These are not the pot plants you're looking for.

in The Commons
Hehe. Might want to change the name of this product to "Potted Plants" because I don't see any pot plants here at all.
As someone who loves 3D plants because her cats will chow down on both real and fake ones, they were exactly the pot plants I was looking for.
As someone who loves 3D plants because her cats will chow down on both real and fake ones, they were also not the pot plants I was looking for.
I am conflicted.
Those are definatly the ones I am looking for since I am anti the other kind, LOL
Maybe someone should create a pot morph?
EDIT: and material
This has come up before, it seems to be a concern in the US mainly - elsewhere in the Anglophone world pot plants seems to be perfectly normal usage.
we don't use potted plants as a rule in Australia either, it's pot plants.
We also have fanny packs.
and roto rooters. 
You could always render federal agents seizing the other kind of plant.
I could use some proper pot plants;)
That's for sure! My late father was a World War II vet (USA) who served in Italy. One of the stories he told was about him and a British soldier at a fuel depot. They literally couldn't understand each other's English (except Dad knew "petrol" was "gasoline"). They communicated in what Italian they both knew. Still rolling my eyes at the pair 50 years after hearing the tale.
PS: Maybe not purchase this with PayPal since they block any Daz purchase they think has a name that hints " illicit."
As to "potted plants", wouldn't that refer to cooked seasoned minced or ground veggies in a tin?
That was certainly my reaction to the name.
Potted also means drunk. "He was so potted, he fell off the bar stool."
No, those would be canned vegetables. The idea of calling canned vegetables potted plants is very funny to me.I get where the meaning is coming from, but "potted plants" solely means a plant in a flowerpot.
I'm imagining the kitchen hijinks. "Can you grab me some potted plants?" <Confused person dutifully returns with a philodendron and some African violets.>
Where did you get those? Asking for a friend with glaucoma.
I have a maryjane plant on shareCG
Awesome. Thanks!
mine the oilve in your Martini, celery stick in your Bloody Mary or mint sprig in a Mint Julep would qualify
...snagged both.
TY Wendy, very cool indeed!!
Cheers, Wendy! It looks great, downloaded and followed. Now I've got both kinds of pot plants I was looking for!
Cool picture!
Needs some decorative glass balls and lights hanging from the branches with boxes of paraphernalia piled underneath.
I could too. I wish someone would sell 3D cannabis leaves, plants, flower, edibles, joints, paraphernalia and maybe even a dispensary set..The actual substance itself is legal in many states now in the US as well as many places worldwide. I wouldn't think there would be a problem selling 3D versions
There are some really beautiful new breeded strains. These would make cool 3D models!
Many many decades ago in Florida, when I was a budding photographer doing my own processing, yet still in my Hippie period, I had a friend who had a friend who had a large shed/building used for growing things. During a shopping visit I was sworn to secrecy and allowed to take a photo of a beautiful sea of a ready for harvesting crop. Somewhere around here I still have that professional quality old chemical based 8x10 inch color image on glossy paper suitable for framing, and I have the negative too, somewhere. I think I gave the grower a copy of the print but otherwise the image has been unseen by other human eyes for 50 years. I'm pretty sure that the statute of limitation is up and I know the grower is dead (that in itself is yet another story), so my secret is moot, but the image is lost in boxes and boxes of mouldering photos.
I know that type of photo is not a rare thing, but it was a memorable moment for young impressionable me and has remained a strong memory through the ages, although I can't remember what I had for breakfast this morning.
This thread has provided both fun word oddities and links to MJ plants for those who want them. I am pleased.