does it run on Mountain Lion?

Can any mac user tell me if runs on 10.8 Mountain Lion that is officially released in a few days time?
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Can any mac user tell me if runs on 10.8 Mountain Lion that is officially released in a few days time?
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I have heard it WILL NOT! I am planning on buying a new MACPRO in 2 weeks and they will come with mountain Lion 10.8 installed! I am going to have to DOWNGRADE the OS to LEOPARD or 10.6 to use carrara safely and I think that sucks!~
There is no hint as to if and when carrara 8.5 will ever be released.
ALSO NOTE I have read a lot about the latest OSs from apple, from higher end artist, and they all love leopard and most refuse to go higher until some issues with lion and mountain lion are resolved.
Some animators say that LION is significantly slower on the render than Leopard.
However I have read that when you but a new Mac with either Lion or Mountain Lion installed it is not possible to donwgrade the OS. I may be wrong.
i bought a mac mini with 10.7 on it and had to downgrade to 10.6.8. for rosetta was not easy but did it. otherwise id have to update most of my software. on the apple support site is where i found the how to for downgrading the mini. somebody might be doing it for mac pro. Can I install Snow Leopard on the new Mac Mini is the name of the article
Basically if you want to use carrara 8.5 on mac, your going to HAVE to somehow make Leopard 10.6 your OS which is infuriating to me! GRRRR!
I have read on MAC-RUMORS a few times this is no big deal BUT it was in the MACPRO forum seeing thats where my concerns lie.
I have just submitted a THREAD there about just this issue and await competent replies!
I will let you know what I learn!
Frankly i have never seen any modern software apps where one has to downgrade their OS 2 version back to make it work MY GAWD!
Oh, come on now, be fair. When Lion was first released there were more apps that didn't work in it than there were apps that did. It caught a great many software companies out, and some of them bigger companies than Daz3D.
CHOHOLE!~ dont make me pull this car over!
Surely its Daz responsibility to keep their software updated.
Its very frustrating.
I love the ease of use of Carrara and want Carrara to develop but not being able to use it on the latest mac OS is crazy.
I am using 10.6.8 presently just to use Carrara.
I am running C8.5beta just fine on osX.7 -- assuming DAZ remembers to provide a serial number on this un-ending beta.
I assume that is part of what they are doing during the current dev cycle. Carrara is currently being developed.
New in Carrara 8.5:
16. Mac OSX Lion support has been implemented
and what I've been hearing is the change from Leopard to Lion was extreme, much like the OS9 to X was, while the change from Lion to Mountain Lion isn't extreme. However, experience is that if DAZ says OS Lion support works, I wouldn't assume Mountain Lion will until they say it does, and I wouldn't expect any version of C to run under operating systems other than the ones it's released under.
Mountain Lion is finally out. Anybody had a chance to test Carrara on it ? I plan to make a switch soon, but I am too afraid that Carrara won't work in ML. However, there are too many apps that require Lion+ now, so I might be forced to do the update anyways.
GAWD wouldn't you know it! 2 week out till I buy my new mac and they toss on MOUNTAIN LION!!!!! DAMN ALL THE LUCK!
Well looks like I am gunna be a ginnie pig soon! Looks like there is NO WAY round getting a new mac that does not come with Mountain lion installed, AND you will play hell trying to get an install disk for lion even if you wanted to down grade the OS!
SP looks like I will stumble along with carrara on this machine running like a 3 legged horse with a stroke on Mountain Lion. I bet it will at least run but it will be hell working with!
PLEASE DAZ! Give your code zombies anything they want to get Carrara 8.5 to run well on ML!
Richard, I think I will download & install ML on one of my older computers and will definitely test Carrara on it. Hopefully this happens over the weekend. I will let you know. Is anyone faster ?
At least you guys know that Daz is working on it. We poor peeps over in the other side of the forum have to wait till they get Carrara and DS sorted before we get a chance of any more dev coming our way.:roll:
Thanks pal! But arent you worried about not being able to DOWNGRADE this machine you are talking about runs on 10.8 Mountain Lion.
Yep just installed Mountain Lion and fired Carrara with baited breath.
YOu might want to take the long scenic route/drive before with Carrara you say it runs on 10.8! PLEASE do some work with it then tell us what happens!
After reading the info for Mountain Lion, it looks like Apple is dropping support for 32bit processes in this round.
The things I would test would be the 32bit version of Carrara, and also rendering to a Quicktime which opens a 32bit quicktime-thing (I think this still happens?) or any other 32bit processes you can think of...
YOu might want to take the long scenic route/drive before with Carrara you say it runs on 10.8! PLEASE do some work with it then tell us what happens!
I just did that. I am on Mountain Lion right now, and everything I tried with Carrara worked just fine. App starts, file open, rendering works, no problems whatsoever. Need to try some of my high poly files to see if the problems with saving and overall stability persists, but I am afraid this has nothing to do with underlying OS but we need to keep our fingers crossed that DAZ will eventually squash some long persistent bugs.
I just did that. I am on Mountain Lion right now, and everything I tried with Carrara worked just fine. App starts, file open, rendering works, no problems whatsoever. Need to try some of my high poly files to see if the problems with saving and overall stability persists, but I am afraid this has nothing to do with underlying OS but we need to keep our fingers crossed that DAZ will eventually squash some long persistent bugs.
I would like to know if you get an ERROR and crash if you click in the timeline! That may take a few minutes but IF I open C8 in power MAC 10.5.8 and have to click, s;elect , move things around in the timeline within a few minutes I will get and error/crash! Which means if I dont want to loose any of my work I have to save every few moves and that means a multi-minute save
I am currently running it in Mountain Lion
I've been using the new beta (172) in both Lion and Mountain Lion. Performance seems to be the same in both operating systems. I've opened, rendered and saved a large file with two M4 characters and a lot of buildings. Everything was good. Adding poses works well. I tried some simple bullet physics and they work too. I haven't tried animating or changing shaders yet. I only had one crash so far. (That's much better than the previous build.) When I added a pose to Genesis in Mountain Lion. I tried it again and it crashed again. After rebooting I was able to get it to work. It didn't crash in Lion.
I did notice one strange behavior with the new beta. The spot render doesn't work anymore. It just gives me a white square. I got the same behavior on both operating systems on two different computers (27" iMac and a 13" MacBook Pro). Has anyone else seen this? It works the same whether OpenGL rendering is active or software rendering. Should I report this in the Bug Report.
Confirmed. I have a totally white spot render. >:-(
Random crashing and frequently in mtn lion save often! No white square test render working in Mtn Lion and build 172 64 bit i5.