Michael 4 Base Boxer Briefs

I need to replace the Michael 4 Base boxer briefs with a Speedo style swimsuit. Can the briefs be removed / deleted in some way?
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I need to replace the Michael 4 Base boxer briefs with a Speedo style swimsuit. Can the briefs be removed / deleted in some way?
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You need a "No briefs" material file to do that. Luckily, ShareCG.com has one here: http://www.sharecg.com/v/42670/gallery/11/Poser/M4-No-Briefs
There should be an All NatrualNG material file which will repalce the briefs with skin, though there won't be any detail for the genitals or pubic hair.
How should I load / place the files (.png, .mcz, etc.)? THANKS!
So it is. However, the basic body map is the no-briefs version, the briefs are on a separate map, so a simple swap to set the Skin Hip to the same settings as the reset of the trunk should do the job.
This is 2014. I have just purchased Michael 4 and it appears that this "missing file" problem is still not resolved. I downloaded the sharecg freebie for No Briefs. I am using a Mac running 10.6.8. I have located a doc file in my DAZStudio4 folder but am unable to track down the SIMPL_Res folder to drop the m4nobrief. png and nobriefhead.png files. The trail goes cold after that.
Any guidance would be greatly appreciated.
This is 2015. I'm in a similar boat to Kathleen, and I'm also struggling to believe this hasn't been fixed by now.
Kathleen, and any other Mac users, I think I managed to sort it:
Copy M4 No Briefs.png and .mcz to My DAZ3D Library > Runtime > Libraries > Character > DAZ People
This was enough to get it to show up in Daz, and when applied it worked just fine. Hope that helps someone else!
For reference, I'm running 10.11.1
I have an !AllNaturalNG icon in the pose directory of my content library. If I apply that, Mike is all natural. Of course if you want him to have the little bits, you have to add them and add a texture to them. I've been using that icon ever since M4 came out.