Disappearing window

this is what happens when i do a save as or a replace file. anyone else get this. this has been a persistent problem among others I am having.
im on a mac running 10.9.3

600 x 376 - 52K

298 x 228 - 19K
Could that be a graphics card issue? Have you tried switching to software in the interactive renderer to see if it behaves that way?
im sure its a graphic card issue just poor implementation on dazs part. i have a high end work station card nvidea quadro 4000 its no slouch. this has been ongoing the last few iterations. they just cant get a handle on it among other issues. ill try software rendering but that doesnt change anything even if it does eliminate the problem
Do the affected areas come back if you wipe some other window over them? I've seen similar artefacts in other software, usually as an OpenGL refresh issue.
yes it comes back. this isnt a showstopper. it saves ok but along with this poor implementaion when uv mapping to select anything i have to make the selection move the cursor out of the window, move it back and then the selection will appear. this has been going on for a long time. i get the usual daz response of "reset preferences". apparently i am the only one that this is happening to
I wasn't suggesting that you use the software option as a work around, merely as a way to isolate the issue. If it's OpenGL, then it's the graphic card, if it continued with software rendering, then it is specifically Carrara.
no, i realise you weren't suggesting that. this has been a persistent problem with my computer and carrara. im sure its with my card, i dont remember this happening when i had the stock gtx88 [ i think it was called]. i havent read any issues about this problem with any other users here. i conclude i am the only one with this specific problem. i dont want to replace this card. i was going to get an additional card specifically for octane. there is a chance with the added card this may disappear.
I have a card I installed myself, and I know there are some issues. I haven't had them with Carrara, but some other apps. I have a preference control panel that was added for my card when I installed the software and drivers for it. It allows me to force certain settings for specific applications. For instance, the card always wants to use it's best settings, but for some programs it conflicts with their internal preffered settings, so I force a lower quality or disable some functions. These are usually older games, but perhaps it may be possible you have a preference control panel where you can force the card to use Carrara' preferred OpenGL settings? You may need to experiment though.
I have no real idea though, as my system is ancient, like the Egyptian Pyramids. ;-)