Carrara 8.5 and Mac OSX 10.9.4

Does anyone know if the new 8.5 carrara is compatible with 10.9.x ?
The features list show compatibility with 10.8.
Is this it?
I don't want to spend the money if there are going to be problems.
The Beta 8.5 had some real problems on the Mac. Spot renders
didn't work, for one. Has this been fixed?
It's fine on 10.9.3 (Mavericks) :)
I use it all the time.
Spot render has been fixed.
There are some bugs, some specific to Mac. Render nodes have issues on Mavericks (don't know if it is the nodes or the primary that is borked).
Export to OBJ does not include any morph changes (fixable by using Fenric's Export to OBJ SEQUENCE plugin)
Thanks. So I shouldn't have a problem. Is this the 64 bit version, or does this not apply anymore?
64bit is a Pro feature only, but I think you can download 32bit and your Pro key will unlock all the other Pro functions.
I won't lie, it seems a wee bit more crashy than 8.1 - nothing I can pinpoint, but but the bug fixes are worth it. I am also now using a much better graphic card, but they definitely improved the 3D Preview. The Assembly Room looks great. Shape lights are so easy to work with now, it makes setting up fake GI much easier....
I've been in Mavericks since it was released and the only major bug I bump in to is the render node issue. If you aren't worried about render nodes, you should be OK. There are a couple of other bugs but I personally don't run into them very often.
Hmmmm. When I open the program, the top left says Carrara Pro.
But I bought the standard edition. Did I get the Pro? How do I tell
if I'm running in 64 bit?
Standard edition is 32 bit. The Pro features are unlocked by entering the Pro serial number