Carrara 3dexpo magazine _Next issue ?
I understood there was to be a new issue of the C3Dexpo magazine last June or thereabouts so as it is now October, wondering if anyone has news as to when it is going to be published - or has it been discontinued ?
Hey, Ooseven. I believe Danas (Jetbird) has had some real life issues of late. I will shoot an email off to him and see if I can't get an ETA. Sorry for the delay.
My biggest apology for the huge delay.
I am having some hard times to keep up with my personal life and that reflects on all my other activities.
But be sure Issue 11 will be released and it's gonna be juicy. ;)
Thanks guys !
Danas, my best wishes for a speedy improvement in your personal situation. Thanks for responding.
I'm sure everyone will be glad to hear the good news and await the issue of this fantastic Carrara magazine .
I can tell you that when it does come out, it's going to be packed. This is going to be the biggest issue yet.
Best wishes for the situation improving (or better yet, getting solved!)!