Scene Analyzer Organizer Simplifier (commercial)

This thread is dedicated to questions concerning Scene Analyser Organiser Simplifier.
I won't include today any images or video links because I am stuck in bed due to a very very recent surgery, so I have to handle everything from my phone or tablet until I am able to get up and sit in front of my computer, which is for now not the case (simply not able to sit yet). This is also why I may be a little bit less responsive than usually dring the coming days, even if I will do my best to answer your questions as fast as I can (from my phone) regarding the situation.
With SAOS you can analyse the nodes you want in your scene in order to return and visualize in a synthetic table the key properties (nodes and properties can be chosen via a configuration script) for these nodes, allowing you to sort your nodes by properties, which will help you for instance identifying if a memory issue can come from one or several nodes, or to identify all emissive nodes, or all nodes which are far away from the camera and are using "useless" normal maps, or all nodes behind the camera, or all nodes having instances and how many, which nodes are very small (in term of volume or in term of mesh, as you want), or all nodes of the same product or of the same category (actor, wardrobe, wearable, with sub categories if you want..), or all the nodes visible in simulation, etc, etc, etc...
Thanks to the smart additional "property based" selection (check/uncheck) tools and to the action tools included in this interface, you can easily and efficiently organize (links with scene selection, smart rename with automatic and or constant prefixes, group, unparent or reparent....) and simplify (lighten via various material simplification, subdivision levels, visibility (each and all visibilities), scene removal actions, with children options....) the elements you want in your scene using/"depending on" these analyzed properties.
Amongst these analyzed properties allowing you to "smart select" the nodes so that you can act on them, you can find :
the label (name), the type (light - and what kind of light- , group, instance, figure, prop, etc.), the volume (size), the distance to the active camera, the position relatively to the active camera (in the half space in front or behind this camera), the parent, the number of children, the number of instances (individual and grouped), the category, the products used (I may forgot some)....
You can also find mesh information: in addition to the number of faces preview and the subdivision levels, the "relative face weight" - i.e. the percentage of faces used by each analyzed node in your scene (faces for this node divided by total faces of the scene) is made available, and this both in preview and render mode. For dforce hair you can force or not the evaluation of the number of render faces.
Concerning the material and textures side, the analyzed properties are the size of the biggest texture maps, the number of texture maps, the relative memory weight of textures for each node before texture compression by Iray (the weight of maps for this node taking account sizes and depths of image maps divided by the total weight of all maps of the scene), the shader(s) used, the number of surfaces using normal maps, using bump maps, using displacement, being emissive, being translucent. If a node shares map(s) with other node a * in the table will make this visible.
A menu will allow you to display a list of all maps shared by several surfaces in the scene, or a list of all the products found, displayed by node, and a summary of the products found in the whole scene. A button is included so that you can access the viewport while you are in the interface, but please read carefully the documentation for a safe use of this extra "bonus" feature.
I may forgot a few features but the main ideas are here.
4 scripts are included: one to display the pdf documentation -even if it is very intuitive to use-, documentation also available in the Readme folder. One to add or remove shortcuts for SAOS in the menu or in the toolbar. One configuration script (to define which nodes - all, selected, selected and children - and which properties are analyzed, as well as the adjustment of the synthetic table size), configuration remembering your preferences until you change them. And finally, the Analyzer script, which launches the analysis, displays the results, includes the smart (or manual if you prefer) selection of elements depending on their properties, and includes the organization and simplification actions.The Analyzer interface has been conceived so that you can resize it with large variations, from small to big, depending on your need in your specific case.
SAOS is designed to grow. If you have new ideas of properties which could be useful to be analyzed, new information you would need to analyze and see, new selections (check/uncheck) or new actions you would like to access, you can contact me here or via MP to submit your ideas.The hardest and largest part of the work is made, any bonus idea is now welcome.
This looks very useful. But please, get better first before doing anything. It is probably boring not being able to do much, but there is always Netflix
Thanks a lot. Well, to be totally honest, I'm still too tired to and feel too bad to watch anything. I'll just watch my mails a few times during the day and answer the forum if necessary.... The rest of the time sleeping is the best thing happening to me...
Sleep, rest, let others care for you. Soon enough the world will be there for you to take it on and wrestle it into submission. And although your products are useful and beloved, you are moreso.
Please take care of yourself,
This kind of problems are on the rise;
Take a rest, sleep well and all the best for you.
It will be nice to have the export possibility of analysis made by SAOS to LibreOffice Calc.
That's way one could open such analysis in external program, that does not affect Daz Studio,
and look around on different pieces of the scene.
I never acted on uv. It seems complicated.
Thanks. Everything is stored in an array in the script so I think this could be possible to export a csv file. I can add it to my suggestion list if enough people are interested in SAOS. I already lade such csv files in other products. Otherwise I included a button allowing you to access the viewport while you keep the interface opened, but with restrictions (doc).
In my cart now, just waiting on my looking over other items. Thanks for a new interesting utility.
This looks EXTREMELY useful - thanks so much for creating it!
You're welcome :) Thank you!
No problem. As usually I created it because I needed it... So I hoped other people would need it to :) Edit: Mary my answer is in your quote but with my phone no way to correct this [fixed by a mod]..
@V3Digitimes Take it easy and get some rest. Hugs from Florida!
Just including the link to the product here, so those of us with the daz browser add on will see it on the product page and be able to come here
Thanks for considering export to a csv file, but your health comes first, everything else can wait.
I have watched your video about the product, but I think for me it will be easier to see analysis in different program, than Daz Studio.
I have many of your products so I am tempted to buy it, but I'm not sure of the purpose. (That might not be the perfect word.) What I mean I analyze my scene...then what? Does it let you do things to simlify it then?
