Strand Based Hair


I just finished an excellent tutorial on strand based hair and I understood it just fine. However, the speaker only showed how to save hair as a Scene Subset. He said in order to save it as a Wearable Preset, you had to create a hair cap. Is there any infromation out there telling how this is done?


  • patience55patience55 Posts: 7,006

    nazmy2_a263cf7a4b said:


    I just finished an excellent tutorial on strand based hair and I understood it just fine. However, the speaker only showed how to save hair as a Scene Subset. He said in order to save it as a Wearable Preset, you had to create a hair cap. Is there any infromation out there telling how this is done?

    No need to reinvent wheel ;-) Although you may certainly wish to edit it some and be sure it has enough polygons to fit the heads nicely. These are like starters.


  • Thanks patience55. Much appreciated.

  • GoneGone Posts: 833

    You only need a hair cap if you plan on using the hair for different genders/generations. A hair created for G8F will work on any G8F character but not on G8M or G3F etc.

    When the hair is first created, it is a seperate scene item. Just drag it to the character so that it becomes parented to the character then it can be saved like any other wearable. If your hair has muliple nodes, you can place all the nodes in a group an parent the group to the character.

  • Thanks Gone. Then,  it isn't neceassary to create a skullcap?

  • GoneGone Posts: 833

    As I mentioned, the skull cap is only necessary if you want to use the hair on different generations. If it is only used on different characters for the same generation/gender then it is not needed.

    A small caveat if you do use a skull cap. When you create/edit the hair, the only thing you will get in the SB hair window is the skull cap. This can make styling long hair a challenge since you will have to imagine where the various body parts are in relation to the hair.

  • Thanks Gone. I get it now.

  • Gone said:

    As I mentioned, the skull cap is only necessary if you want to use the hair on different generations. If it is only used on different characters for the same generation/gender then it is not needed.

    A small caveat if you do use a skull cap. When you create/edit the hair, the only thing you will get in the SB hair window is the skull cap. This can make styling long hair a challenge since you will have to imagine where the various body parts are in relation to the hair.

    Good point - I guess in this case you can export the character as an OBJ then use another program (eg. Blender) to delete the parts you dont need (eg. keep the head and shoulders/chest) and decimate or simplify the mesh to bring the poly count down. Then import it back into DAZ, parent it to the head and start painting hair on the OBJ proxy head with the strand tool as per normal. Then use material settings to hide the parts of the OBJ mesh that you don't want to see in your viewport/renders.

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