April 2021 - Daz 3D New User Challenge - Open Render Challenge



  • ioonrxoonioonrxoon Posts: 894
    edited April 2021

    @isis4444merlin That's a fantastic piece, very eyecatching. I'm not sure which version I prefer though; I like the background on the fist one more since the focus remains on the characters and I also like how Atlas stands out from the rest of the cast. But the second version is also great, it's more vivid and has a painting quality to it.
    @aprilshowers2065 Another excellent entry, the godrays are really effective here.


    I focused a bit on posing on my second entry; unintentionally caught Once upon a time in Mexico on tv and I couldn't resist making a set of poses from there.



    This is what I wanted to do for my second entry, but I don't like how it turned out; the staircase comes with built in lights that can't be turned off (or I have no idea how to turn them off, at least), so I wasn't able to mess around with lighting too much..


    3275 x 2127 - 4M
    Mariachi Jump.jpg
    3840 x 2160 - 5M
    Post edited by ioonrxoon on
  • aprilshowers2065aprilshowers2065 Posts: 750
    edited April 2021

    Thanks vamok. Your suggestions have been very helpful and it's lots of fun experimenting and improving. laugh

    Thanks @ioonrxoon! Glad you like it. 

    vamok said:

    aprilshowers2065 - Well done! Those changes have worked out well. Changing the arm/skull alignment really improved the render.

    isis4444merlin - You have been busy. The new lighting is infinitely better as now I can see and enjoy your posing. Replacing all of the dark-colored clothing was also a good move. The reworked background is very intriguing. I have been staring at it for a while now...My only input comes in the form of a question. The shadows on the figures are very sharp. Is this how you want it, or is it just the result of your new lighting? If you wish to have softer shadows you can change your spot type to rectangle (or disc) and increase the height and width settings to soften the shadows, The bigger the size, the softer the shadows. If you want the sharp/dark shadows, do nothing :-) 

    Keep up the great work you two. I am enjoying the progress!

    Post edited by aprilshowers2065 on
  • vamokvamok Posts: 242
    edited April 2021

    ioonrxoon said:


    This is what I wanted to do for my second entry, but I don't like how it turned out; the staircase comes with built in lights that can't be turned off (or I have no idea how to turn them off, at least), so I wasn't able to mess around with lighting too much..

    I do not have the staircase, but there are several environments that have lights that cannot be easily turned off. If you want to kill the lights try going to your surfaces tab and look for a surface named lights, or look through your different surfaces and look for surfaces with an emission property that is turned on. Once you find these surfacers you can either reduce the lumens or set the light color to black, which effectively turns off the emissive lighting. I hope that helps. 

    Concerning your guitar playing vaquero - The first thing  I notice is his left ankle. He needs to relax, get that foot planted better on the rail. This will give him a more stable playing position and he can play longer and impress the ladies. Otherwise, he is going to cramp from holding his toes up in the air like that.

    Post edited by vamok on
  • AgitatedRiotAgitatedRiot Posts: 4,437

    Final I could work on this forever. I'll never be totally satisfied until I replace every texture.. 

    In August 2018, NASA's Parker Solar Probe launched to space, In 2025 the probe reached speeds of 0.064% the speed of light.  When mission ended it raised questions. Not known to the public Something was found hidden behind the sun. In an orbit keeping the sun between it and the Earth. The Commander was built to travel to mars, quickly reassigned to investigate the mysterious object. The Commander was able to travel at 58536.6693Kph, it would have take just over 106 days to reach it. When we reached the area due to solar radation, we where unable to get close enoungh to get scans, but was able to get a good image of the unknown object. Spacecraft of unknown origin. With new orders The Commander turns about.. 

    3840 x 2160 - 3M
  • AgitatedRiotAgitatedRiot Posts: 4,437
    edited April 2021

    Final I could work on this forever. I'll never be totally satisfied until I replace every texture.. 

