Genesis 8 loading with wrong shape

I really hope someone can help me. I tried to load Gen 8 female today and I got an error message telling me that duplicat files were detected. Then when I close the message window Gen 8F comes up looking compleatly different the she should. Gen 8M is fine. Please help me get her back! I can't think of anything I did that would change her.

Gen 8 help.jpg
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  • PerttiAPerttiA Posts: 9,823

    The look is the result of some character you have recently installed having it's default value set at 100%, which means that everytime you load a Genesis 8 Female based figure, that character is automatically applied to the figure. Maybe the same character is also responsible for the Duplicate Formulas, but these problems are otherwise not related.

    To fix any ill-behaving morphs (non-zero default value), do as follows;

    1. Load your base figure or the developer version.
    2. Select "Show Hidden" in the Parameters-Tab, drop down menu (right-click) or Pane Options (Four horizontal lines) -> Preferences -> Show Hidden Properties
    3. Zero the figure (Found in Parameters-Tab, drop down menu)
    4. Memorize the figure (Found in Parameters-Tab, drop down menu)
    5. File->Save As->Support Asset->Save Modified Assets

    This procedure will zero the default value in the ill-behaving morph/morphs, and while saving DS also shows you a list of the morphs it is changing.

  • Please remember to put the Viewport in Smooth Shaded preview mode if you need to show a nude figure.

  • Everything you suggested worked untill 5. It saved and showed the list of morphs but when loading G8F back into the scene there was no change. It still mentioned Duplicate Formulas and she still looks like before (like in the image above). I tried zeroing the figure and saving it as a character preset but it still loads with the added morphs. Is there a way of removing the G8F files from the Data file and not mess up other things or are her files spread all over the place.

  • PerttiAPerttiA Posts: 9,823

    One reason I can think of for the procedure not working, is that you have the ill-behaving charactor installed in several content libraries, you should still be able to see the morphs DS listed if you open up the log and check what's written there (Help->Troubleshooting->View Log)

    The log is also the place where to find clues to the Duplicate Formula

    If you load G8 Female Base figure, zero her and check "Currently Used" in "Parameters Tab", what does the list say? The ill-behaving characters name should be on the list with the value "0" in white.

  • Looked at the log, there are pages of stuff but I don't know what it means. 

    The two images show before and after being zero.

    Before zero.jpg
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    after zero.jpg
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  • PerttiAPerttiA Posts: 9,823

    And this is after you loaded a Genesis 8 Base Female to an empty scene and not any previously saved character or scene?

    For troubleshooting purposes, you need to find what is corrupting you Genesis 8 Base Female and that you can only do when loading Genesis 8 Base Female to an empty scene, or at least finding the culprit becomes a lot easier.

    Clear the scene of everything, open the log and select everything on it, press delete, close the log and let it save.

    Now load the Genesis 8 Base Female and once it is loaded, open the log and save it somewhere you can easily find.

    Then attach the log to your post with the "Attach a file" under the "Leave a Comment" window, that way we can have a look at it.

  • Yes, I start the program and in a new scene I load Genesis 8 Base female. I just tried with G8.1 and it's the same. 

  • I#m pretty sure LY Rory was updated to fix an issue, make sure you download it fresh from your account/through Install Manager and reinstall.

  • PerttiAPerttiA Posts: 9,823
    edited February 2021

    kelly_mcallen_7bae4ac2a7 said:

    Yes, I start the program and in a new scene I load Genesis 8 Base female. I just tried with G8.1 and it's the same. 

    Ok, read through the log and here's what I found; 

    • Chameleon ROse_Genesis 8 Female (Problems with base G8F expressions)
    • Aging Morphs 8 (Problem with it self)
    • Virtual_World VW Arti (Problem with VW Lashes)
    • Tima Cooke Adsila (Problems with helpers by the same creator)
    • Mousso Lexy (Problem with it self)
    • Orla Fae Daisy (Problem with it self)
    • Hotlilme74 Dusti (Not finding Honey 8)
    • Hinkypunk Jax (Not finding Eva 8)
    • Handspan Studios Keyana (Problem with it self, Teeth)
    • FWSA Calyndi (Not finding FWSA Calla)
    • EmmaAndJordi EJ Yuno (Problems with base G8F expressions)
    • Elianeck Sisi (Looking for adult morphs for ZoroD's Kitten)
    • Raiya Alison (Problem with it self)
    • DeviousDolls SlayLingerie (Not finding 'Reign' by the same creator)
    • Luna3D LongLash (Problem with it self)
    • DarwinsMishap Aguja Lashes (Not finding Stephanie 8 expressions)
    • Zelara 8 (Problems with base G8F expressions)
    • Victoria 8 (Problems with base G8F expressions)
    • Topsy 8 (Problems with base G8F expressions)
    • Sydney 8 (Problems with base G8F expressions)
    • Sukai 8 (Problems with base G8F expressions)
    • Monique 8 (Problems with base G8F expressions)
    • Kayo 8 (Problems with base G8F expressions)
    • Kala 8 (Problems with base G8F expressions)

    Duplicate Formulas;

    • Anagord MarinaG8F - Growing Up, remove one or the other and send a ticket

    Loads Elysa and LY Rory and a bunch of modifier morphs => the Genesis 8 Base Figure is still loading characters and morphs with non-zero default value.

