Dynamic Missing Clothing Control! (resolved)
Hi guys!
I thought that we were given a free plugin for dynamic clothing control? It was severely limited, but it was a nice platform to learn how to do it on. With my latest copy of DAZ it's just not anywhere, and the plugin menu says what I have is for a different version. But I only upgraded from 4.5 to 4.6?
Am I missing a step here? Or did I just go nuts and dreamed all that experimentation? (And if I buy it, am I guaranteed it's going to work at this stage?)
Post edited by spearcarrier on
I'm such a dork. Got it! Thanks!
Note that the full Dynamic Control, if you go ahead and buy the complete one, is among the plugins that must be updated every time you update D|S; the last two number groups of the version number must match. You don't need to worry about this if you stay with the free version, the new update is one of the plugins always included with the D|S program installer.
I just bought the full version today. After installing (using DIM), viewing the installed plugins showed it had failed to load and "Plug-in was made for a newer version of DAZ Studio." I was using pro 64 bit. So I updated DS (using DIM) and am now using Pro 64 bit. Viewing the installed plugins, it's still showing the basic plugin (version and I don't see any of the additional options of the complete version (when a dynamic clothing is loaded in the scene). Looking at the install in DIM, it just states, "DAZ Studio 4.5 (64-bit) :" and no version number.
I've closed and re-opened DS several times but still see the same data. Closing/re-opening DIM doesn't show updates available for the complete version either.
If I'm understanding correctly, even with the complete version, I should be seeing some version number and the last 2 sets of numbers should match-do I have that right? If so, how/where do I find the version (of the full version of the Dynamic Control) that was installed by DIM to verify it matches my current version of DS?
Any input/assistance is greatly appreciated!
Can't help you there, I'm afraid, I don't use DIM, I always download the installer from the Product Library page in the store. This does sound a bit weird, though. Now that you've updated D|S, can you get DIM to re-download the plugin? The procedure might not be the same with DIM, but with the downloaded installers I've always manually uninstalled the plugin before updating D|S, then install the new plugin. Doing it the other way round might cause Weird Stuff™ to happen.
Thanks, SpottedKitty- In DIM I uninstalled the plugin, then manually downloaded the installer, installed, and is now working as expected. Thanks again!
That's good. The tricky thing with D|S and its plugins is that simply re-installing a plugin over the old version doesn't always clear away old files if there have been significant changes between versions — D|S expects to find the new version, but picks up the old version instead. Installing the new plugin then the new D|S can likewise cause the occasional to occur, as you discovered. The only way to make sure you clear away any incompatible old files is to uninstall the old plugin, then update D|S, then install the new plugin.