Voting Thread Closed!! Sept. Carrara Challenge : Just Say NO to Flat 3D - Spinning a Popular Theme

DustRiderDustRider Posts: 2,725
edited September 2014 in Carrara Discussion

The VOTING Thread is now closed!

Extra special thanks to DAZ 3D and Infinite Skills Inc. for sponsoring this challenge!

A special note for voters: Please take the time to click on the images and view them at full resolution!!! The smaller down-sampled images visible in the thread seldom look any where close to the quality of the full image!!

To see how these amazing peices of art were created using Carrara, please visit the WIP thread! It is not required, but it would be nice if you could include any comments about the entries when casting your vote!

Voting begins now!

The rules for voting are fairly simple.

Each person may vote for up to three entries.

Votes are per entry. If an artist has two images you wish to vote for, you may use a vote for each one, leaving you with one remaining vote to cast.

An artist may place in the top three, plus HM (Honorable Mention) only once. If an artist has enough votes to place more than once, the entry with the most votes will be the one that is placed, and the entry with the next highest votes will be moved up.

If there is a tie for any spot in the top three (plus HM,) I have asked three respected and objective forum members to act as tie breakers. I have asked that they refrain from voting during the regular voting period. If the same artist places in the top three with their entries tied, the above mentioned forum members will break the tie.

If there is no tie, I will give the tie breakers a chance to place their votes. If their votes cause a tie, I’m screwed. ;-)

Anonymous votes will be accepted with good cause. Please PM me if you think you need to vote anonymously. An example would be if a forum moderator or admin wishes to vote without giving an appearance of favoritism. There may be other issues as well.

I've asked the very talented PhilW to name the Honorable Mention. Feel free to give your suggestions for honorable mention, as it may help him with a very difficult task.

If there are any questions, please ask!

You can find the complete challenge rules HERE.

Dates To Remember: (Sorry for the slightly odd schedule, but my Sept. is insanely busy, and there are a few days where I may not have Internet access)
WIP Thread open, August 26, 2014 and closes when voting begins.
Submission Thread Open on Sept. 9, 2014.
Submissions close and thread is changed to voting thread on Sept. 21, 2014, at around 8:00 PM U.S. Mountain Time.
Voting ends Sept. 29, 2014, at around 11:59 PM U.S. Mountain Time.

Thanks again to our fine sponsors for providing the wonderful incentives this challenge!

Thanks EvilProducer for letting me blatantly plagiarize the August Challenge rules, etc. (and for the great September challenge).

Post edited by DustRider on


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