Carrara 8 Pro preset scenes missing

cobuspcobusp Posts: 303
edited December 1969 in Carrara Discussion

Well, I don't know what to do next. The preset scenes when one creates a new doc, are simply not there! I installed the Carrara Native Content as well as the DazContent, but there's still nothing!

Can somebody please help?


  • DiomedeDiomede Posts: 15,225
    edited December 1969


    I had some install problems as well, but more info is needed to try to help you. A partial account of my pain and frustration can be found here.

    You should add your issue there as well.

    Here is a possible temporary solution so you have access to your content until it can be installed properly.

    Did you install Carrara manually, or did you have the Daz install manager (DIM) install it?
    - if the Dim installed it, then you should be able to use DIM to find out where it installed the scene presets on your computer. Hover your cursor over the middle of the DIM screen over the installed content (Carrara Native Content) and right click. A menu should appear in which you can choose to show the location of installed files. Note the location of the scene presets and add the location to Carrara's content browser (icon in the upper right corner of the browser tray).
    - if you installed it manually, then have to figure out if you installed to the correct place but it isn't being recognized, or if you installed to another folder. Note - you can still add the other folder to your browser and have access to your presets as long as you can find it.

  • evilproducerevilproducer Posts: 9,050
    edited December 1969

    The other possibility that I make sure to remind folks about is to make sure that you don't install Carrara's Render Node on the machine that the main Carrara application is installed on. It's a fairly easy mistake to make. For instance, if you installed the main application first, then the node, it could overwrite the Carrara application leaving you with the render node.

  • de3ande3an Posts: 915
    edited December 1969

    cobusp said:
    Well, I don't know what to do next. The preset scenes when one creates a new doc, are simply not there! I installed the Carrara Native Content as well as the DazContent, but there's still nothing!

    Can somebody please help?

    If you are installing Carrara 8.5 Pro, there is no file named just "Carrara Native Content".

    You need to install these three items:
    Carrara 8 Native Content (contains preset scenes and the bulk of the shaders)
    Carrara 8.5 Native Content
    Carrara 8.5 Pro Native Content

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