Anyone else have problem with one of the latest Dforce product?

So today I bought the MRB Outfit for use on the genesis 8 female, since it fit an bunch of female characters I have had in mind, only to discover as I tried and simulate it in Dforce the clothes, for a better word for it, 'exploded', or 'balloned' into at a little over 20% each time; the character would freeze on screen, yet the simulation would still keep counting upwards for a few more seconds, then 'POOF!' so to speak.
I chose to simulate from memorized pose with both the 'Smooth morph maker' version of the clothes, and with ones who don't use the morph smoothers.
Also, must be stupid but I don't understand what the discription is trying to tell me about these 'smooth morph maker' versions of the dress and cloak. One set of the outfit can't use the diffrent presets that are availble, I have tried to apply the iray uber shader, but it will not work no matter what I do.
If the creator of the product or someone else have any idea how to fix this, I'd be really grateful since the outfit it fantasically made and I'd love to use it.
I also apologize beforehand if I posted this in the wrong forum, I never know where it is alright to post cerain topics and where it's not. ^^;
Best regards, and keep on swimming fellow creators! :D
Regarding dForce explosions they are most often caused by trapped mesh, eg if the clothes get trapped between an arm and the torso so it can't move.
If e.g. the chosen pose does that an arm passes through the torso during movement from memorized pose, and the clothing get trapped you will get an explosion.
I usually always use animated timeline because then you can often see the problem and correct it with a in between pose to avoid intersections
Ah I see, thank you very much, I'll try that! 8D
So I am back and nope, it didn't work simulating from the timeline either, clothes still went 'Poof' just as before, tried even a diffrent pose and all. And I also tried to move the cloak away from the back and arms, too, just to be sure.
No good. I don't have the dress so I can't try it out myself.
Will it bahave nicely if you just simulate in the default A-pose?
I haven't tried that, I'll check and come back, thanks for teh suggestion. x3
The clothes exploded again, this time with an error, that stated, 'Error in simulation, see log for more details'. And it were in the basic T-pose as suggested.
Hello! Just wanted to pop in and say that it's fixed now, had to hide the hair and now it worked much better! x3 Thank you for all the help you've given me Felis! X3 Stay healthy.
Same is happening with me. Even from the base pose, it explodes everytime, different characters, nothing.
About to try again. As I really had a good idea for the outfit. Fingers crossed.
I't always a good idea to simulate your cloths before adding hair to the model.
Don't have the outfit but does it give lots of spring errors?
When simulating try stretching out the timeline, a lot between keyframes. That has helped me in some difficult simulations.
Yeah, I put in a ticket. I'd have made more of an effort if I really liked the outfit, but I wasn't that crazy about it. It's just that simulating layered pieces is a PITA generally, and the vendor made up terminology that wasn't helpful, and didn't explain how to apply the three different options for each piece of the set.
However! If you like it, you can simulate the dress and coat separately and then use deforms, the Geometry Editor or Mesh Grabber to deal with pokethrough. When I simulated the garments separately, even with a tricky pose, they did not explode. I found the cloak kind of stiff, but you can address that a little by nudging the dynamic strength from the preset 0.9 to 1.0, and maybe tweaking some other stuff.
Wow, this is incredibly useful!
Reviving this old thread so more of the outfit's problems will be in one place. I picked it up on a Lightning Deal and am returning it. I cannot get textures to apply. Also what looks like separate pumps and thigh high hosiery/stockings is one object. So after reading this & other threads, I see there are also many simulation issues, and I am not very good with dForce. So not worth even the Daz+ coupon I used on it.