    In August 2018, NASA's Parker Solar Probe launched to space, In 2025 the probe reached speeds of 0.064% the speed of light.  When mission ended it raised questions. Not known to the public Something was found hidden behind the sun. In an orbit keeping the sun between it and the Earth. The Commander was built to travel to mars, quickly reassigned to investigate the mysterious object. The Commander was able to travel at 58536.6693Kph, it would have take just over 106 days to reach it. When we reached the area due to solar radation, we where unable to get close enoungh to get scans, but was able to get a good image of the unknown object. Spacecraft of unknown origin. With new orders The Commander turns about..  With the thumbs up for her to pilot the shuttle.

    Dipole: Active shield technology for space craft protection revisited in new laboratory results and analysis - NASA/ADS (harvard.edu)

    Post edited by AgitatedRiot on
  • katywhitekatywhite Posts: 456
    edited April 2021


    Thank you for your suggestion. I'll test it out when I get the chance

    In the meantime, here's my second entry =)

    Title: You Are a Human

    Caption: Uh...thanks for letting me know...I guess...

    Software: Daz 3D, Photoshop

    Challenge: Intermediate

    Feedback is welcome!



    You Are a Human_edited.png
    2000 x 2000 - 7M
    Post edited by katywhite on
  • ioonrxoonioonrxoon Posts: 894

    @vamok I agree about the foot, struck me as odd as well, but that's the position from the movie. I'll look around the surfaces, see what's there; didn't cross my mind to check them.

  • ElliandraElliandra Posts: 586
    edited April 2021

    Evening everyone!
    Ooo am I sensing some snark going on... no snark, snark is bad ... snarf on the other hand is cuddly!

    oo those godrays look really nice! The adjustment to the pose works well too!

    Oh the lighting is really nice and the change in the clothing colors is really nice!

    I really like the final version and the fact that you've got the smaller ship in the distance on the monitor is really cool!

    I like the pose on the first image with the guitar. He looks sad 8(
    The second image I like the main figure! I see Blood spray wicked cool!!

    ROFLMAO I love this one her expression is priceless! If I might suggest adjusting the stirrups on the saddle so her foot is in the one we can see? Another thing is the horn on the unicorn, if you want it rounded you can toss a smoothing modifier on it and that should round it nicely for you. Edit/Object/Geomerty/Add Smoothing Modifier this will set the smoothing to 2 iterations and base shape matching as a starting point but you can fiddle around with it to get whatever look you're going for ;)

    Post edited by Elliandra on
  • ioonrxoonioonrxoon Posts: 894
    edited April 2021

    @Elliandra Thanks! I didn't have anything to use for blood, so I just used a fog layer instead and changed it's color to red.

    @vamok Turning off the emission worked, thanks for the tip. Although there's a catch apparently; turning emission off and adding a single spotlight brings the cpu (or gpu; or both!) to it's knees - I didn't even dare add a second one. Which is interesting since I have 4 spotlights in the scene with emission turned on and there's no perfomance impact whatsoever. I guess they aren't really doing anything except lighting the characters.

    Post edited by ioonrxoon on
  • vamokvamok Posts: 242

    ioonrxoon said:

    @Elliandra Thanks! I didn't have anything to use for blood, so I just used a fog layer instead and changed it's color to red.

    @vamok Turning off the emission worked, thanks for the tip. Although there's a catch apparently; turning emission off and adding a single spotlight brings the cpu (or gpu; or both!) to it's knees - I didn't even dare add a second one. Which is interesting since I have 4 spotlights in the scene with emission turned on and there's no perfomance impact whatsoever. I guess they aren't really doing anything except lighting the characters.

    Turning off the emmissions probably made some areas of darkness. That is what will be causing a huge rendering impact. The darker the scene the slower the render is going to go if you are using Iray. Sad, but true. You have to get creative sometimes, or be super patient when rendering dark scenes. 

  • AgitatedRiotAgitatedRiot Posts: 4,437

    So how many saw the joke in  my last render?

  • vamokvamok Posts: 242

    AgitatedRiot said:

    So how many saw the joke in  my last render?

