Overdraw objects setting? (edited)

(research goes a long way for terminology)
I am working on an render and playing with hair, but a headband does not deform with the hair prop. (Lisa hair by Studio11)
I don't want to make a morph because to me, it's like opening blender for the first time. I don't know what I'm doing without exporting the hair and playing with it later. See also, make a hair layer and band layer and fiddle in Photoshop. No thanks, albeit easier than the former idea.
Here's the question.
Is there a way to overdraw the hairband over the hair in Carrara?
If this makes sense, I hope it does, than is this possible?
Post edited by TourqeGlare on
You may be able to get it close enough by using the scale tool and scale the object wider or narrower, longer or shorter. Those parameters can also be keyframed if need be.
If scaling the X, Y and Z coordinates doesn't work, If the object is a prop and not a conforming object, parent it to the head and position it as close as you can get it. Then select the model and click the wrench icon on the top left of your screen. The object should appear as a vertex object, now select a polygon and then on the right side of the screen look for Soft Select and enable it. You may have to adjust the slider to decrease or increase the range of the soft select. Now, use the translation tool to move the poly in or out, forward or backward, etc. You're not creating a morph, you're just adjusting the mesh and since it is not a morph you can't animate it.
You can use the same method with conforming items as well, but in C7.2 and maybe C8.1 (not sure if C8.5 fixed it) when the model is being edited in the Assembly room it is displayed in its default position, unless you're in Animation mode and creating a morph. The mesh can be edited as I described above, but it takes a little more trial and error.
The images below show what it looks like with a parented hair cap and a conformed dress. The hair cap keeps it's position and the dress defaults to its starting, non-conformed state.
YAToon has an overdraw feature, but I haven't figured out how to use it without going full toon.
As I mentioned, one of the easiest ways is in the Assembly room, click the scale tool and adjust it that way. No modeler required!
The other method I mentioned is also very easy and isn't really modeling. You're just selecting a poly in the trouble spot and changing the selection behavior from a single polygon to a gradual fall-off of influence the further away from the selection it gets. You're really just translating the position of the polygon, except you have a bit more control. For the longest time that is the only reason I even opened the vertex modeler.