Carrara not "seeing" designated scratch disk.

Hi. I'm running Carrara v6.2.1 on a Mac Pro running OS X 10.6.8 (just upgraded from a G5). The boot drive is an SSD. In Carrara Preferences I've selected a 2nd internal drive (a 7200 RPM HDD) for my Scratch Disk but Carrara doesn't seem to see that drive. It does not create a Daz Tmp folder on it and as soon as I create a new document it stops working and I have to force-quit the app. If I select the Documents folder in my users folder on the boot drive, it seems to work just fine. Any ideas, anyone?
Did you create a folder on the SSD, or just designate the drive itself? If the latter, try creating a ("DAZ_TEMP" for example) folder on the SSD, and designate that folder in preferences.
It is strongly disadvised using a SSD for the temporary files of any kinds… You indicates the place (anywhere on the HDD) in your preferences and Carrara creates itself its DAZtmp file in this place.
Dartanbeck, that was it! It was actually the HDD that I wanted to use as the scratch disk (not the SSD) and I had just been designating the drive itself. I manually created a folder on the HDD, and designated that folder in Scratch Disk preferences (as you suggested) and it worked! Carrara is running fine now and using my 2nd internal drive as a scratch disk. Thank you so much for your help.
DUDU_00001, the problem was that Carrara was not creating its own DAZtmp file for some reason on the HDD that I had designated. I didn't really want to use the SSD boot drive for my scratch disk but I didn't know it was disadvised to use an SSD for temporary file storage. Thanks for the info.
1- In C8 the file is created by Carrara, I just make a test now.
2- It is because the number of rewriting is much more limited on a SSD.
Look on the internet to know what you must disable on this kind of disk.
Try to use it only for your programs, without their data if possible (Carrara content for exemple).
Despite everything, there are two systems of SSD chips, one is better but more expensive.
In C6 the DazTmp folder was also created by Carrara on the designated scratch disk drive when I was running Tiger on my G5. But on my new system it wasn't doing it.
I will have to read up more on working w/ SSD drives as you suggest. Thanks for the tips.
That distinction is good to know. I was under the impression that SSD drives would be good for editing audio or video, but apparently that is not true.
For speed, it's impeccable, but for the lifespan….
I am in an association of filmmakers and we are all of agreement to said that the system RAID is the best at the moment.
Blah I am having endless headaches getting all my unneeded stuff off my new SSD
found nothing likes pathways changed without re installing
had my old drive cloned and so far had to reinstall most my programs to get em working with temp and Data files on E drive instead
DIM annoys me the most
will see hard linked in command prompt manifest files but will not write them there and will not let me put the install manager folder on E drive though have DIM itself there
DAZ keeps updating content everytime I open DIM so lots of rewriting