    I did not. I just went back and stared at it until I found somthing I think you are referring to. Clever! 

  • Finally found the time to re-render this with reduced lighting.

    Does look more dramatic I admit.



    1200 x 1248 - 2M
  • ioonrxoon I really like your Guitar player. Been looking at it since you posted and had the feeling that I wanted to be drawn in more to the man. I am wondering if you applied the rule of thirds? For my eye, I would shift him more to the left putting him in the crosshairs of the first 3rd of the picture.

    davidjones8418 Looks great and more realistic. I like that the flying cans don't stand out as before, now what is flying really looks on fire. Amazing! :- )

  • ElliandraElliandra Posts: 586

    Evening All Happy Friday!!

    Oh wow that makes all the difference! You can almost feel the heat coming off the image!

  • Thank you both!

    I am battling myself on lighting because I want things to be seen clearly, but I had the same battle with depth of field and now I always use depth of field. In the end I realized that in real life you don't see everything clearly and if you are aiming to improve the realism, less clarity is better.

    The downside is I can't stop seeing lighting. If I am watching tv and there is an actor on a dark street with a visible face, I am thinking about the lights laugh.

  • Title: "Atlas"

    Challenge: Beginner

    Software: Daz, Gimp for Vignette, Topaz 2 for swirl.

    Hi everyone!

    This is my final render. Fun Fact: (at least for me) This is my first true Iray render with an Nvidia card.Things looked so different that I had to tweak the lighting and needed to reposition the rings which led to a few posing shifts.

    Atlas Final 3.jpg
    907 x 881 - 604K
  • AgitatedRiotAgitatedRiot Posts: 4,437
    edited April 2021

    davidjones8418 said:

    Finally found the time to re-render this with reduced lighting.

    Does look more dramatic I admit.


    Shards of glass nice. Suprised a part of the officer didn't catch fire. Have to go to another picture before my screen melts

    @isis4444merlin I have so much to learn. B. E. A. utiful render. I don't think Atlas likes that foot on his forehead.

    Post edited by AgitatedRiot on
  • ElliandraElliandra Posts: 586


    Oh wow! Love the new backdrop and OMGROFLMAO the adjusted poses are awesome!

  • csaacsaa Posts: 824

    @davidjones8418 - Great work! I love the details, such as the bits flying about and the flaming cannister.

    @isis4444merlin - This is a good render. I'm glad it came out the way you envisioned it.


  • OriginalSamhainOriginalSamhain Posts: 38
    edited April 2021

    Thought I'd throw an entry in at the last minute

    Title: Home

    I guess I'm intermediate now, I've been messing around with Daz for a while. For this render I had a really specific image in mind, and I couldn't find assets that fit it so I went on a youtube binge and made something in Blender. It's really not good, but it worked for the purposes I had in mind, and overall I'm pretty happy with how it turned out. Getting the light right was a cow and I'm still not super satisfied with it but I can't tweak ghost lights for even one minute more.

    Great entries so far everyone!



    Home 2.png
    1800 x 1800 - 3M
    Post edited by OriginalSamhain on
  • uraniaurania Posts: 0

    new user render


  • uraniaurania Posts: 0

    last hope hospital

    new user render

    used West Park

    Daz 3d

  • perlkperlk Posts: 854
    edited April 2021

    I'm entering a second time because since my first submission, you all have introduced me to emissive lighting in DS and I really, really wanted to give myself a lighting challenge. Thanks to this I didn't have to try too hard: https://www.renderosity.com/freestuff/items/81080/props-and-poses-medieval-mood (Also, nearly everything in this render is free!) My only problem is with render settings. I keep getting artifacts when I do dark renders, no matter what settings I use. This one I used despeckle in Photoshop to remove the artifacts but I'd rather be able to figure it out in DS so any tips are appreciated!

    This is inspired by my 8 year old son, who has discovered candles and is obsessed (Lord help us!)...

