Database from Daz 3 to 4 suddenly not showing up anymore. Migrate doesn't work anymore either.

Hi, i was finally trying to befriend myself with Daz Studio 4, even though i prefer the way the library was handled in 3.
Fact is, i want to use my old database and i had it before, by migrating the old one.
Now after not doing anything with Daz 4 and only installing some props in 3, i wanted to start 4 again and what do i see? Nothing basically.
Like the title suggests, my Categories folder is EMPTY.
So even though i wondered why, i moved on to migrate it lists some folders in the popup loading window, but when it is finished (also it's waaay too soon finished) the Categories are still empty.
Viewing the log under 'Help' shows me a spam of "WARNING: Database Migration Error - Couldn't create content folder for C:/Program Files (x86)/DAZ 3D/STUDIO/MY LIBRARY"along with "WARNING: Database Migration Error - Failed to find subcategory parent: "BaggyJeans"" messages, followed by "Migration completed in 0::2::55::285."
I sorted them in Daz 3 into categories and my filetree itself (on the hardrive) is pretty much "toss it into runtime and sort it in the program", so i don't want to use the folders themself.
If it helps: i also tried to create a subcategory in Daz 4 and then it gives me the error message "Could not create container"
Any help would be highly appreciated.
Thanks in advance.
Edit: Oh yeah, also want to mention that I have both programs installed. They are in the same folder
(C:/Program Files (x86)/DAZ 3D/STUDIO/MY LIBRARY for the runtime and library for Daz 3,
C:/Program Files (x86)/DAZ 3D/STUDIO4/MY LIBRARY for the runtime and library for Daz 4,
C:/Program Files (x86)/DAZ 3D/DAZSTUDIO/ for the program Daz 3 and C:/Program Files (x86)/DAZ 3D/DAZSTUDIO4 for the program Daz 4)
It sounds like the CMS isn't running, or is being blocked from communicating with DS4. Take a look at the Content Library tab -- if there's no triangle next to Categories, then the Content Management Service isn't running. Shut down DS4, then go to Start > All Programs > DAZ 3D > DAZ Content Management Service and click on "Start DAZ Content Management Service".
If CMS is running and DS4 still isn't showing anything in Categories, what security software are you using? Some will block applications from accessing ports, even though they are internal ports.
Did you miss that the DS3 Content folder is in Programs, Mike? My DS3 content folder has been in My Documents from the day I got XP.
From the Error, it looks like they tried to put the DS4 content folder into Programs also.
Thanks for the fast answer. I'm going to report back when I'm done re-installing. Shortly after the post i thought it would be a good idea to de-install and redownload the program to install it again, but didn't think the download would take so long.
Just saw that:
No, didn't miss that. It is intentional, since my Documents folder is spammed by several games and programs and i wanted to keep everything in the same place, so i setup Daz 3 way back then, to get the content from there. Also i use win7
Allright, so re-installing didn't do anything, BUT the part with starting the content manager did the trick.
Now i got the triangle and the categories again.
Never had to do that before, should i make it my work process to always start it before Daz Studio 4?
Also since I allready opened a thread: I still use Daz 3 sometimes, simply for the things that i still have to figure out in 4, which i allready mastered in 3, so if i install content (through dropping them into the daz studio 3 runtime) what is the best/cleanest/safest way to get those new items in Daz Studio 4?
Does it recognize additions automatic at startup? Should i just refresh or do i need to migrate the database again (or reset it or whatever)
One time in the past i ended up having every item displayed twice, but not sure what i did back then and i want to dodge that issue in the future.
Oh okay, just saw that i miss things that i installed yesterday and sorted in Daz 3, so it doesn't seem to be automatic, which leaves the message:
How to best update the old database for Daz 4. I'm guessing reset and migrate again?
Your DS3 database needs migrated everytime you add to it.
allright, thanks.
So no need to reset or anything, i just hit migrate again and it should update
You don't need to reset the DS4 database each time, if you migrate again it only adds new items to the database.
Thanks, hopefully i can finally get into DS4 without issues that weren't there before :)