Thread Moderation questions

I was told that I should report threads and posts I deem inappropriate. However, I find myself very unclear on the terms in which a post or thread can be flagged. Obviously, profane language and nudity is not allowed, but what other things warrant reporting?
Also, how do I report a moderator if I dont like the way they moderate?
Well lets start by saying that the Moderators on this site are a team. On the old site we were shown as "Daz Forum Team". The same concept applies on this site, if you click on the profile link under any of the people you know to be moderators then you will see we are now shown as "Forum Admin". Any Moderation decision taken is taken by the team after a team meeeting and a vote. There has to be a least a quorum for that decision to be taken, and if it is something serious then the decision will be delayed until all members of the team have been consulted.and had their say. Consequently no moderator takes a "unilateral" decision, it is always a team decision.
As to what constitutes an inappropriate post, basically you can report anything that you feel to be inappropriate. All the moderation team recieve a copy of the report, so there is very little chance that the report will be missed, and each report will be considered by the team.
Should a post be deemed innaprppriate when there are not enough moderators on duty, then the post will be temporarily hidden and the poster notified that the post has been temporarily removed for review. Said review will be done once it is possible to consult the team.
Does that help
Just to add - the Report link is at the top-right of each post, and will give you a chance tio enter a reason for the report. Making a report doesn't attach a black mark to the person you are reporting so there's no harm in using it when you aren't sure if a post warrants it.
If you are unhappy with the way the moderators handle a decision you should open a Support ticket, though I'm not qite sure which department would be best to pick, to draw it to DAZ' attention.
Inappropriate placement of threads, spam, inappropriate attitude...
Inappropriate placement of threads, spam, inappropriate attitude...
posting inappropriate photos of one's self on the forum with Michael 4's hands covering inappropriate bits :red:
I'm sure I had a post removed the other day but was not imformed of the removal or why?
OK, we have investigated, and it appears that it was collateral damage when we removed a thread and we apologise for not notifying you of that.
I suppose if you read the Terms of Service it gives you a very good idea how it works from the start :)
DAZ Forum General Guidelines
There aren't many active Moderators to report if you disagree with how they moderate.
If you check the member list there are only two and one of them has not posted ?
member list
All you other guys are listed as administrators, Rashad you are yet to be designated. Or "they" must have a special section hidden away :)
I wonder, what is the difference between a Mod and Admin and why are there only two mods listed?
And who are the "they"?
Do you vote on the spam bots' posts? They are usually confusing for me and also selling something fishy
If its the standard bot then we just remove it. If its a more complicated one we vote on it.
If a post is obviously spam then there is no need for discussion. However sometimes there are some posts that could be genuine, and these are treated in the same way as any other removed post.
Oh there is so much I could do with this. ;)
"As to what constitutes an inappropriate post, basically you can report anything that you feel to be inappropriate."
The TOS has several parts that are open to interpretation. I have done that dance and found out what is and isn't exceptable. A lot of what isn't exceptable still mystifies me.
Ah, to the rescue Chohole! Yes, this does help a lot. It is good to know that there is a team and that decisions are shared. It is also good to know that there is an internal review and all of that. The moderation team takes the task seriously which I greatly appreciate.
The reason I asked is because when notifications are sent out about post removal it comes from the forum team, but when I reply to the email and ask for further explanation no one returns my email, so I was wondering what to do next. Does no one receive the reply emails?
The tricky thing is in determining what is inappropriate, and I'm sure that is just as tough for a moderator to determine as it is for a forum user. If by some chance I thought a post or thread was inappropriate and reported it, but the moderators do not act upon it and do not explain why they do not act upon it, it then leaves the forum user with no explanation. Well, since you and I get on so well I will send you a PM with my current concerns just to clarify my position on all of this.
Thanks for chiming in!
Well, next time have his hands cover the appropriate bits ... even if they are a bit small for the job.
I've got no particular beef with the moderators, just unsure about some of the forum procedures. Good to know there are no lasting effects from reporting a post, I thought for certain there was a "tally" of sorts and once a person is reported enough that they would be reprimanded in some way. Also, what is the point of reporting if nothing is done? But that is a different discussion. For my current purposes I thought "reporting" might be overkill, all that is needed is a little bit of reflection. It's like calling the cops when all you needed was an elder to step in and calm the kids down. I'm learning about this all day by day. Thanks Richard!
Good moderators moderate in moderation. Or should that be good moderators use moderation when they are moderating.
One of my posts was removed because it was 'politically contentious' whatever that means
meaning it had the potential to spark a political debate, a very contentious politcal debate.
meaning it had the potential to spark a political debate, a very contentious politcal debate.
WOW!! 'the potential to cause', I could post exactly what I think of that but i'm not going there, while i'm in the mood I am :(
I thought the TOS specifically mentioned that they didn't want political debates as this was a forum intended primarily for the discussion of 3D and art related topics. So I can understand the reason for the removal of the thread.
It does. Political and religious. Both topic spark heated debates which lead to other TOS violations.
how about "Cats rule, and dogs drool" well dogs do drool. they cannot help it with their tongues sticking out of their mouths all the time.
I think the thread is still there (but who knows in this mess of a forum) it was just my post that was removed which was merely a request to use a piece of art and the reason why I wished to use it.