Carrara to Unity for PC vs Mac issues

More2burnMore2burn Posts: 0
edited June 2014 in Carrara Discussion

Hi, I've been trying to get a very simple animation into Unity and have followed many other peoples work flows as well, to try and get it to work. What I think (still doing some testing with a guy that has a Mac) is it comes down to people on Mac can use Carrara and Unity together and those on PC cannot. Is this a known thing?

The next step is to find out if the Carrara .fbx and even .dae files export from Carrara in the exact same way on both systems to become identical files. I think the guy with the Mac is going to share a file that I can test. I will just import the file into Unity that was created by the Mac to see if it works or not.

If I don't get the file though, maybe someone here has both Mac and PC? Any other suggestions? I know it seems weird that either Carrara isn't exporting the files the same on the two systems, or Unity isn't Importing the same on the two but that's all I could come up with after trying so many ways of doing what shouldn't be too hard. Thanks in advance.

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  • evilproducerevilproducer Posts: 9,050
    edited December 1969

    I could be wrong, but wendy♥catz is pretty fluent with getting fbx files out of Carrara and into other programs. She may have even tried Unity. I also know she has a PC.

  • More2burnMore2burn Posts: 0
    edited June 2014

    Thx, I sent her a PM. Doesn't she do Youtube vids? I'll go try and find a vid from her about it.

    EDIT: didn't find any with Unity.

    Post edited by More2burn on
  • WendyLuvsCatzWendyLuvsCatz Posts: 38,622
    edited December 1969

    read PM
    I have indeed gotten Unity FBX into carrara but it is C8.5 not C8.1
    that is the main reason I bought C8.5 actually, not for Unity but iClone FBX export which also only works in C8.5
    they improved the FBX importer immensely
    also you need one take per animation you can fix this in the free Autodesk FBX converter
    I do not use Unity but have borrowed Assets made for it for animation.

  • More2burnMore2burn Posts: 0
    edited December 1969

    Thx for the reply. The guy with the Mac is also using 8 pro so I wanted to figure out how. IDK anyone using 8.5 with Unity but if I had the money I would need to find somebody who is with success and on the PC before I bought it.

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