With a squadron of Wildcats as my escort, I gained altitude over Moroccan coastline, North West Africa. At the High Atlas Mountains, the Wildcats would return to the USS Ranger and I would descend to a low altitude and follow a designated flight path, east south east, to my rendezvous point. My mission: To collect and escort the leader of the French resistance back for negotiations between the US forces and the French Army. WW2, for the United States of America, had just become a reality.
Western Task Force - Operation Torch Last light - 11 November 1942 (18h07).jpg
At 23h00, the Boeing-Stearman 75 had covered approximately 480 miles. I was close to my rendezvous point and all I could see below were shadows on the desert floor. I needed to find my destination quickly. I had approximately 23 minutes of fuel left. Suddenly multiple red flashes ignited before me from the desert below. I jerked the joystick to the right and banked sharply, only to realize that I was dodging vehicle brake lights from vehicles that had lined up a makeshift runway for me to land on. When the aircraft came to a standstill, a figure disembarked from a fuel tanker that had pulled up alongside the aircraft. The moon and retreating convoy lights illuminated the face of the most intimidating individual I would ever meet. He puffed once on his pipe and then pointed the stem at me while his eyes bore into my soul…” You’re late! You were supposed to be here at 23h00 sharp! Not 23h12! Wars are not won on tardiness! Go refresh yourself while we fuel up. We’re airborne at 00h00!”
I regain consciousness still harnessed in my seat. It’s dark and cold. My hands are numb. It’s close to 0ºC – (32ºF); possibly about 02h30. We had been flying for about 2 hours before the engine cut out and we crashed. I can still hear the contracting engine metal clicking as it cools down. I have an emergency survival kit that has a miner’s torch in it. I take it to search for and find the French officer. He has been thrown out of the cockpit and into the sand dunes 20 meters beyond the wreckage. He is bashed up badly, unconscious but alive. I drag him back to the wreckage, secure a parachute over the tail wing as a temporary shelter and tend to his injuries. Through rough calculations, I surmise we are approximately 300 miles from the USS Ranger. Our ETA was 05h00 so we will only be missed in another 3 hours.
By 15h00 this afternoon, It will be about 50º C - (122º F). The wind blowing across the flats will billow 80º C - (176ºF) hot sand up and over the ridge. Most of the water will be gone. No rescue party will have found you. You will have a decision to make. A shimmer of what appears to be water, lies beyond the mountains and across the flats, some 20 miles away. What will you do?
**Edit 2: Many thanks to Charles, below, for pointing out how to make the picture fit in my post. That 'width to 800' thing was the crucial detail and worked a charm. If I remember correctly I haven't posted in these forums since 2012-ish and I'd forgotten how it all worked ;-)
Click on your attachment and open it in a new window. Come back to your post and hit edit. Add image in the message and for the URL copy and paste the image address from the other window. Set width to 800.
Second entry
Category: Main (and possibly Re-Purposed--using Classic Long Hair with dForce for Genesis 8 Female(s), not sure if that counts)
Title: Water Creature
Jersey was determined to fit in on his new job with the rest of the boys. The attempt though was a shrill gasp that escaped his pursed lips causing the target of his affection to think he needed the Heimlich Maneuver to save him. Stronger than she looked, he lost his partial plate from his hockey days in the Hudson from the force of her fists and a catfish swam off with them. All is not lost though as the balloons he bought on the way home from work might help when he tried again tomorrow. Wolf whistling is hard.
Tomorrow's Episode: The overnight escape of helium leaves Jersey deflated and grounded.
Entry 2: Midnight Research and Blood Sacrifices
Categories: General, Storytelling Entry (Silver)
While searching for a way to dispel the evil living in their dorm, the boys hoped for a simple, paint-by-numbers banishing spell.
They were, predictably, sorely disappointed.
First Entry
Category: General, Storytelling
Title: Waiting
Caption: Will she show this time?
Altered Beast? My first thought was the X-Men arcade game, but that was "welcome to die".
Cut it Out...You've got me doing it now!
Ok, here's my third and final entry. For general entry and storytelling.
Final Preparations
Santa is completing his final list check before heading out on his busy night!
Merry Christmas, everyone!
Rendered in Iray.
Postwork in Pixelmator.
My second entry for the General Category - Fun in the Snow
Morning Motivation...Soon as I've had my coffee!
This is my first contest to enter but I have been learning Daz and modeling for several years. (No post work done except for watermark.)
Image #1: General Entry
Title: Sup
Image #2: Repurpose
Title: Dangle’s New Pants
Notes: Main character uses XF-Bottom Uniform from X-Fasion Uniform for Genesis 8 Female(s)
Image #3: Golden Storytelling
Title: King of the Hill
Notes: Main character uses Body Wounds HD Morphs for Genesis 8 Male(s)
Entry #1
Categories: General, Carrara, PA.
"Hot Boys Season"
Carrara native render
3rd entry - General and Storytelling
Christmas Blues
This year has really taken it's toll.
Both for the world and personally.
Maybe it's time to just hang it up and retire.