    Title: Birth of a pyromaniac

    Challenge: Beginner

    Rendered in Daz Studio, post-work in Photoshop (despeckle, contrast, signature)

    910 x 910 - 592K
    Post edited by perlk on
  • Alias52Alias52 Posts: 302

    OriginalSamhain said:

    Thought I'd throw an entry in at the last minute

    I guess I'm intermediate now, I've been messing around with Daz for a while. For this render I had a really specific image in mind, and I couldn't find assets that fit it so I went on a youtube binge and made something in Blender. It's really not good, but it worked for the purposes I had in mind, and overall I'm pretty happy with how it turned out. Getting the light right was a cow and I'm still not super satisfied with it but I can't tweak ghost lights for even one minute more.

    Great entries so far everyone!

    Love the lighting on this. The subtle reflection in the window works well. Kudos for having a go in Blender - I have been threatening myself with having to learn to do things there, so it is good to see it can turn out so well!

  • Alias52Alias52 Posts: 302

    urania said:

    last hope hospital

    new user render

    used West Park

    Daz 3d

    Hi, nothing seems to have attached here. Did you click the Attach a file link below the comment box? You then need to wait until it uploads. There is a way to then embed the smaller file to get a bigger version (I mentioned one earlier this month (or last month - it all kinda blurs...!)

  • Alias52Alias52 Posts: 302

    perlk said:

    I'm entering a second time because since my first submission, you all have introduced me to emissive lighting in DS and I really, really wanted to give myself a lighting challenge. Thanks to this I didn't have to try too hard: https://www.renderosity.com/freestuff/items/81080/props-and-poses-medieval-mood (Also, nearly everything in this render is free!) My only problem is with render settings. I keep getting artifacts when I do dark renders, no matter what settings I use. This one I used despeckle in Photoshop to remove the artifacts but I'd rather be able to figure it out in DS so any tips are appreciated!

    This is inspired by my 8 year old son, who has discovered candles and is obsessed (Lord help us!)...

    Title: Birth of a pyromaniac

    Challenge: Beginner

    Rendered in Daz Studio, post-work in Photoshop (despeckle, contrast, signature)

    I really love the lighting here. I liked the set you used so much, I downloaded it to add to my other Rendo freebies, so thanks for that. With the lighting noise, I am certainly no expert but you can play with tonemapping options to let a little more light into the backgorund of your picture ( I found this link helpful myself but forgive me if you knew it already! [Tutorial] Lighting and Tone Mapping In Iray by SickleYield on DeviantArt .) You can always darken to taste in Post work then. I have also used the below item to help get some light into stubborn darker scenes, to try to get similar effects and speed up render time!

    Iray Light Probe Kit

  • perlkperlk Posts: 854

    Oh, thank you so much! I don't know much about tonemapping, so I'll definitely be reading through that tutorial!!!

  • Alias52 said:

    OriginalSamhain said:

    Thought I'd throw an entry in at the last minute


    I guess I'm intermediate now, I've been messing around with Daz for a while. For this render I had a really specific image in mind, and I couldn't find assets that fit it so I went on a youtube binge and made something in Blender. It's really not good, but it worked for the purposes I had in mind, and overall I'm pretty happy with how it turned out. Getting the light right was a cow and I'm still not super satisfied with it but I can't tweak ghost lights for even one minute more.

    Great entries so far everyone!

    Love the lighting on this. The subtle reflection in the window works well. Kudos for having a go in Blender - I have been threatening myself with having to learn to do things there, so it is good to see it can turn out so well!

    Thank you! Give blender a try, it's really not intuitive and so many of the tutorials for it are either really long, assume you already know how to use it, or the people doing them are highly annoying, but you can find the odd good one. I still have so much to learn, the textures on this piece are a mess but I knew with the way I wanted to light it it wouldn't be too much of an issue 

  • sueyasueya Posts: 832
    edited April 2021

    Hip Hop Dancers

    This is the final version of my entry for the Intermediate Challenge

    Post edited by sueya on
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