DA Fire Drake issue?
In case it's just me, has anyone else with this product got an issue trying to load the "Fire Drake Attachments"? I get the folloiwing not found messages:
/data/RedHoodoo/DAZ Dragon 3 Wing Expansion/Wing Membrane Underside/Wing Membrane Underside.dsf
/data/RedHoodoo/DAZ Dragon 3 Wing Expansion/Wing Membrane Underside/Morphs/RedHoodoo/Base/PBMMembraneThicknessUpper.dsf
/data/RedHoodoo/DAZ Dragon 3 Wing Expansion/Wing Membrane Underside/Morphs/RedHoodoo/Base/PBMWingsMembraneWrinkleHD.dsf
/data/RedHoodoo/DAZ Dragon 3 Wing Expansion/Wing Membrane Underside/Morphs/RedHoodoo/Base/PBMMembraneThicknessLower.dsf
when I try. Individually they all load fine - except there is not an wing membrane option
Also, when loading the Fire Drake figure I get this not found:
/data/DAZ 3D/DAZ Dragon 3/Base/Morphs/RedHoodoo/DAZ Dragon 3 Wing Expansion/CTRLMembraneThickness.dsf
Hmm, these settings are for a Wing Membrane addon, thats not part of the DA Fire Drake.
The wing membrane should be released soon and these errors are just the wearable and the figure preset trying to load it as part of the Fire drake setup.
You should be fine to just ignore the errors and it should load everything else okay.
Sorry about this, these should of been cleaned up in the testing phase. I'll follow it up and get back to you.
The good news, "it ain't me!" :) Thanks, look forward to seeing the expansion burn a hole in my wallet. ;)
Sorry for the delay, there seems to have been some mix up with product release scheduling. The Daz Dragon 3 Wing Membrane Expansion that the Fire Drake is looking for has been released now.
Theres also an update underway for the firedrake for using the presets without the membrane, so you can choose which option you prefer.