking the new build, but I do have one problem with it. The way of bringing a backdrop into the Scene Work Space Window has been made far more difficult. The Backdrop tool is no longer showing at the top of my interface in any of the layouts. Instead, I must go through the Windows options, find the correct path to the tool, which takes me to a parameters style panel, where I must click the image thumbnail icon and navigate to the desired backdrop image. This takes at least four times as must time to do from the old way, and if you are new to DAZ Studio, finding this feature becomes nearly impossible. It took me about fifteen minutes of exploring to figure out where the backdrop could be imported. I think this is a couple of steps backwards. I want my backdrop tool back!
Before I install 4.7 would someone be kind enough to expand on what is meant by 'undo-able' in the no 11 Render Setting update, I understand there is a major change in the render settings but I alter settings often to see the different effects, will I still be able to do that or once set is it locked in for that scene?
Hoping it just means 'Ctrl Z' doesn't have any affect but can still change the sliders manually, etc.
I know, probably a silly question.
Even a screen shot of the new tabs would be appreciated.
i finally got it. LOL.
it doesnt seem to show the checkered pattern background in teh viewport - but if you RENDER, the pattern is there.
Confused me. I thought somethign was wrong because it was supposed to show in view.
Previously the semi-transparent pixels were mixed (pre-multiplied) with the background colour or image, so placing a masked render on a differently coloured ground would show a halo. This version doesn't mix in the background colour if you leave it off, and so allows you to layer your renders without haloing.
That's odd, because now I am experiencing haloing, when I wasn't with version 4.6. Specifically, it only shows up when I save a rendered image in TIF format; PNGs with background alphas work as they should. I would like to resolve this, as the TIF format is a standard print format, whereas PNG is not.
I just wanted to pop in and say thank you. Thank you. Thank you for adding WASD flight controls. It makes DAZ life significantly more easy now.
I seem to have found a major inconvenience with this release when installed on a Mac. When something is being processed - such as a spot render - there is a window that opens to show progress and/or cancel. On a Windows system, this appears in a moveable window but on a Mac it appears as a drop-down from the top menu bar. It is not selectable or moveable. That has always been a pain.
Now, however, it is even more of a pain because it disappears behind the new Viewport panel and any buttons (such as cancel) are hidden. I can't minimize the viewport panel because everything is locked for the duration of the process. I hate to think what would happen if it is awaiting input from a button hidden by the viewport.
[EDIT] Ok - a bit more experimenting and it seems that it only disappears behind the Viewport panel if that panel is "free-floating". If it is docked, (as in 4.6 and earlier) then the drop-down appears on top of (overlays) the Viewport pane.
It means the opposite, render setting changes can now be undone with Ctrl-Z.
Thanks for that!
The IPR is really, really a wonderful feature!
I cannot find my decimator plug in where is it.
I cannot change background color....where is it?!
I don't have the option anymore where it usually was.....
Background colour for renders is in the Environment tab - Window>Panes(Tabs)>Environment. Set the Active Type to Backdrop and then set the options.
Non-rendering viewport colour is in Window>Style>Customise colours.
Previously the semi-transparent pixels were mixed (pre-multiplied) with the background colour or image, so placing a masked render on a differently coloured ground would show a halo. This version doesn't mix in the background colour if you leave it off, and so allows you to layer your renders without haloing.
That's odd, because now I am experiencing haloing, when I wasn't with version 4.6. Specifically, it only shows up when I save a rendered image in TIF format; PNGs with background alphas work as they should. I would like to resolve this, as the TIF format is a standard print format, whereas PNG is not.
How are you opening the tiff? I'm not seeing haloing opening in Photoshop, selecting via the alpha channel, floating to a new layer and then putting various colours behind the new layer. This was with the Background set to None, so the DS render window showed a chequerboard behind the model.
Question: is it just me or is changing from camera to Perspective View or Distant light (to look through it) slow as molasses for others too?
only if I have IPR ON Kerya
Having the same issue. Please advise.
Previously the semi-transparent pixels were mixed (pre-multiplied) with the background colour or image, so placing a masked render on a differently coloured ground would show a halo. This version doesn't mix in the background colour if you leave it off, and so allows you to layer your renders without haloing.
That's odd, because now I am experiencing haloing, when I wasn't with version 4.6. Specifically, it only shows up when I save a rendered image in TIF format; PNGs with background alphas work as they should. I would like to resolve this, as the TIF format is a standard print format, whereas PNG is not.
How are you opening the tiff? I'm not seeing haloing opening in Photoshop, selecting via the alpha channel, floating to a new layer and then putting various colours behind the new layer. This was with the Background set to None, so the DS render window showed a chequerboard behind the model.I did the same with this image, no halo but in PNG format
Well, it's a fact that when I had the P-SQL CMS installed I opened 4.6-32 and 4.7-64 at the same time, and 4.6 saw the content as expected and 4.7 did not; and with P-SQL CMS uninstalled (and the old service still running) both of them see the content as expected.
But, it's also a fact that I did not make any effort to keep my 4.6-32 up to date, so I guess this falls in the "unless it's a really old version of 4.6" exception.
(Never used Zone Alarm.)
Thanks - I thought so too - but even closing the Aux Window did not help.
Now I restarted DS and do have the Aux Window and IPR on and the changing of cameras works fine. Even with the same scene (I saved it before).
Maybe my computer had to get used to IPR?