Carraa 8.5 bugs on the Mac

My other "issues" post didn't seem to get on here for some reason so I'll try again.
I have Carrara 8.5 Pro for the Mac, running on a new MacPro. Every version I've purchased over the years has
had lots of bugs. Things didn't work as they were supposed to. Renders quit. Objects locked. You name it.
Each time a new update came out - 3 to 4; 4-5 and so on - I couldn't wait... thinking all the bugs had been addressed
and everything was going to work fine. It never has. Now, with the latest 8.5, running on a really good machine, there
are still "issues". Shaders don't always "take" on an object. The old shader stays. No rhyme or reason. Sometimes it
happens, sometimes it doesn't. Shading text sometimes leaves a single edge of one of the letters unshaded. Just stays
whatever color it was no matter what you do. Have to delete the shader completely and start over.
Now, when rendering, after setting up up the render settings and file name, hitting SAVE makes the whole screen go
white. Everything disappears. This was an issue with the Beta that obviously wasn't addressed. I even talked to tech support about this and they acknowledged it with "it's only a Beta version". As you mouse around the white screen, some menu items begin to appear. When the WINDOW menu appears, you can select RENDER and sometimes it will start and sometimes it will crash. Never know what will happen.
In the shader room, drawing a rectangle layer on an object.... if you start the rectangle in a beveled area of the object - like the edge - the program locks and crashes.
This is the latest 8.5 for the Mac.
Why are these bugs here? Doesn't anyone actually USE the program in the real world before selling it?
To say Carrara is frustrating is an understatement. I seems like they simply don't care - at least not about the Mac version.
Cinema 4D is looking better all the time.
THere is a sticky thread here Would you like me to merge your thread into it?
[ am having a similar problem with the screen going white. was in the betas also. what happens with mine is in the uv room when i make a selection in the uv window i must select then move the cursor out of the window and the selection will update, if i save the screen goes partly white. i have brought this up many times with daz. this happens on my mac dual quad running 10.9.3 with a nvidea quadro 4000 no slouch of a card. the impression ive gotten from daz is i should buy a new card, its not going to be fixed. i am not having any of the other problems you are having truth be told they have done a good job on the mac compared to how carrara ran on the mac before. what graphic card are you running. it is the openGL implementation i think, and i thought i was the only one with the screen going white.
I guess it's better than previous versions, which wouldn't be difficult. I don't use the UV room so don't know if it would happen there. I'll have to check my MacPro for the graphics card, but if the card in a MacPro system isn't good enough for Carrara, there's something wrong. Cinema 4D runs perfectly. The fact that they seem to always put it on the user and not the program is telling. This white screen thing is ridiculous considering it was in the Beta, and told about, and it's still here.