Old Forum Server

Loving the work you guys have put into this new set up....
- However, for the benefit of returning noobies and other users searching the old forum content, I've discovered (right or wrongly) that the following works.....
I expect this may be removed over a period of time, but thought it might be worth letting others know that you can still see, and search on google for old forum posts using this server address, even if you can't reply to them on that server now.
I do have two gripes though
1: regarding tutorials. Many seem out of date and appear to have links to jpegs that no longer are active. Again I accept it's an updating progress, but some are quite worthless without diagrams.
2: I don't seem to be able to find anywhere on the new setup that allows you to activate coupons, recently received via Social media or emails. I can see the Redeem for Gift certificates but not the coupons.
Anyhow.....Hopefully all will be rectified over time :)
Keep up the good work....
Best way to get to the archived old forum is to use http://forumarchive.daz3d.com/
Oh and I did answer to this person, about the tutorial lists http://www.daz3d.com/forums/discussion/457/
We are all only volunteers, and are trying to get the lists in order, but everything takes time when one has to work round real life and all.
As regards coupons, that has been logged up on the special bug tracker which is dedicated to the new website issues.
Is that the final form of the old forums?
No images?
If so, that's an almost criminal loss of information, data and pure know how.
Why would somebody do that?
It makes no sense to me.
It is early days yet in the life of this new forum, and we are going through the teething problems.
We are working to get things sorted out as best as possible, where it is something the Commmunity Volunteers can do something about, and feeding informaton and ideas to the people who can do something about the New website when it is things we can do nothing about.
The image issue on the old forums has been noted, but I doubt if it is considred a priority issue. The images are still there, which is why you can see the coding. The reason they are not visible is because with the old forum software you needed to be logged in to see images, and obviously you can't log into an archive.
Adding to this, if you reall need to see an images, then if you take the "postimages/origimage_1_841405.jpg" part from one of the image links and add it to the archive link, like this http://forumarchive.daz3d.com/postimages/origimage_1_841405.jpg then you can view the image.
It appears that you just add the word 'archive' into the old URL at the correct place, e.g. I had a bookmark for one of the "S.H.A.D.O.ws from the past" threads:
Old URL:
http://forum.daz3d.com/viewtopic.php?p=2319769 ...doesn't work any more
New URL:
http://forumarchive.daz3d.com/viewtopic.php?p=2319769 ...works fine
If you, like me, have hundreds of threads and posts bookmarked that'll be a bit of a relief - still a right royal PITA though, having to edit every bookmark.
(thanks to rbtwhiz pre-emptive post on the Developer Discussion forum - can we have a similar sticky at the top of every board please?)
Well that's a relief.
I still have so much to learn, and the old forums were the single most useful source of knowledge in the known universe.
Thanks so much for the information and continued work Chohole.
If I ever said anything bad about the volunteers of Daz, it was complete and utter lie. :P
Excellent - http://forumarchive.daz3d.com/
It was just by chance that I spotted the other addy and at the time it worked. (I was desperate at the time!) :D But I will now bookmark the new address.
Thanks all
Can one of the mods please, please get that http://forumarchive.daz3d.com/ link added to the FAQ for the new DAZ 3D Forums: thread.
It is after all the most logical place for it!
...and at the moment it basically says "you can still access the old forums, but we're not telling you where!" ;)
I've asked Blaine to add the URL to the post.
Thanks, the URLs now in the FAQ.