Storytelling Entry (3rd and final entry)
Title: ...and I Have a Bow and Arrow
First Entry
Category: Storytelling
Title: Western Task Force - Operation Torch
Last light - 11 November 1942 (18h07)
With a squadron of Wildcats as my escort, I gained altitude over Moroccan coastline, North West Africa. At the High Atlas Mountains, the Wildcats would return to the USS Ranger and I would descend to a low altitude and follow a designated flight path, east south east, to my rendezvous point. My mission: To collect and escort the leader of the French resistance back for negotiations between the US forces and the French Army. WW2, for the United States of America, had just become a reality.
Second Entry
Category: General
Title: The Meeting
11 November 1942 (23h12)
At 23h00, the Boeing-Stearman 75 had covered approximately 480 miles. I was close to my rendezvous point and all I could see below were shadows on the desert floor. I needed to find my destination quickly. I had approximately 23 minutes of fuel left. Suddenly multiple red flashes ignited before me from the desert below. I jerked the joystick to the right and banked sharply, only to realize that I was dodging vehicle brake lights from vehicles that had lined up a makeshift runway for me to land on. When the aircraft came to a standstill, a figure disembarked from a fuel tanker that had pulled up alongside the aircraft. The moon and retreating convoy lights illuminated the face of the most intimidating individual I would ever meet. He puffed once on his pipe and then pointed the stem at me while his eyes bore into my soul…” You’re late! You were supposed to be here at 23h00 sharp! Not 23h12! Wars are not won on tardiness! Go refresh yourself while we fuel up. We’re airborne at 00h00!”
Third Entry
Category: Story telling
Title: The Question – VIP priority
12 November 1942…
I regain consciousness still harnessed in my seat. It’s dark and cold. My hands are numb. It’s close to 0ºC – (32ºF); possibly about 02h30. We had been flying for about 2 hours before the engine cut out and we crashed. I can still hear the contracting engine metal clicking as it cools down. I have an emergency survival kit that has a miner’s torch in it. I take it to search for and find the French officer. He has been thrown out of the cockpit and into the sand dunes 20 meters beyond the wreckage. He is bashed up badly, unconscious but alive. I drag him back to the wreckage, secure a parachute over the tail wing as a temporary shelter and tend to his injuries. Through rough calculations, I surmise we are approximately 300 miles from the USS Ranger. Our ETA was 05h00 so we will only be missed in another 3 hours.
By 15h00 this afternoon, It will be about 50º C - (122º F). The wind blowing across the flats will billow 80º C - (176ºF) hot sand up and over the ridge. Most of the water will be gone. No rescue party will have found you. You will have a decision to make. A shimmer of what appears to be water, lies beyond the mountains and across the flats, some 20 miles away. What will you do?
Category: Storytelling
Title: Old Comrades
**Edit 2: Many thanks to Charles, below, for pointing out how to make the picture fit in my post. That 'width to 800' thing was the crucial detail and worked a charm. If I remember correctly I haven't posted in these forums since 2012-ish and I'd forgotten how it all worked ;-)
Click on your attachment and open it in a new window. Come back to your post and hit edit. Add image in the message and for the URL copy and paste the image address from the other window. Set width to 800.
First Entry
Category: Main, Storytelling (using Battle Ready for Ogre HD and Genesis 3 and 8 Male(s))
Title: Lunch Break
Inspired by the Merman sculpture by Cameron Stalheim and the idea that fantastical beasts don't need to conform to human ideas about proportions.
Second entry
Category: Main (and possibly Re-Purposed--using Classic Long Hair with dForce for Genesis 8 Female(s), not sure if that counts)
Title: Water Creature
This is for the general category.
I have way too much fun with this character.
First Entry
Category: General, PA
Title: Tinker
Entry #2
Categories: General, PA.
"Am I not a man?"
Title: Surviving the Storm
Category: Gold Storytelling
Qualifying Item: LIE Body Scars
3rd entry... It's been fun! G'luck everyone!
Entry 2
Title: Dad can sleep through ALMOST anything...
Category: Main, Storytelling
Entry: 1
Title: Heat Miser's Acme Malfunction
Category: General, Carrara, StoryTelling
Entry #3
Categories: General, PA, StoryTelling
"Red wine alluring"
Title: Jersey Boy
Cate: General, Storytelling
Jersey was determined to fit in on his new job with the rest of the boys. The attempt though was a shrill gasp that escaped his pursed lips causing the target of his affection to think he needed the Heimlich Maneuver to save him. Stronger than she looked, he lost his partial plate from his hockey days in the Hudson from the force of her fists and a catfish swam off with them. All is not lost though as the balloons he bought on the way home from work might help when he tried again tomorrow. Wolf whistling is hard.
Tomorrow's Episode: The overnight escape of helium leaves Jersey deflated and grounded.
My first entry this year is a simple portrait.
Title: Just an Average Guy
Category: General
Entry 1: Acceptance
Categories: General, Storytelling Entry (Silver)
Some soldier bravely, fighting 'til their inevitable end, while others sit in quiet acceptance of that which they themselves have caused.
Entry 2: Midnight Research and Blood Sacrifices
Categories: General, Storytelling Entry (Silver)
While searching for a way to dispel the evil living in their dorm, the boys hoped for a simple, paint-by-numbers banishing spell.
They were, predictably, sorely disappointed.