Yes it does.The actions you can take to organize and simplify your scene are all gathered in a dropdown menu on the left of the synthesis table. It will act on links with scene selection, organization, and simplification either of materials simplification, or of mesh subdivision or on visibility or on scene removal. In addition to this action menu, you have an equivalent dropdown 'smart selection' menu to "select by property' the elements you want (but you can do a manual selection). For instance, you can select all the elements in the half space behind the camera using the script, but then the choice is up to you. As actions you can group them in a group you would call 'removable', or you can 'tag' their names using a 'behind' prefix in front of their names, (so that you can decide later on what you do with them), or you can immediately with the script hide them (to preview what the scene would look like without them), and of you are ok with the results your preview, delete them (with an option to unparent their children first). Another example can be to use the smart selection (aka advanced check) menu to select ("autocheck") all the elements which are "small" (volume) and "far away" from your active camera, and either as actions you set them all to a lower resolution, remove some of their maps (normal, bump, displacement can become 100% useless because of their size (volume) and distance), or you do the same as before, hide or delete. One thing that can happen is that you identify a mesh which at render resolution takes 80 percent of the total mesh weight at rendre resolution. Then you can see if you can act on its subdivision, and if not you can either remove it, or tag it using "heavy to be replaced" in ront of its name. The smart rename action is very interesting for that because it can allow you to leave tons of information in the names of the elements of your scene, so that you can take your decisions at any time later on (if you are not ready to take them immediately). There are a lot of decisions you can take depending on your specific scene, and you can take some of them immediately in the script or delay thel for later on, by identifying elements by organization (grouping) or smart renaming. And if things go well the next update will allow the export of a csv file (smart idea) allowing you to be able to open in excel or any free software handling csv this file, and refer to the analysis of the scene without having the analysis table in Daz interface.
I hope it answers your question. To make short I included in the script all the action/simplification tool which seemed useful to me (more can be added later on if users have cool ideas, such as the "export analysis as csv"), and you can to refer to the result of the analysis to define what you want to do with elements which are either too heavy, or not important (volule, location, etc, etc) for your scene.
Get some rest; then get back to work. Watch some puppy videos on YouTube: that might help the time pass.
Lol... Indeed my perception of time is ultra-stretched while I'm still stuck in bed and since I sleep less than the first days. Thanks for the nice puppy advice but I am going to stay away from funny puppies, they are too dangerous XD... (I must avoid laughing and coughing to prevent abdominal stress, so I must avoid both puppies and Covid). I keep anyway your youtube advice: this morning, I discovered "e-penser" french youtube channel (also English subtitled I think), an excellent science vulgarisation channel which is really entertaining (I managed not to laugh!!!), satisfies my physicist background, and relativizes my place in the universe (thus my place in my bed)....
But yes, you're right, I'm gonna keep having some rest, since my body does obviously not let me any other choice.... not yet...In general I'm so busy that I would have answered a simple "thanks" to your message, but I have such a need to fill my "free" time right now that I could write a full book (well maybe a novel) after any comment.
Thanks for taking the time to write such a detailed explanation. So now I will pick it up. And I send you best wishes for your recovery!
Have bought it today - hope to start discovery of the tool later on.
The problem coming-in late to this thread is that it's hard to find anything new/novel to say, but here goes anyway....
Between your posts here and at DA, it's plain to see that you are an amazing, talented woman! To say I'm a big fan is an understatement (I checked and I own 58 of your Daz products.) The reason I AM such a big fan is that I recognize and appreciate the huge commitment you have to your passions - a "student" of light, freely sharing your knowledge with others and creating such useful products for the rest of us. I'm a retired 3D newbie, so this is a hobby for me. But you help make that hobby a LOT of fun AND make using DS a whole lot easier.
I live in the States, so short of boarding a plane and crossing the pond to you in France to offer some hot soup or tea, the next best thing I can do is to beg/plead/cajole you to TAKE IT EASY and allow your body and spirit to heal at its own pace!! We all appreciate your anxiousness to get back to your "normal" routine, but please try to be gentle with yourself.
Hugs and best wishes for your recovery,
Hello, some news here. I managed to include in the script an option to export the full table as a csv file, so that you can export and open the result of the analysis in any external software ready csv files (such as excel for instance). I updated the documentation too.
For now I know it export it globally (all properties or by large group of properties) but I have to check if it works property by property - one by one - (because everything is conditioned to the inital choices you make in the configuration, and some "ifs" are stacking with other "ifs", so it is better to check everything). Once done I think I will be able to submit the update. Here a partial image of what it gives in excel.
This looks really useful. Wishlisted for now (expensive surgery for my dog to pay for, so everything else on hold for a while). I'm another big fan of your products. At the moment I use Ultimate Pose Mixer in almost every render - so easy to use and gives me such flexibility. Also, your Advanced Metal Shaders get used very often - even just the preset that applies a metal finish without changing anything else makes a huge improvement to most metals in 3DL, which is what I use mostly due to an 8 year old pc that doesn't like Iray. I've waffled on a bit, what I really wanted to say is I hope you are very much better and recovered from your recent surgery.
Thanks a lot for this nice feedback! And thanks, yes I slowly recover which allows me to works several hours a day now, but still not as much as I used to do... It just takes time! I'm also happy to see that you appreciate my 3delight metal shaders, I made them so long ago that I wondered if they were still used (I completely swapped to Iray).. And they are!
Hi, very nice - will wait for the update, then.
Great news on your health status - take care and do not push yourself too hard.
Good health is everything.
The update with the possibility to export the table as a csv file is now supposed to be live in store. Not checked by my side, since I work with my own "home made" versions.
I will check it out, when downloads will become available.