    Since you have DAZ "base figures" having problems with base expressions, your Starter Essentials are not properly installed


    Edit; When doing the procedure for zeroing the default values of morphs and characters, I remembered DS gives you a "Are you sure" type of warning, did you tell DS to do it anyways?

    Post edited by PerttiA on
  • If you mean the zeroing of the figure you had me do before? It never asked me if I was sure. I went to the dropdown list in Parameters, then to zero the figure, and it did it without asking if I was sure.

    What method do I use to make sure Started Essentials are properly installed? Do I need to deleat G8F files or just let them over write?

    I don't understand why this is an issue now. I have never had a problem before and have made no changes that I can think of. 

  • PerttiAPerttiA Posts: 9,823

    No, it doesn't ask you when you are zeroing or memorizing, but when you save the "Modified Assets", it will tell you that the changes cannot be undone, are you sure - Or something similar.

    The Duplicate Formula is because of Marina G8F, if you remove her or her morph files, the problem goes away - When did you install her?

    The other problems you may have had for a long time, but since they don't give you any notice like the Duplicate Formula, you just haven't noticed

    For troubleshooting purposes, do you have a file "eCTRLExcitement_HD.dsf" in folder; ".../data/DAZ 3D/Genesis 8/Female/Morphs/DAZ 3D/Expressions/" or if you search the drive where your installed content is, can you find it in some other location (where?)

    Do you have several content directories specified in the "Content Directory Manager" under "Daz Studio Formats"?

  • Modified Assets - About two weeks ago I was following a guide on saving custom character morphs and it sent me to Modified Assets. I honestly don't remember it asking me if I wanted to continue. But it likely did. I havn't been on again untill two days ago. How bad have I fucked things up?

    I purchased Marina on May 25 2019. I would have installed her likely that day. Though I can't be sure I have ever used her. I know I haven't used her in the past several months. By deleating her from the Data folder I won't have this problem?

    "eCTRLExcitement_HD.dsf" is not in the file you suggested. Doing a search 5 were found. See image attached.

    You can see my DAZ Studio Formats below as well.

    785 x 532 - 299K
    Studio Formats.jpg
    218 x 306 - 56K
  • PerttiAPerttiA Posts: 9,823

    So, when you followed the procedure with 5 steps, how did the Genesis 8 Base Female look when you had zeroed and memorized her? Like she should or something else?
    If you remember saving "Modified Assets" two weeks ago when following a (bad) guide, did you not do it at the end of the procedure?

    I assume the Marina G8 morphs can be found in "...\Data\DAZ 3D\Genesis 8\Female\Morphs\Anagord\(Marina?)", if you remove the (Marina?) folder the Duplicate Formulas problem is solved.

    It seems that "eCTRLExcitement_HD.dsf" is still there for G8 Male figure but gone for the Female figure, you need to install the Starter Essentials for G8 Female to get the base expressions for the G8 Female back.

    That picture shows only that you have 3 "Daz Studio Formats" Content Libraries, but doesn't show where they are, for that you need to open the "Content Directory Manager"

  • I really, really appreciate all the help you have been giving me. And at this point all can agree(me included) that i'm an idiot. I was playing around with creating a character, wanted to save it and followed a bad guide. When done I shut down DAZ  and haven't used it till a few days ago. Discovered the issue, felt stupid, and hoped that it was fixable. As we went on, felt even stupider, and embarrassed, and hoped you would say "this is what you need to do". I am sorry for not just saying what I did. Is there a way to fix my huge mess? 

    I am sorry for how I have dragged this out.

  • PerttiAPerttiA Posts: 9,823
    edited February 2021

    In case that your Genesis 8 Female mesh was changed by following the bad guide, reinstall the Genesis 8 Female Starter Essentials.

    Once you have done that, and you load the Genesis 8 Base Female to an empty scene;

    1.- Does she look like she did on the removed picture?

    2 - If she still does look wrong, when you zero the figure, does she look normal afterwards?

    Post edited by PerttiA on
  • I have downloaded and reinstalled all the Starter Essentials, Both male and female. I did this manualy. 

    1. Yes she still looks wrong.

    2. Yes after zeroing the figure she looks normal.

    I also did another search for the eCTRLExcitement_HD.dsf file but it is the same as before. There is one for the male but not one for the female. Opening both folders that I just down loaded from DAZ and that file is not in the male or female expressions folder.

    The image attached shows on the left my most recent search, it appears the same as the one from yesterday. On the right is the file I just downloaded from DAZ. It has no Excitement file. Looking in the male file the Excitment file is also missing. 

    I have yet to remove Marina.

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  • Just removed Marina and the warning is gone.

  • PerttiAPerttiA Posts: 9,823
    edited February 2021

    Ok, tried the procedure myself to check and wrote it again while doing it...

