Reflecting Poses

tolga.ahiskatolga.ahiska Posts: 0
edited December 1969 in Daz Studio Discussion

Hi all,

I have some poses that I need to reflect. As a simple example; copying a pose leaning to the left with an right hand raised, so that the character is leaning to the right with the reft hand raised in exactly the same fashion.

I can of course manually copy paste each properties value as positive or negative values but this would take a long time considering all of the tiny details like the tip of a finger etc...

Is there a way of doing this automatically.




  • MattymanxMattymanx Posts: 6,956
    edited December 1969


    In DAZ Studio 4.6 select the hip of the figure and then press "Shift+Y" on the keyboard and the symmetry window will appear

    In the Symmetry window under the options tab set the following:

    Nodes - Selected
    Propagatoin - Recursive
    Direction - Swap Left and Right
    Trunk Nodes - Mirror Y|Z Rotations

    Under Transforms check the boxes for Rotation and Translation. Leave the Scale boxes empty

    On the Preferences Tab on the Symmetry window, select "Set Prefered Options on Accept" and then click Accept.

    This does not mirror the body node rotations and translations. You will have to manually mirror those but that is very minor

  • ToborTobor Posts: 2,300

    Not a comment on the responses, just what we have to gthrough to mirror a lousy pose in D|S. Afraid to say this is one area where Poser is far superior in its simplicity. While I like the specific control of the joints, there should be a more basic interface for routine mirrors: swap arms, legs, mirror arms/legs/all. 

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