Transfering Gen 4 Morphs to Genesis/Genesis 2
![Bruce Cook](
I have recently purchased the Generation X2 software, along with the Add-ons for Genesis and Genesis 2. Despite numerous attempts (and review of the manual instructions), I have not been able to transfer the character head morphs of M4 and/or Genesis to Genesis 2 characters. The morphs do not register on the Gen X2 Transter tab when I try to load them, nor to they load when I try to load the character morphs manually; usually I get an error message. Admittedly, some of the character head I have tried to transfer I purchased from other sources, but I have the same issues when I try to load M4/Genesis head morphs that I purchased from DAZ 3d. When I bought the Gen X2 software ( the Gen X software previously) I was under the impression the program would allow such character head morph transfers. Am I incorrect in this assumption? If not, how do I correct the problem? If you would, please render whatever advice you can give. Thank you.
Hi, I hope you have resolved your problem. I'm afraid I can't help with the problem, because I don't own the product. But, have you seen this big thread about GenX2? Perhaps something there will help, or if you request help in that thread someone will be more likely to see it and offer advice.