Accessing Tristate DzCheckBox

Hi, im trying to access (get and set) the state of a tristate DzCheckBox but nothing will work (see sample code).


var cb = new DzCheckBox(wDialog);

cb.tristate = true;


cb.stateChanged.connect(cbChanged); // is not triggered

cb['stateChanged(int)'].connect(cbChanged); // is not triggered

function cbChanged(nState) {

print("nState = " + nState);



cb.toggled.connect(cbToggled); // delivers only yes or no - not partially checked

function cbToggled(bState) {

print("cb.toggled = " + bState);




function cbReleased() {

// which attribute to check ???

// print("??? = " + cb.???);



Has anyone any idea to master this? Thanks!


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