millenium big cat fur

Hello!!! I need to get a tiger, and , although I get the icon "mill big cat fur" in hair-preset, I can't find any preset for the tiger fur... it's always the male lion!...
anybody know this fur carrara preset? thank you for helping!!!!
Hello celmar,
you can find a great fur tutorial made by holly at carrara café:
Its just the first there. Its for the millenium cat but it also works for the millenium big cat.
THank you, eddyMI, but in fact, I'm searching an explanation about a daz product, real fur for milleniuml big cat... On the product page, there are variations about lion and tiger, but the only fur I can drop is a lion one, with mane... I don't understand at all wher the tiger fur is hidden!!!
If there is one of them, look in your file “Runtime/Textures/DAZ Animals/MilCat (?)…”
no no!!! it's a carrara product, not a poser one... it's a carrara fur!!!
I see on the product page that is for Studio 4.6...
HI Celmar :)
The Carrara hair for the Big cats,. uses the Cat's Texture maps,. so,. the hair colour is derived from those textures.
Change the texture maps used in the hair shaders, to turn the Lion into a Tiger,..
save the results to you're library
You'll also have to hide the Mane, unless it's a Liger / Tigon you're making
Hope it helps :)
no, dud0001, it's a carrara product!
thank you, 3d age... I'm not sure to understand, by the way: ok, I load the mill big cat...OK, I assign to it the tiger texture, and pose it... Then, I click, in preset- objects--hair, the real fur for the mill big cat... Now, I have a lion fur, with, barely seeible, the tiger map under the fur... how do you assign a new shader to the fur, to get the tiger look? (I understand how to uncheck the mane, no problem on that!!)???
Open the tiger shader and copy the tiger's image map from the color channel, then open the Real Fur hair shader and paste it into the root and tip color channels.
I got this description from the product page for Millennium Big Cat LE:
So perhaps you only have the LE version?Still, if you have the Carrara "Real Fur" product, I would think that you would still get a preset for it.
Did you use the DIM to install it?
If so, find the product in the "Installed" tab.
Right-click the product and have it show you the installed files.
That will give you the address of the folders that you need to find/add to your browser.
If you installed it manually, open the zip file that you've downloaded and check to see where all of the folders go.
The product likely uses the textures included in the Millennium Big Cat product to color the fur, so you would need that product for it to work properly as anything other than a Lion/Lioness or any custom texture you may otherwise have.
HI Celmar :)
What Evil producer said :)
Load the Big cat,. Pose it, Apply the Mat's,. Apply the Hair,. Select the hair and go to the shaders
You need to copy the texture Map from the tiger,. and paste it into both the "root" and "Tip" channels in the Hair shaders.
Hope it helps :)