    1. Open DS 4.15 and load "Genesis 8 Basic Female" (to an empty scene)
    2. Help->Troubleshooting->View Log File (clear the log, close it and select "Save" when asked)
    3. Left Click at "Active Pane Options" tab->Preferences->Choose "Show Hidden Properties" (part 4 zeroes only 'visible' dials)
    4. Right Click at Parameters Tab->Zero->Zero Figure (Zeroes the value of all the 'visible' dials)
    5. Right Click at Parameters Tab->Memorize->Memorize Figure (Sets the current value of all the dials as their default value)
    6. Edit->Save As->Support Asset->Save Modified Assets (Writes the changed default value to the morph files that were changed)

    When saving "Modified Assets" DS shows a dialog and asks for confirmation;
    "The following file(s) will be permanently modified:" - "Accept/Cancel" - Choose "Accept"

    Close DS and wait -> Open DS again and load "Genesis 8 Basic Female" - Does the G8F look right now?

    Help->Troubleshooting->View Log File (Save the logfile somewhere you can easily find it)
    Attach the log to your post with the "Attach a file" under the "Leave a Comment" window, that way we can have a look at it.

    Post edited by PerttiA on
  • It didn't work. She still looks wrong. I followed your list step by step twice and no change. I attached log file below.

  • PerttiAPerttiA Posts: 9,823
    edited February 2021

    kelly_mcallen_7bae4ac2a7 said:

    It didn't work. She still looks wrong. I followed your list step by step twice and no change. I attached log file below.

    Ok, but at least there is now some information on, which products are to blaim and with that information, we can check if the actual morph file does have the correct information and if it does, the only possible culprit would be the trigger file for loading Genesis 8 Female (One you see in your product library), which should have been overwritten with the reinstallation of the Genesis 8 Female Starter Essentials...

    Just realized that you haven't told us, how your content is installed, is it installed with, DIM, DAZ Central, DAZ Connect (within DS product library) or manually or have you used several methods?

    I ask this because apparently DAZ Connect and maybe even DAZ Central are installing the products in non-standard locations and when installed, they steal priority over the DIM and Manual installed files in standard locations. The fixes were written to standard locations, so there is a possibilty of DAZ Central/DAZ Connect installed files overriding them.

    Post edited by PerttiA on
  • Everything I install I install manually. I tried DAZ Connect about a year ago and didn't like it. 

  • PerttiAPerttiA Posts: 9,823

    We still don't have the Content Directories (The real/full location) and with you mentioning that you tried DAZ Connect, the information becomes more important

    Go to;
    Edit-> Preferences-> Content Tab-> and click "Content Directory Manager"
    Inside "Content Directory Manager", expand all the directories by clicking at the plus-sign (all of them), take a picture and post it here.

  • PerttiAPerttiA Posts: 9,823
    edited February 2021

    Tracked down the products that have been effected. If you download a fresh copy of these and install again (overwrite), they should not be automatically activated anymore.

    Z Sexy Bodybuilder Shape Preset and Poses for Genesis 8 Female
    Body Morph Kit for Genesis 8 Female
    Rory HD for Genesis 8 Female
    RY Elysa for Victoria 8
    MDD Oomi For G8F (Rendo)

    Post edited by PerttiA on
  • Sorry, I was on a different computer before. I was incorrect about DAZ Connect. It was DAZ Central I tried a year ago and didn't like.

    Here is the Directories.

    490 x 485 - 137K
  • I have downloaded and installed the products. When loading it asked if I wanted to replace matching files (as expected). I replaced all files. I has made no difference. G8F still loads wrong.

    If I deleat the Data folder and reinstall everything, (not an opption I want to do) will it deleat the bad files. Or are there files outside of the data folder as well that might be causing problems?

  • PerttiAPerttiA Posts: 9,823

    In which directory did you install the products you downloaded?

    The only thing I can think of, is that you have those products installed in multiple locations and the ones not fixed are overriding the originals you just re-installed.

    Search for "Z SB Sexy Bodybuilder.dsf", "CTRL_LY_Rory.dsf" and "FBMElysa.dsf" in "C:\Users\Public\Documents\My DAZ 3D Library", C:\Daz 3D\Applications\Data\DAZ 3D\My DAZ 3D Library" and "A:\DAZ3D\My Library" - Note, A: has traditionally been a special drive, reserved for a floppy drive, so it's not a good letter for a harddrive or SSD, but probably has no bearing in this case.

  • Problem has been fixed! While doing the search you requested, two of each of those files poped up in the A drive. The second file they were found in was called Catherine which is the name of the character I was trying to save the body shape of. The Catherin file was dated the 14th, when the trouble started. I have deleated it and G8F looks normal now.

    Thank you so very much for your patience with me. I wish there was something I could do to repay you.

  • PerttiAPerttiA Posts: 9,823

    Glad you got things working.

  • This thread is so useful. I have been trying to fix this for a while now and the same method worked for me. Am so thankful to you guys!

  • OMG so lethal problem, all my characters become strange,and thanks to your wrok,I finally fix it to normal

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