Need help.. Can not get my Measure Metrics working..

in New Users
I have bought Measure Metrics for Daz Studio and downloaded it many times, but
it doesn't show in "about installed plugin" and then measure metric doesn't show in windows panes.
Why and what can I do?
I have tried to make it work the hole day now. Is a bit fustrated right now.
Please help.

Skærmbillede 2021-02-03 kl. 16.49.30.jpg
3136 x 2004 - 667K
How did you install it? Does it not appear at all in the list of plugins, or does it appear but doesn't work?
I have installed it with Install Manager (DIM)
And It does appear in the list of plugins at all..
Was daz Studido running when you installed? If so you may need to restart it (though I think Macs are less fussy about this than Windows).
Thanks, but it still doesn´t work..
If you downloaded it recently it will be for the latest version of Studio.
Has this been fully updated to support G8F_1 yet, please?
It doesn't need updating for the most part, as long as you are using DS 4.15.x.x (or later) - the wearables preset for loading the measures will apply to Genesis 8.1, and the shape is the same. The only bit that won't carry over is any configuration of properties to use for adjusting morphs, as those are saved to a folder named for the figure used, but that can be fixed by manually copying them over (unless the correspinding morphs are not 8.1 ready for some reason, but I'm not aware of any shaping morphs for 8 that don't carry over to 8.1).
What I am seeing on my colleague's installation is that whilst there are tick boxes to allow for adjusting parameters for G8F, those tick boxes are not present for G8F_1.
Scroll down. You are too far up in the plugin list. Also, what version of D|S are you running?
That is what I meant by saying each figure stores any cuastomisation in its own folder. I think it's in
%AppData%/daz 3d/studio4/MorphLoaderPresetConfig/
but I can't check right now as the figure Metrics script is AWOL and won't reinstall.
Having looked at it further. It seems to be governed by the Figure Metrics script, which is encrypted.
I take it that will have to be updated to accomodate G8F_1
No, as i have explained in both of my preceeding posts Figure metrics does not need updating - but the list of which morphs to use for adjusting which measurement is specific to the figure and Genesis 8 and 8.1 are separate figures; since they generally have the same morphs you can just copy the Genesis 8 configuration files across for 8.1, and use them with the same pose and wearables preset.
anyone know how to install Measure Metrics on Mac? There is a installer when run it said can't find the original app install path can't complete the installation!
search the forum and internet but no go!
Are you using the same instalaltion method for the application and the plug-in?
I hope this gets updated for 8.1, coping files between folders isn't working for me.
I'm sorry but haven't you learned how to read? It DOESN'T WORK. PERIOD. People told you so already.
Take note that i copied the JSON files over to the correct folder Genesis8_1Female.
There are NO editing options.
The wearable (Measure Metrics) is NOT designed for the Genesis 8.1 body and thus IT WILL NOT WORK.
I even tried editing all the json settings files to match Genesis8_1Female which is the internal name, BUT IT DOESN'T WORK.
Sorry I'm shouting, but it seems like you thought you knew more than the others. It doesn't work. And Measure Metrics simply hasn't been updated for G8.1 and G9.
Measure Metrics does not need updating. Figure Metrics may well do so, in the form of a new wearables preset (though it appears to be working there) and (limited, as supplied) list of morphs assigned to measures - if copying does not work - but that can be done by anyone, and unless I missed an update there are only a few measures with assigned properties for Genesis 8.