Daz Dragon III and Carrara 8.5

Has anyone purchased the dragon III yet?
and does it work in Carrara 8.5?
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Has anyone purchased the dragon III yet?
and does it work in Carrara 8.5?
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the HD will not work
The dragon itself works in Carrara. The morphs also.
But..... There are something strange with the posing of the rear legs. They works fine in Studio, but in Carrara it seems that there is some difference in the constraints. Not sure yet what it is, haven't had time to investigate it fully yet.
The geo crafting, that is used for the wingless variant, doesn't work either.
There are some morphs that are labelled HD, and they are changing the mesh.
And there are plenty of errors when trying to apply some of the presets....
A set of Carrara shaders for the Dragon will be release very soon.
Regarding the posing try using it with out the constraints.
The attached is a promo image of the Carrara shaders for the dragon. It does come with SSS as you can see in the wings.
Sorry RingoMonfort, It doesn't help.
There is something weird going on that I have never seen before....
I did post something about it here : http://www.daz3d.com/forums/viewreply/612739/
I followed the link but still cannot understand what issues you're having. You say you get an error message from materials, then in the next sentence say that all materials work fine. (?)
There's a beginning of an explanation of joint rotation issues, but the issue doesn't seem to be mentioned, unless my head is just still too sleepy :ahhh:
Either way, I am really antsy to get this thing. Looking at that Pro bundle with my PC discount... yeah... that's what I want!!! Rosie.... Can I???? :-P
Varsel, is the problem in the IK? Like, when you translate one foot up (example) the other foot moves somewhere too? Or does the strange occurrence also happen when simply rotating the joints individually?
Sorry. Not my native language.
I will try to explain a bit better....
The problem with the legs is that when applying a pose, the rear legs have a different angle in Studio than in Carrara, even if the XYZ rotation values are the same in both programs.
This is for all the bones in the legs.
The values are all within the constraints set for these bones.
You can see in the picture that the foot is pointing more to the side in Carrara than in Studio.
And it's happening with all the poses, where the rear legs is supposed to support the body, when standing or attacking or ......
It's almost as if the rigging is different in Studio than in Carrara.
My trials where all done with rotation of the joints.
I'm not sure how the IK of the dragon is supposed to be, because when you translate any bodypart, everything else is moving as well.
In the Pro bundle, there are some armour for the Dragon. They are all ok.
The problem with the texture is for this http://www.daz3d.com/daz-dragon-3-textures
The skin for the dragon. Not a big thing. Shaders does always need tweaking in Carrara anyway.
did you try loading a DUF file from DS ?
I did try pose it in Studio, and then save it as a scene.
Imported this scene into Carrara.
Opened it in Carrara
Same problem with the leg.
In Studio it looks ok. But in Carrara the rear legs are pointing outward to the side....
x,y, and z in DS are different in DS than in Carrara. Actually, I think it's more the other way around. Carrara is an oddity having z as the vertical axis.
Yes, you are right, but I think Carrara knows it's the odd boy on the block, so it is taking that into account, and translate xyz into it's own xys.....
Yes, you are right, but I think Carrara knows it's the odd boy on the block, so it is taking that into account, and translate xyz into it's own xys.....
It does. I just mentioned that in case you were doing the rotations by hand or something.
So you mention it's strange, but is it workable to get poses with some effort? Seeing your examples, I really like this thing! It looks like it comes with a great number of cool shaping morphs!
Ringo man,
That shaders example looks fantastic! I like the subtle translucency in the wings. Would you be willing to do some more promo shots? :)
So you mention it's strange, but is it workable to get poses with some effort? Seeing your examples, I really like this thing! It looks like it comes with a great number of cool shaping morphs!
Ringo man,
That shaders example looks fantastic! I like the subtle translucency in the wings. Would you be willing to do some more promo shots? :)
Thank you Dartanbeck, I do have a few more promo shots that I will be uploading.
Him is takin' a nap! :)
Nice Shaders as always Bro! Very cool!
Awesome! That's what I'm talkin' about! Ringo... you the man!!!
Have you had the translation issues that the OP mentions Ringo?
Thanks for the replies..
I think I will hold back for a while on this one... maybe when C9 is out it may work better :vampire:
by then we will have daz dragon 12......zzzz , actually I liked the old daz dragon the time I used it.
oh just saw Ringo's renders - fantastic work.!
by then we will have daz dragon 12......zzzz , actually I liked the old daz dragon the time I used it.
Mdragon 12 ... lol
probably right with that comment :-(
yep.. another reason to hold off.. the amount of times I use a dragon doesn't justify the expense..
It's only 61 dollars for the pro bundle!
That's a massive saving of 51 percent of the already incredibly low price.
How can you resist.....
You know, I have this theory that when people buy eg virtual mesh washing machines or a block of mesh flats, or a mesh ball room or swimming pool etc, something deep inside them tells them they are buying the real thing - courtesy of the visual sense in 3d being our dominant sense. Perhaps that's why Daz sells so many ladies shoes and weapons?
well he is easy to pose
he/she/it is kinda cute ;-)
Here is one more.
I'm having problem with the zilla character. It loads, but the wings are present and it's missing the torso where the wings would attach. It opens fine in Daz Studio.
By unchecking visible to the Dragon Wingless made the wings not shown, but the torso is still missing the body part.
Any ideas?
from Daz Studio I saved the Zilla as a character and then loaded that character into Carrara and got somewhat better results.
The wings are visible and attached when I did this, I used the alpha on the shader to hide the wings, it leaves smaller holes, but if I place the camera at a certain angle it shouldn't be noticable.