Carrara Pro 7 on MacBook OSX Mavericks - Preferences file non-existent, fonts missing, forgets seria

I know on earlier versions of OSX the missing fonts issue can be cured by modifying the preferences.txt file. However, on Mavericks, the file structure is either completely different, or not all the files and folders are being created by the DIM.
I run the DIM apparently without error. But when I run Carrara, none of the text is visible, and when I try to change the font, it doesn't take effect, and it never remembers my serial number.
Anyone come across this and found a solution?
Running on MacBook, OSX Mavericks.
First off, Carrara 7 would predate the DIM, so I'm not sure how well they play together. Did you get an installer with C7 or just a zip file?
Secondly, I run a C7 render node on an Intel Core 2 duo iMac with Mavericks and I get the fonts and such. The difference may be that it was installed a few OS X versions ago and subsequent updates were done on top of the existing OS. From everything I have read, I shouldn't get it to work. ;-) I won't use it for anything but a node as I don't know how stable the full application would be.
Thirdly, I can't help much with the fonts, but if you temporarily run as the Root user, you can enter the serial number and it should stick. Then get out of Root user mode for security reasons.
Car 7 was not written to run on maverick, i dont think they would write a patch for it. only alternative is 10.6.8. maverick didnt exist when they wrote for 7