Coffee Break - April 13 2022

Faeryl WomynFaeryl Womyn Posts: 3,663
edited April 2022 in The Commons

This thread is all about taking a break from whatever you're doing, though mainly it's because I sat at the computer and next thing you know 6 hours have passed and I'm late getting supper started and someone is yelling their favorite shirt wasn't washed...oopsie. They know how to cook and use the washer...geesh. So...I will be posting video's to help make you forget what you were doing, so you can go back to it with a fresh mind. The video's will be on the short side, mostly funny, hopfully inspiring. As long as it makes you laugh or just lets you take a deep breath for a few moments, then my job is done.

With that in mind, I would like to share a video of a band from my old high school days. I'm glad they are still playing together after 45 Ya I've been around a long time. So grab a coffee or whatever, put your feet up and listen to an old time song very popular in my younger days when I worked in a bar. They now call themselves The Poor Boys, very fitting for today's If you do go to the youtube site, instead of listening here, please like their video.

Post edited by Faeryl Womyn on


  • Jan_ScrapperJan_Scrapper Posts: 354

    Thanks!  I needed a lift today!!  :)

  • Faeryl WomynFaeryl Womyn Posts: 3,663
    edited September 2020

    Glad to oblige.


    Some more filler lol

    Post edited by Faeryl Womyn on
  • Faeryl WomynFaeryl Womyn Posts: 3,663
    edited September 2020

    Wish there was a way to get rid of double posts...need to go find a fitting video for this


    Ok found something to stick here.

    Post edited by Faeryl Womyn on
  • LeanaLeana Posts: 11,844

    45 years playing together? Impressive... 

    Thanks for the video yes

  • FSMCDesignsFSMCDesigns Posts: 12,783

    45 years, thats just crazy, LOL. i was a rock musician for 20+ years, touring, studio work, lifestyle, etc. I gave myself a deadline on how much I had achieved after a certain amount of time. if I wasn't making a decent living out of it by then, time to hang it up. Luckily I had other skills to fall back on and I had just gotten married at that deadline so it worked out. Sure i could have kept at it like thses guys, but i didn't see the point since to me it was a complete full show with the look and everything and not just the music and that kind of thing has a cutoff point IMO. Plus it would always remind of how much better it was in the past. I still break out the Les Paul from time to time though and make the garage walls shake, LOL

    Thanks for the share though!

  • Faeryl WomynFaeryl Womyn Posts: 3,663
    edited September 2020

    This aught to take your minds off pretty much everything for about 5 minutes.  Everyone needs a breather now and then, take your mind off everyday happenings, stress, worry and general mind overload...enjoy your coffee break.

    Post edited by Faeryl Womyn on
  • 3Diva3Diva Posts: 11,749
    edited September 2020

    This aught to take your minds off pretty much everything for about 5 minutes.  Everyone needs a breather now and then, take you mind off everyday happenings, stress, worry and general mind overload...enjoy your coffee break.

    Cute! I liked the beginning. They did get a little bit out of sync in some places, but otherwise, it was pretty good and fun to watch. :) I always enjoy people creating music or beats with objects that aren't "meant" for music.

    Thank you for sharing the video! :)

    Post edited by 3Diva on
  • As long as it gave you a needed break, glad you found it interesting.

  • TaozTaoz Posts: 9,979
    edited September 2020


    600 x 678 - 62K
    Post edited by Taoz on
  • kyoto kidkyoto kid Posts: 41,260 choice of my own here as I lost my Net service last night. Much of my day, while not spent here on the forums, was spent being a "concerned citizon" which meant dealing with tonnes of emails from morning until early to mid afternoon. Until I can find a new affordable service (with halfway decent speed and no download limits) which will be a challenge (as I only have the phone and limited data per month). days will be pretty empty (and I dred havong to deal with mountains of emials once i get back online.
  • Well Kyoto, if anything I post here helps to brighten your day, reduce stress and give you a chance to stretch, even if for only a moment, then my work is succeeding. Good luck with the internet.

  • Faeryl WomynFaeryl Womyn Posts: 3,663
    edited September 2020

    This video should inspire those who like to make poses or simply want a new idea for a render. Sofie has a youtube channel so you can see more of what she does at this link.

    Also Sophie is adorable, probably make a good character morph.

    This was my first introduction to Sophie and since this video is 16 minutes long, might be best to wait for lunch break to watch it.

    The video below is a small bio, just the right size for a coffee break.

    Post edited by Faeryl Womyn on
  • Here is some more inspiration for you in creating poses. This video is just over 12 minutes long so watch your time.

  • Faeryl WomynFaeryl Womyn Posts: 3,663
    edited April 2021

    Another video gone leaving a blank post.

    Will see if I can fill this later

    Post edited by Faeryl Womyn on
  • I love taiko drums and other Japanese instruments, the orient has made some beautiful music throughout history. I'm surpised no one has made these instruments yet. This musical group is amazing, using traditional instruments for today's music, they are a joy to watch.


