Genesis 2 - Unable to modify

After viewing Dartenback's YouTube video on 8.5, I was anxious to focus on using the Genesis 2 figures. Gotta use the latest and greatest.
When I called one up in either DAZ or Carrara, I found that the attributes I could modify were very few. On the face, it's mostly teeth and jaw, then some hands, feet, and head size. Then there's Domina, which I purchased, and I can either make the head/face and body Domina, or not. But not tweakies.
When using a Genesis (1) figure, I can modify the full range of features and body parts. Same same with Victoria 5 (which I'm guessing is G1 based).
Ultimately, what I'm trying to do is create a cast of characters wearing the M4 based Mestopholes Coalition Rapier. But I run into autofit problems.
In DAZ it seemed to work quite well! I was excited because of prior frustrations. I can't recall which figure I was working with, likely V5, but I was dropping each piece of armor from the set onto the figure one at a time. DAZ would autofit, and it worked great. I went to save the outfit so that I could call it up in Carrara, but I likely didn't do it right and it went bye, bye. That was a month ago, and I can't recall where anything in that project is located or what I called it. Hey, if I could figure out how to save a whole character with outfit and bring it up in Carrara, I'd do it.
In Carrara, my preferred environment, I had unacceptable results.
A) I ran into the inability to modify the G2 character's features.
B) I applied the G-Suit, whether female or unisex, and there was severe poke-thru on the hips and breasts.
C) I dropped the Rapier chest plate on, and it would either fit way too large (literally gaping off the back and masculine chest shape, rather than feminine). I dropped the chest plate on V5, was able to shape the torso to the V5 breast size and shape, but the sternum of the armor sunk into the chest and I've been unable to draw it out, either using the magnet or the vertex editor.
A G1 Basic Female character seems to work best. I'd like to use G2 as it's supposedly so far advanced (tho I'm not sure why). But I'll use G1, if G2 has known problems with autofit of M4 costumes.
What am I doing wrong that G2 is not modifiable?
Also, when using DAZ, if I start with a G2 figure, the Smart Content tab won't show the Coalition Rapier stuff as it's M4 based. I can't recall how I did it before.
That is the whole principal of Smart Content, it only shows content that can be used with the 'selected' figure.
To see all Smart Content, just make sure that nothing is selected in the Scene Pan (click on a blank area of the Scene Pane or the Viewport)
Hope that helps.