New User Contest - July 2014 (Entries Thread)

Scott LivingstonScott Livingston Posts: 4,344
edited August 2014 in New User Contests and Events

New User's Contest - July 2014

Sponsored by DAZ 3D and smay

Are you new to the 3D World? Are you at the beginning stages of learning 3D rendering? Have you been around for a little bit but feel you could benefit from some feedback or instruction? Have you been around awhile and would like to help other members start their creative journey? Well then come and join the fun as we host our newest contest...

"Atmospheric and Volumetric Effects"

This contest is designed to help you focus on incorporating volumetric effects, fog, mist, dust, crepuscular rays ("God rays"), etc, in your renders..

Intent: Using atmospheric and volumetric effects to set the mood of your image

There are various techniques you can use to achieve this, depending on your software, and we will be providing some tips and links to tutorials that should be useful for users of Bryce, Carrara, DAZ Studio, and Poser. Please note that whatever software and technique(s) you choose, in order to qualify for the contest the effect should be be created in-render and NOT in postwork.

I will be checking in on the WIP THREAD as will the rest of the Community Volunteers to try and help with anything you all may need

For a list of the current contest rules, please see this thread :Contest Rules
When working on your submissions, if you would like to get feedback as you work or before posting your final image, please post your image to the WIP THREAD. People will be popping in to the WIP THREAD to give you some critique and advice on your entry and help along the way.

Please keep all comments on entries etc to the WIP THREAD as well because comments or requests for help/feedback/advice will be removed from the contest thread and merged into the WIP THREAD. This thread is only for posting final contest submissions.

For those veterans of the forums that would like to help, because this contest is designed for the beginner to learn from, we will be randomly selecting posts offering helpful tips and/or critiques to receive a special voucher as well so, whether you are a seasoned artist or an aspiring one, there is fun for everyone!

Closing Date: July 31st 2014

Post edited by frank0314 on


  • XangthXangth Posts: 127
    edited July 2014

    Here is my first entry for the July Contest.
    Title: Coral Reef diver
    Software used:
    DAZ studio 4.6 standard free version
    TS 4.2 (some fish, sea anemones, manta ray, sea turtle, coral props, all the scuba gear, starfish, jelly fish were all originally created by myself)
    Poser 3; some fish
    Photo Shop; texture modification
    Bryce 7.1 PLE free version (scene assembled and rendered in Bryce)
    render time 8 hrs
    Post work; None

    800 x 800 - 549K
    Post edited by Xangth on
  • angel82879angel82879 Posts: 12
    edited December 1969

    Title: Comfort

    All done in Daz Studio 4.6 never done 3d image before and this is my first try

    800 x 639 - 93K
  • angel82879angel82879 Posts: 12
    edited December 1969

    Title: In The Dark

    All done in Daz Studio 4.6 using GodRays and Dust Particles

    800 x 639 - 67K
  • deleted userdeleted user Posts: 1,204
    edited July 2014

    Natures Glory.
    Rendered in Daz 4.6
    Full Quality link
    Render time 7 hours.
    Minor post work on the sun sphere. (Was too dark)

    800 x 450 - 749K
    Post edited by deleted user on
  • TobiasGTobiasG Posts: 447
    edited December 1969


    Rendered in DAZStudio 4.6, Postwork (glow on the Gasmask Lenses) in Photoshop CS4

    526 x 800 - 263K
  • TobiasGTobiasG Posts: 447
    edited December 1969

    Pearly Gates

    Rendered in DAZStudio 4.6, no postwork

    800 x 533 - 260K
  • zmortiszmortis Posts: 98
    edited July 2014

    Bridge Fight

    Rendered in Daz 3D with some of the following products:

    HDR ProSets Yosemite Pack One
    Winter Terrains For DAZ Studio
    Atmospheric Effects Cameras for DAZ Studio
    Michael 6 Pro Bundle
    Micah Hair
    Amon for M6
    Warrior Hair
    Wildenlander HD for Genesis 2 Male(s)
    Viking for Genesis 2 Male(s)

    *note resized from original 1920x1080 size using Adobe InDesign. Original size version can be found in my gallery under zmortis.

    800 x 600 - 284K
    Post edited by zmortis on
  • Kismet2012Kismet2012 Posts: 4,252
    edited December 1969

    Title: Sandstorm

    DAZ Studio Pro 4.6

    No Postwork

    565 x 800 - 211K
  • zmortiszmortis Posts: 98
    edited December 1969

    Holo Sphere

    Rendered in Daz 3D. No postwork was used.

    Atmospheric Cameras used for volumetric effects.

    800 x 800 - 315K
  • Kismet2012Kismet2012 Posts: 4,252
    edited December 1969

    Title: Barn Cat

    Program: DAZ Studio Pro 4.6

    800 x 800 - 334K
  • kreartenitkreartenit Posts: 0
    edited December 1969

    Young Wizard Learning to Levitate

    When he comes of age he will go on a quest to find a suitable branch from the enchanted forest. Fusing the enchanted branch with his magical orb.

    Software Daz Pro 4.6
    Used Volumetric Lighting to create effects
    No postwork

    800 x 800 - 328K
  • MilosGulanMilosGulan Posts: 1,966
    edited December 1969

    Title: Highland Warrior
    Done with Daz Studio 4.6, used fog tool, no post work. I was a bit busy this month but here is what i have done :) I am hoping to continue to work on this pic as i wish to add a lot more.

    1000 x 1000 - 720K
  • spmwcspmwc Posts: 124
    edited July 2014

    This is my entry "My Elven Warrior"

    Created and Rendered in DAZ3D 4.6Pro
    No Post work

    846 x 772 - 282K
    Post edited by spmwc on
  • Man in BlackMan in Black Posts: 14
    edited August 2014

    Title - 'April's Dive'

    DAZ 4.6 with contrast/bright adjust and guassian blur done in Photoshop. Original render was max size so to make 16 x 9 format it renedered in about 5 hours :-)

    My first time working with volumetric effects, seems very tricky to light properly ;-)

    1920 x 1080 - 985K
    Post edited by Man in Black on
  • Scott LivingstonScott Livingston Posts: 4,344
    edited December 1969

    The contest is now closed.

  • frank0314frank0314 Posts: 14,321
    edited August 2014

    Winners are:

    1st - Coral Reef diver by Xangth
    2nd - In The Dark by angel82879
    HM - Hazard by TobiasG

    Congratulations everyone.

    We'd like to thank this month's sponsor. smay and DAZ 3D

    1st place will receive:
    Boris Hair for Genesis 2 Male(s)
    Boris HD for Genesis 2 Male(s

    2nd place will receive:
    Super Hero Equipment for Genesis 2 Male

    HM will receive:
    Super Hero Suit for Genesis 2 Female(s) and Victoria 6

    The winners will need to contact me by PM and give me your email address associated with your DAZ 3D account so the prizes can be added to your account.

    Post edited by frank0314 on
  • TobiasGTobiasG Posts: 447
    edited December 1969

    Thank you very much, and congratulations to Xangth and angel82879!

  • Kismet2012Kismet2012 Posts: 4,252
    edited December 1969

    Congratulations to all the winners. Great entries this month.

  • Scott LivingstonScott Livingston Posts: 4,344
    edited December 1969

    Congratulations to the winners and to all of you! Once again, this was a tough one to judge. Everyone did a great job with the theme this month.

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