    In this video I thought the clothes, as well as the instruments, would be inspiring to make.

  • nicsttnicstt Posts: 11,715

    This is heartwarming and very imaginative in how the problem was

    Awwww, we need Cat 8, or whatever.

    This video should inspire those who like to make poses or simply want a new idea for a render. Sofie has a youtube channel so you can see more of what she does at this link.

    Also Sophie is adorable, probably make a good character morph.

    This was my first introduction to Sophie and since this video is 16 minutes long, might be best to wait for lunch break to watch it.

    The video below is a small bio, just the right size for a coffee break.

    Bloody hell, she's amazing, but is a tough watch, due to being bloody scary.

  • kyoto kidkyoto kid Posts: 41,260
    edited September 2020

    ...aww, a sucker here for cute kitties. 

    We have a taiko drum troupe here in Portland and they are awesome to listen to.  I would buy such a clothing and prop set (provided the clothing isn't dForce). 

    Post edited by kyoto kid on
  • I hear you on the dForce Kyoto, only because my computer can't handle it. I love how dynamics makes cloth settle naturally, just don't like what it does to my computer lol.

    I'm glad people are liking these posts. As I said, everyone needs a break from whatever they are doing.

  • Faeryl WomynFaeryl Womyn Posts: 3,663
    edited April 2021

    I'm a little behind, kinda got caught up in a discord server all about books, mostly. So I need a

    I stumbled across this dance troupe and WOW are they amazing. I included 2 video's about this group, the first just under 5 mintues and the second just over 8, so you can choose the one best suited to the break you want.

    Another reason for these video's is, of course, poses, however I think some of the costumes are really nice.

    Post edited by Faeryl Womyn on
  • Faeryl WomynFaeryl Womyn Posts: 3,663
    edited September 2020

    Time for another break...who here is a Michael Jackson music and dance fan. Well this video is a male dance group who preform a number of short bits of his more popular songs.

    If MIchaels music is not your thing, try Party Rock Anthem, where the uploader took their music video and applies 6 different songs to it to prove it can be applied to any song that's 130 bpm. I checked and it's

    Post edited by Chohole on
  • Faeryl WomynFaeryl Womyn Posts: 3,663
    edited September 2020

    For those of you who would like something funny for lunch break, go to youtube and search George Carlin Airline Announcements, you want the one that's 16 and a half minutes long for the full skit. I can't post it here because of his frequent use of language not allowed

    Post edited by Chohole on
  • Faeryl WomynFaeryl Womyn Posts: 3,663
    edited October 2020

    Today for your break time I bring you animals, speifically cats and foxes. I came a cross these two and had a good laugh, as well as wondering about the intelligence of animals and are they really

    Post edited by Chohole on
  • Faeryl WomynFaeryl Womyn Posts: 3,663
    edited October 2020

    I hope all my fellow Canadians has a great Thanksgiving. With the holiday over, it's back to the grind for school and work, so once again I give you a little something for a break to lighten you day. 2 of them are around 5 minutes and 1 is less then 2 minutes...enjoy.

    Post edited by Faeryl Womyn on
  • SixDsSixDs Posts: 2,384

    So, none of my business, of course, Faeryl Womyn, but are you from Fort Frances, or was that simply the location of the video?

  • Faeryl WomynFaeryl Womyn Posts: 3,663

    LOL it's my hometown, though I have moved several times since 1990 and now reside in Newfoundland. I have both those boys on my facebook and recently touched base with them again. I was surprised they were both still playing, separately and together, after all this time. Dave, the guy who is standing, recently finshed tour around several States and is back in Canada. The other, Arden, plays mostly locally. Figured I would give them a hand up by sharing their video around the places I hang out online.

  • SixDsSixDs Posts: 2,384

    Ah. I'm just down the road to the east. Caribou Bones. smiley

  • Faeryl WomynFaeryl Womyn Posts: 3,663

    LMAO I had no idea that was the meaning of that name, I had to google it. You are probably familiar with Margaret and Henry with so many daughters we use to joke they could form their own baseball

  • Sorry I neglected your coffee breaks the past couple weeks. Lets see if I can make it up to you.

    This video is modern day music with clips from old movies and they did a good job of matching up the moves of the actors to the music. It's less than 5 minutes so suitable for a coffee break

    This video is one man's attempt to try and keep squirrels out of the bird feeder. He gets quite creative in his endeavour. This is 21 minutes long and best suited to a lunch time.

    These dancers did a montage of Michael Jackson song's and dances. They are pretty good dancers. This is 5 minutes long and suitable for a coffee break.

  • Faeryl WomynFaeryl Womyn Posts: 3,663
    edited April 2021

    And another one bites the dust lol

    Post edited by Faeryl Womyn on
  • fred9803fred9803 Posts: 1,564

    Cats doing what they do best

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