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Hubert, very effective in monochrome. It lets the viewer see all the detailing.
Horo, adbc, mermaid010, MelanieL, NGartplay, Hubert: Thank you.
Hubert: love your monochrome TV test image!
My newest one is the same set-up of the earlier one, but with full reflective small sphere and panorama render. In my view, this is a butterfly. What do you think?
Hubert : cannot see the image.
Hansmar : You're right, it looks like a butterfly, great colours.
Very colorful render, Hansmar to me it looks like a palace with lots of hidden chambers.
Hubert - your monochrome image disappeared, it was there before but wider than 800 px. Maybe that's why it disappeared.
Hansmar - another cool abstract, nicely coloured.
Hansmar : Cool result, that panorama render! :)
Horo : Thanks for the hint about the image width. I wasn't aware and didn't notice, because the image did upload well and it was visible here for quite some time. -- I can still see that image in the thread here (in Firefox - even after I emptied its cache and after logout/login to this forum. Beats me!)
Here is a direct link to this image on my web server:
And here some more variants (from playing with different bitmaps, re-sizing, texture mapping/scaling and varying the object position+size. All are monochrome and from my current "Depression No.5" series. ;)
Here is a downscaled combined preview of these images:
[ ??? ]
(Edited) ----- Uploading of an image suddenly fails?! I get only an empty placeholder now.
At least, my direct links should work for you. ;)
PS: I tried to set these links above to open in a pop-up resp. a different window (to make it more convenient for you). But then, the forum software blocks! :(
Cheers to (shiny) Spheres
Wow beautiful examples on your site, Hubert, I love all of them
Hubert - I couldn't see the image either in the original post, so thanks for your links. Nice monochrome very minimalist-looking design. I saw the variants too - I love the one with the giraffes (a bit like an Egyptian pyramid interior wall-painting) and the last two swirly ones.
Hansmar - yes, I see both the butterfly and the palace mermaid saw - nice one.
Hansmar, I see a person with pom poms or really big ears :) :) It's beautiful, loving the colors.
Hubert. I saw your image and commented, not sure why it blew up.
Hubert - great abstracts.
adbc, mermaid010, Horo, Hubert, MelanieL, NGartplay: Thank you. Yes, a palace or a person with pompons, all is possible.
Hubert: Lovely variations. Variations-1 makes me think of Escher. Variants-3 makes my head spin.
And now for something completely different:
Wow I love the flow of this one, Hansmar, it has a painterly effect, awesome
Hansmar, like Mermaid010 I feel the same. This has a huge feeling to it like a complete environment.
Hubert, I like the last ones the best but they are all cool. The one with the giraffes is cute and fun.
Hansmar - another excellent abstract.
Hubert : excellent renders.
Hansmar : I feel the same as mermaid and NGartplay. Very well done.
Hansmar: Very trippy! :)
Horo: I checked my image (from page4) on a totally different configuration and a different Firefox version: My image got displayed there. -- Though slightly squashed in width and a small caption added under it that it got rescaled to fit to this forum and that one can view it in original size by clicking on it.-- On my current configuration where I write this reply, I can still see that image in its original and undistorted size. Strange! -- Imo some weird browser caching problem and/or this site's scripting?? Beats me, am not a Web Guru. ;)
PS: On weekend, I'll upload all six Bryce7 workfiles from those variants above and will post the link here.
mermaid010, NGartplay, horo, adbc, hubert: Thanks again. Next one I'll try to make less psychedelic in colours.
Hansmar, why would you consider changing colors unless you want to try something else? Your images are all a joy to view. Create what moves you and you will move the viewer.
Hansmar - real ice-cream colours there! (And painterly like mermaid said)
NGartplay, Don'worry. I want to change colours myself. Just to see what I can do with less screaming contrast. When painting, I also try to change up my approaches (including colour choice). Otherwise they would all start looking the same, because automatically I tend to go more or less primary colours. Challenging myself to do things differently is part of the fun, I think.
MelanieL: Thanks!
Here is my totally different coloured version. I also changed the size of the canvas. Now, the camera is to the right of the small sphere, looking straight to that sphere. Important to mention, there is no fill light in this one (diffusion and specular both 0). Sky is 'Gobi desert' by Slepalex. Did I already indicate that the texture of the small sphere in this and previous renders was a brick-wall texture with full reflection and some displacement. I'll probably do a dark one next.
Hansmar, wonderful jungle colors. It has a camoflage look to it. This one is a 'darker' one to me.
Hansmar - it looks a bit like the head of a masked shaman in the jungle.
Hansmar : I also see a head, the green and blue colour are perfectly matching.
Hansmar - love the camouflage effect, very well done
NGartplay, Horo, adbc, mermaid010: Thanks for your comments. Indeed, it is darker already (and next one will not be much darker on average). I had not noticed the head yet, but yes, now you say so. I agree with the fact that it looks like camouflage. It is wonderful what you can do with a change of textures, different camera location and different lighting conditions. I keep playing!
OK, the next one was already brewing. I moved the camera a bit back from the small spere and changed texture of the sphere as well as lights. The fill light has negative diffuse and a positive specular. I like the result.
Oops, I did it again. This version had unfinished anti-aliasing. But that is hardly visible. I will exchange it for the finalised one later.
Hansmar, super interesting. The mat on the sphere look almost like material/fabric.
Hansmar : very cool render, awesome material.
Hansmar - I see, you cannot stop to amaze us with your abstracts.
Hansmar - amazing abstract, awesome materials