Constraints Do Not Work.

Hello everyone. I have a strange problem in 8.5. I just finished rigging a newly built character and tried to apply constraints to the bones. The constraints simply do not work. I tried the different types and they just do nothing. Has any one encountered this problem?
I think I figured it out. I forgot I was trying to use an old rig from an old character with a much newer version of Carrara. I just made a simple rig in 8.5 and the constraints worked just fine. I thought an old Carrara rig would work in the the newer Carrara but it didn't. The meshes and textures still work but I will have to re-rig my old characters in 8.5. Not a show stopper but still a royal pain.
I have been able to set constraints for bones successfully in C8.5, but I have only tried a small subset of all the possible constraint types.
There are a number of constraint settings. I have only used limited for a ball axis. I have had success when I select the bone in the assembly room, go to the motion tab, then the constraint submenu, then I have chosen the "ball joint" for constraint type, then I have chosen "limited" for each axis, and then set the range of permissible movement with the dots on the circles.
That works for me.
sorry, misunderstood
Glad you already got it worked out.
I believe it was 7.2.
I have been able to set constraints for bones successfully in C8.5, but I have only tried a small subset of all the possible constraint types.
There are a number of constraint settings. I have only used limited for a ball axis. I have had success when I select the bone in the assembly room, go to the motion tab, then the constraint submenu, then I have chosen the "ball joint" for constraint type, then I have chosen "limited" for each axis, and then set the range of permissible movement with the dots on the circles.
That works for me.
Thanks diomede64,
I've been setting constraints for my custom character for a while but this is my 1st time trying to take a short cut and use an old rig. The constraints acted as if the rig wasn't there.
I figured a work around. It seems models and riging from 7.2 do not respond to 8.5 constraints. I believe the problem rests in the file itself. So I created a new file, imported the old Carrara file into the new 8.5 document and the original constraints worked fine.
Hours of tedium averted.:lol: