!! Released !! - mcjGearz : 54 morphing Gear / cogs / toothed things props

mCasualmCasual Posts: 4,607
edited November 2014 in Freebies

*** Released ! *** *** Released ! *** *** Released ! *** *** Released ! *** *** Released ! ***


gear teeth profiles are very customizable

you'll even be able to make daisies, or stars or hexagonal, octogonal nuts/bolt heads


note that they are crowns, in the image below, one is mounted on a mcjFlyWheel and another one is mounted on a mcjPlateOnePipe

fig3 - redesigning the teeth for edge sharpening morphs

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  • mCasualmCasual Posts: 4,607
    edited December 1969

    this is not a donut

    this is a gear

    32 teeth

    16 rings of 16 vertices per tooth


    but there will probably be more polygonally economical versions of the supermorphable gears

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  • mCasualmCasual Posts: 4,607
    edited November 2014

    see, it will even be able to be a crown gear ( teeth above the torus ) or a ring gears ( teeth inside the torus )

    this is just a demonstration, in fact this morph was created using mcjElevate and a displacement map

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  • mCasualmCasual Posts: 4,607
    edited November 2014

    well today is Sunday so, chances are the super gears will be ready in the next 8 hours time slot :)

    this date also coincides with Hivewire's Dawn SR2 arrival

    ( which by the way, like any vertex based figures could be made to work moderately well in old versions of Poser and Daz, given a little effort )


    Fig 2 - Same donut with sharpen morphs

    Fig3 - it's basically a higher resolution de-evoluted version of the mcjPlateOneHole
    and instead of 4 corners, we want 32 teeth

    Fig 4 - Costom teeth shapes ( 16-steps curves )

    fig 5 getting there ...

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  • MilosGulanMilosGulan Posts: 1,966
    edited December 1969

    Very interesting. I am curious about Dawn figure too :) Thanks for info.

  • mCasualmCasual Posts: 4,607
    edited November 2014

    sinewave teeth

    note that the "sharpen" morphs are not there yet

    Figure 2 : Tada ! the sharp-Edge morphs

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  • mCasualmCasual Posts: 4,607
    edited November 2014

    not sure yet how the presets will be included/applied

    that's the preset for the most common type of gear


    the "stretch" visual effects are a bit annoying ... but come to think of it, maybe ..... turning the material's "smoothing off" ... yeah it works
    but it's a trick ... guess i'll add a few vertex rings


    figure 3 there you go, i went for this solution. each one of the 16 rings of facets has its own material
    so but turning "smoothing" off on the top, bottom and hole-walls, we get rid of "stretch marks"

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  • mCasualmCasual Posts: 4,607
    edited November 2014

    neato !

    ring gears and crown gears !

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  • mCasualmCasual Posts: 4,607
    edited November 2014

    the shape of all 32 teeth will be fine-tunable using 16 "radius" morphs and 16 "rotate" morphs

    figure 5 - problem with sharpness
    possibly due to the order in which the radius and sharp morphs are applied

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  • mCasualmCasual Posts: 4,607
    edited November 2014

    here you can see my problem to solve

    the small gear edge sharpness morph is all messed up by the teeeth-morph

    but the large 32 teeth gear doesnt have that problem

    maybe .... the Poser scale is causing a loss of precision?

    hmm, i know, i'll compare teeth number 0's deltas in both props

    ( pretty sure i did normalize my "push" vectors" so they should not be influenced by the initial vertex position )

    Found it !!! i think .... the teeth morph maker was working on the assumption that there were 32 teeth, not 8
    yep that was it , my script was probably piling up morph deltas 4 times



    there will probably be 5 x 2 x 3 ... that's 30 props

    8, 12, 16, 24, 32 teeth

    though the 32-teeth prop will be able to morph into a 64 and 128 teeth gear

    4, 8 or 16 "slices" per tooth

    8 or 16 segment per "slice"

    so a minimal resolution 32-teeth gear will be 8 x 4 x 32 = 1024 faces
    a full-resolution 32-teeth gear will be 16 x 16 x 32 = 8192 faces

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  • mCasualmCasual Posts: 4,607
    edited November 2014

    well i'm wrote most of the script to generate the 30 props and their hundreds of morph channels

    Figure 1 and 2 the 256-faced morphing donut - which will "carry" a slider to turn it into an 8-teeth gears

    but since those props are very versatile, i dialed-in an octagon nut !

    FIG 3

    fig 4 the 6 resolutions for the 8-sided or 8-toothed props

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  • mCasualmCasual Posts: 4,607
    edited November 2014

    since i automatized the production of the morphing props,
    and since it can be used for other things than gears
    i will include 3, 4, 5, 6 teeth props ( each in 5 resolutions )
    for a grand total of 54 props

    in the very distant future i may make the same without the center hole

    Fig 2 note that if you google a bit you can find online gear design apps

    and with some photoshopping you could create transparency and/or displacement maps, and build fake 1-polygon gears

    fig 3 maximum teeth will probably be 128, using the 32-teeth torus

    fig 4 fake gears using an opacity and displacement map ( negative image of figure 3 )

    fig 5 - half way done adjusting the default teeth for the 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 12, 16, 24, 32 teeth gears

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  • Miss BMiss B Posts: 3,071
    edited December 1969

    WOW, these look wonderful. I'm already thinking how I could use them. :coolsmile:

  • MilosGulanMilosGulan Posts: 1,966
    edited December 1969

    Looking good :) will try to use them too.

  • mCasualmCasual Posts: 4,607
    edited November 2014

    each prop will have a master slider to turn it into a

    - spur gear
    - top face gear ( crown gear )
    - bottom face gear
    - Internal ring gear

    when you load the prop, it will be a spur gear, with moderately sharp edges, and an appropriate hole size

    i mean if the Timbits were larger than the donuts and it wouldn't make sense would it?

    ( the base prop is a smooth torus with no teeth )

    figure 2, the result of applying the spur-gear's teeth profile to the crown gears and the ring gears .... i'll probably improve on this

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  • ThatGuyThatGuy Posts: 797
    edited December 1969

    these look really cool. Can't wait for you to make them available!

  • mCasualmCasual Posts: 4,607
    edited November 2014

    ThatGuy said:
    these look really cool. Can't wait for you to make them available!

    high hopes for a Thursday release

    i just have to see if the poser-prop exporter part of my script is ready to export the 54 , now, fully functional props


    figure 2, had to change the teeth growing master controls, so the teeth grow outward, though i may retain the teeth carving control

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  • stronghandsstronghands Posts: 104
    edited December 1969

    Wow. Awesome work on these. Excellent tooth profile too.

  • mCasualmCasual Posts: 4,607
    edited November 2014

    Wow. Awesome work on these. Excellent tooth profile too.

    today or tomorrow i'll post the .obj grouping tool
    it was hardcoded in a way only i could use it,
    but now it should work for anyone
    provided you have windows/msdos
    and you can write and run a batch file like this:

    though i will publish the cpp source code so someone else could compile it and run it in Mac or Linux

    the file named GROUP_mcjSLWomanJumper.bat
    located in the same folder as mcjObjGroupByProximity .exe

    SET MCJA="C:\\\\Program Files (x86)\\\\DAZ\\\\Studio\\\\content\\\\Runtime\\\\libraries\\\\Character\\\\SL Avatar\\\\SL_Female.obj"
    SET MCJB="C:\\\\Program Files (x86)\\\\DAZ\\\\Studio\\\\content\\\\Runtime\\\\libraries\\\\Character\\\\SL Avatar\\\\old_mcjSLWomanJumper.obj"
    SET MCJC="C:\\\\Program Files (x86)\\\\DAZ\\\\Studio\\\\content\\\\Runtime\\\\libraries\\\\Character\\\\SL Avatar\\\\mcjSLWomanJumper.obj"
    mcjObjGroupByProximity %MCJA% %MCJB% %MCJC%

    the free SecondLife avatar is a poser compatible figure, it has the proper groups

    SL_Female.obj is the "reference" figure, or donor

    old_mcjSLWomanJumper.obj is the non-grouped clothing item i modeled

    mcjSLWomanJumper.obj is the resulting clothing item with all its 6000 faces grouped by the proximity to the facets in the reference figure

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  • stronghandsstronghands Posts: 104
    edited December 1969

    This will be a most useful tool for those of us still working with older figures.

  • mCasualmCasual Posts: 4,607
    edited December 1969

    This will be a most useful tool for those of us still working with older figures.

    ready http://www.daz3d.com/forums/discussion/48986/

    been using that for quite a while
    to make clothes for Aiko3's default body it's quite fast

  • mCasualmCasual Posts: 4,607
    edited November 2014

    gears news bulletin

    the 54 gears now exist as poser-prop+obj files !

    up to now they were "living" in a daz scene file

    Sunday normally, all i have left to do is add the default spur-gear state

    package the whole thing

    make the web page for the release, and it's done !

    then i'll resume work on the machine-animator script

    here you see the 3, 4, 5, toothed props

    unzipped, the prop files are about 34MB, zipped they are 4MB

    the geometry (obj) files are 10MB unzipped and 1.6MB zipped

    though nowadays it doesnt matter since our Vic20's have big cassettes


    in other news, today is the day ( knock on wood that the props work as-is in my Poser 7 and 9 )

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  • mCasualmCasual Posts: 4,607
    edited November 2014

    release is very close, it's today ! yay


    theres 54 props

    tooth count : 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 12, 16, 24 or 32

    slices per tooth : 4, 8 or 16

    sides per slice : 8 or 16

    16 slices per tooth gives you detailed tooth shape-ability

    16 sides per slice gives you better edge sharpening

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  • mCasualmCasual Posts: 4,607
    edited November 2014

    *** Released ! *** *** Released ! *** *** Released ! *** *** Released ! *** *** Released ! ***


    Quick Tip - Turn Off the "smooth" option for surfaces that need to appear very flat ( gear sides and Hole )

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  • Miss BMiss B Posts: 3,071
    edited December 1969

    Oh, this is going to be fun to play with. :coolsmile:

  • mCasualmCasual Posts: 4,607
    edited December 1969

    Miss B said:
    Oh, this is going to be fun to play with. :coolsmile:

    tho just now i realized the one-toothed "gear" is needed

    using it you could make bracelets and other irregular rings

    they'll have a different name i guess, not "gear"

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