[Released] The Gobbler HD for Genesis 8 Male (Commercial)

MechasarMechasar Posts: 215

What kind of creature lies behind that terrifying silhouette?!

A frightening monster with over 200 teeth you never want to meet walking through the woods ;)

Now available in the store!


Gobbler Intro.jpg
1300 x 1300 - 130K
1000 x 1300 - 675K
Post edited by Mechasar on


  • jedijuddjedijudd Posts: 606

    Very interested look forward to updates

  • I love your style, Mechasar с:

  • MechasarMechasar Posts: 215


  • Wow! This leech looks pretty good!

  • ThyranqThyranq Posts: 584

    Oh I'm definitely going to use that for a tooth fairy mwahahaha

  • MechasarMechasar Posts: 215

    Thyranq said:

    Oh I'm definitely going to use that for a tooth fairy mwahahaha

    Then I dare you to dress it with a glittery tutu and fairy wings XD 

  • ThyranqThyranq Posts: 584

    Mechasar said:

    Thyranq said:

    Oh I'm definitely going to use that for a tooth fairy mwahahaha

    Then I dare you to dress it with a glittery tutu and fairy wings XD 


  • jedijuddjedijudd Posts: 606

    Wow, that looks really cool

  • wizard1200wizard1200 Posts: 239

    Wow ... The creature is amazing!

  • jedijuddjedijudd Posts: 606

    Is that mouth rigged or it just static open? Either way instant buy

  • MechasarMechasar Posts: 215
    edited March 2021

    jedijudd said:

    Is that mouth rigged or it just static open? Either way instant buy

    It didn't seem fair to leave its mouth static :), so you'll find 2 dial morphs allowing you to shrink the sides inside its mouth and its "lips" on the outside (just like a pupil/iris).  

    It has to chew! 

    Post edited by Mechasar on
  • maraichmaraich Posts: 494

    Now you have my attention. That mouth looks horrifically fantastic!

  • MechasarMechasar Posts: 215
    edited March 2021

    Thyranq said:


    I hope pulling off one of my teeth and placing it under the pillow was not part of our deal! XD

    Post edited by Mechasar on
  • ThyranqThyranq Posts: 584

    Mechasar said:

    Thyranq said:


    I hope pulling off one of my teeth and placing it under the pillow was not part of our deal! XD

    lol no, between my daughter and my nephew we got a few loose teeth kicking around :)

    I didn't forget about this either, I have most of a scene set up, just need to get a couple of other things clued up so I can get in and finish it for rendering! 

  • ThyranqThyranq Posts: 584
    edited March 2021

    As requested, The Gobbler in a glittery tutu, with fairy wings. I have to admit, this made me chuckle.


    800 x 1200 - 2M
    Post edited by Thyranq on
  • MechasarMechasar Posts: 215

    Thyranq said:

    As requested, The Gobbler in a glittery tutu, with fairy wings. I have to admit, this made me chuckle.


    Aww, look how lovely it is! I also imagine it dancing the "Gobbler Lake" ballet. Now I can't stop laughing! Well done

  • XenomorphineXenomorphine Posts: 2,421
    edited March 2021

    Been wanting a ring-mouthed character, ever since 'Cabin In The Woods' and would certainly purchase a feminine, female version for that reason, to place her in a ballerina outfit. Perhaps an optional geograft for any G8F character?


    Obtained this one, regardless. smiley Especially with it being able to aticulate that mouth!

    Post edited by Xenomorphine on
  • dragotxdragotx Posts: 1,138
    edited March 2021

    Is anyone else having a problem with it not registering in smart content when installed through DIM?  I've installed him on 3 separate machines, and all 3 of them the only way to get smart content to recognize he's installed is to install through connect. (It could entirely be on my end though, I'm currently reinstalling everything due to some major hardware failures, but this was the behavior before I nuked everything and started reloading)

    Post edited by dragotx on
  • AnEye4ArtAnEye4Art Posts: 769

    Perhaps it's a two-part file and only one is being installed through DIM, then smart content installs the other part?

  • dragotxdragotx Posts: 1,138

    AnEye4Art said:

    Perhaps it's a two-part file and only one is being installed through DIM, then smart content installs the other part?

    Only one file available to be downloaded, eihter through DIM or on the site.  Going to try the manual install file tonight when I get home from work

  • dragotxdragotx Posts: 1,138

    Nope, even manual install doesn't work.  There just flat is no way other than Connect, which destroys your smart content thumbnails at the moment, so that's not an option, to install this and have smart content.  Other than that, he works great and I love him.  But to load him up I have to go digging through the content library old school style.  I've submitted a ticket to Daz about the metadata issue.

  • TheKDTheKD Posts: 2,703
    edited April 2021

    Wow, saw the thread name, was expecting a turkey lol.

    Post edited by TheKD on
  • dragotxdragotx Posts: 1,138

    dragotx said:

    Nope, even manual install doesn't work.  There just flat is no way other than Connect, which destroys your smart content thumbnails at the moment, so that's not an option, to install this and have smart content.  Other than that, he works great and I love him.  But to load him up I have to go digging through the content library old school style.  I've submitted a ticket to Daz about the metadata issue.

    Additonally, when installed manually, the model files aren't actually there.  Just the materials and the teeth prop

  • dragotxdragotx Posts: 1,138

    Ok, time for an update:  The metadata still hasn't been fixed by Daz, but the installation error I reported was purely operator error on my part.  It is fully installed into content library, and works perfectly fine once I actually look in the right spot. 

  • MechasarMechasar Posts: 215

    dragotx said:

    Ok, time for an update:  The metadata still hasn't been fixed by Daz, but the installation error I reported was purely operator error on my part.  It is fully installed into content library, and works perfectly fine once I actually look in the right spot. 

    Obviously I can't give any help about installation issues, but good to hear it finally works for you. 

  • dragotxdragotx Posts: 1,138

    Mechasar said:

    dragotx said:

    Ok, time for an update:  The metadata still hasn't been fixed by Daz, but the installation error I reported was purely operator error on my part.  It is fully installed into content library, and works perfectly fine once I actually look in the right spot. 

    Obviously I can't give any help about installation issues, but good to hear it finally works for you. 

    I'm sure Daz will get the metadata issues sorted eventually, I know QA and the other various support teams are running flat out trying to get to everything, this just has to work it's way through the queue.  He's a fantastic character, I'm going to have lots of fun working with him now that I have figured out where my brain failed me.  

  • Love this creature! How did you put a human face in the mouth in the promo image? What witchcraft did you use????

  • MechasarMechasar Posts: 215

    atacit_23cd333971 said:

    Love this creature! How did you put a human face in the mouth in the promo image? What witchcraft did you use????

    Thanks. No witchcraft, it just take little patience. Firts of all delete the Gobbler's teeth. Then, go to the "Scene" panel and hide all the body parts of your human character, but keep the head and sub bones visible. Move and scale your character until the head fits the Gobbler's mouth. Parent your character to the Gobbler's head in the "Scene" panel and... there you go.

  • Thank you so much!

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