Moving Motion Path Points on Working Box

I just discovered that it is possible to display the projections of a motion path on the working box. Alas, it doesn't seem possible to move the working points or their handles on the working box. Is there a way to dos this or is this not currently possible in Carrara (Pro 8.5)?
the Projections of Objects, paths, skeletons etc on the grid walls, is intended as a "reference" so you can see in three dimensions where that object is.
Edited for wrong info.
You can move the points and adjust the handles on a motion Path by using the Quad view, so you can see Top/Left/Front etc..
it's best to move points in one of the flat views, such as Top/Left etc.. rather than the perspective views such as the camera view.
Hope it helps :)
Yes, it seems otherwise one gets "interesting" effects when adjusting the points in a 3D view :-)
Yes, it seems otherwise one gets "interesting" effects when adjusting the points in a 3D view :-)
Some additional information:
Using the Quad View for adjusting motion path points probably makes the most sense. However, they can also be successfully positioned by using the Working Box control.
By choosing on which working box plane a motion path point will be dragged, you can control the position while using a perspective view camera.
Additionally, while the working box projections of a motion path can't be manipulated, the projections of "objects" can be moved.
The Carrara 7 manual is still accurate in this respect.
Ah, a “forgotten” icon… Thank you for the tip !
I worked with motion paths for the first time in a long while today and was very frustrated that I could not positions the points and anchors as precisely as I wanted (a touch out of alignment and the object would bank a lot). It would be nice to have numeric control on the motion path. Something like the spline modeler, but with all 3 axis.
Thanks for the tip!
Very cool.
Embarrassingly, I've never used motion paths in Carrara yet. Never really had to. I better come up with a reason to do so so I can check this out! ;)
It's nice for flying ships around!
Hi de3an :)
My bad.... :red:
Thanks for posting the correct information. :)