Question about the 'right click'.

Hello, I frequently experience sudden freezes, where- while I am working on characters (or props/sets) in the viewport- there is no response to a 'right click', and no selection can be made, apart from the 'scene' pane.
It creates a considerable amount of problems, and slow downs the process of setting up a scene. (Imagine forgetting to select a character, then trying to fit an item to the character, and being unable to select the item, to remove it from the scene, because it is also not easy to locate in scenes. Things like that, happen, too.)
But the inability to 'right click' on something in the viewport, is a bit frustrating, when it happens a lot.
It usually just starts happening, for no apparent reason, after working okay. Sometimes it starts with one character, then spreads then others stop responding, until the whole scene does not respond.
Has anyone else experienced this? Am I missing something simple?
Which tool are you using when the right-click fails? Some tools (e.g. Geometry Editor, I think) don't let you select in the Viewport, you have to either change tool or select in the Scene Pane.
Another possibility; if you look in the Scene Pane, there are two columns of icons to the left of the object/body part names. The first is an open or closed eye, for visibility; the second is a pointer arrow with a tick or an "X", if it's an "X" you can't select the object in the Viewport.
Thanks for replying! Sorry I responded so late.
I hate to admit it, but...if I knew, I forgot. The other day, I was wondering what the 'x' did, as apposed to the 'check' mark. Thank you for telling me! and also addressing the main question!
It stops doint that, sometimes- it stopped, yesterday, and worked.
Then, today, it wont right-click and select an objecct, again. So I don't know if something is wrong with my mouse, or what. But it only does it in Daz.
However! I did notice that when I used another tool- as you suggested- that 'right-click' did work!
But (attachment) I cannot find the coat listed, so I can delete it. 'Right-click' brought up selections for other articles of clothing (even the hood), but not the one I want to remove - the coat. Notice it does not appear on the left.
I wondered if it might be parented to something else, but I have not located it in the tree, yet.
This, also, has happened to me, before. But usually I find out that it is parented (unintentionally) to something else, in the tree
Uppp! Before I send this out (really), I just spotted it (the coat) in the long tree, under skirt!
It must have been accidently parented to the skirt.
Okay, the tool suggestion helped me resolve the 'right-click' issue. And I located the coat.
Thank you, again!
...I'm not sure why the pointer sometimes stops working, on 'right-click'. But as long as another tool works, I can move on the next part of the build.
Take care!
Been there, done that, couldn't find the t-shirt.
It's actually surprisingly easy to do things like that by accident, especially with all the tiny little buttons and stuff tucked away in odd corners of the D|S window layout.
Ran into this problem, again, and sure enough, it was the tool that was being used! Tools were changed while I was working on something, without me knowing- I probably clicked something by accident.
Easy solve for a frustrating 'perceived' problem!