How do I remove weight painting from a vertex?
So I made a mask for Genesis, and I rigged it with the transfer utility, and part of the eye-holes has gotten stuck to the bones for the eyes, so it pulls around and gets all weird when the eyes move.
Now I have the weight painting tool open, I've got all the vertexes in the head selected, and the left eye-bone selected, what is the command to remove all of the weighting from that bone and/or weight-group?
Should I remove the eye-bones from the rig entirely or just take off the weighting and leave the bones where they are?
To remove the weighting and assign it to the head, which is presumably what you want, seelct the head, then select teh weight map for the head, right click with the tool in the viewport and then click Fill Selected Vertices and enter 1 as the value - as long as you haven't turned normalisation off that should remove the weights from the eye bones.