Interesting problem with DIM :P

eponicaeponica Posts: 197
edited December 1969 in Technical Help (nuts n bolts)

Hi again ^^

I'm hoping this is the right place to post this question, so without further ado...

My good old Walmart Special computer went belly-up last week (SFF power supply... too expensive for me to replace at the moment, mainly due to DAZ sales :D) Fortunately, having become a DAZ and Bryce addict, I had previously had the common sense to find another Intel Core Duo at a surplus sale, so I had an emergency backup machine.

I pulled my HDD (C:) from the dead computer and "slaved" it to the new machine (well, not really "slaved" since it is SATA, but whatever...) and it of course was automatically given a new drive letter. In this case, F:.

I installed DAZ, Bryce and the DIM on the C: drive of the new computer, and pointed my DAZ directories to the F: drive so it could read my old content. I am having no problems whatsoever getting DAZ to read my content, so that part worked well.

The next part is what is "interesting." I went into the settings on the DIM and pointed them to install new content to the correct directories on F:. And when I download an item, it DOES install to the correct F: directory and DAZ reads it, so no problems there. However...

Even though I have set every setting I can find in the DIM to the locations of the F: directories, the DIM is insisting that all 1,248 products I had previously purchased from DAZ still need to be installed, when, in fact, they already are!

Therefore I have unchecked the button to install automatically, and I am instead installing my new products one at a time. This is a pain because I have to go through that huge "ready-to-install" list each time I want to find and install a newly downloaded product. The biggest pain is that I am stuck on a satellite Internet service and have to download my items in big chunks during the midnight bandwidth "free zone." So I end up having to keep a checklist to check my checklist in the DIM to make sure I am installing everything I downloaded ^^;

Anyone know how to convince the DIM that those 1,248 "ready-to-install" products are, in fact, already installed...??


  • SimonJMSimonJM Posts: 5,997
    edited December 1969

    In (for me on Win 7) C:\Users\Public\Documents\DAZ 3D\InstallManager\ManifestFiles there is a set of .dsx files for everything that has been installed. If you are certain something is installed then copy the relevant .dsx files there and restart DIM (or hit the refresh button).

  • namffuaknamffuak Posts: 4,176
    edited December 1969

    What SimonJM says - kinda. Copy all those files from the old drive to the same location on your new drive. The .dsx files that live there are a merged combination of the .dsx file that DIM downloads with the zip (I call it the customer manifest) - it has the tags, your order number and date and such - and the .dsx file included in the zip - the file manifest. And the install manifest also includes the relative directory you installed to, the date installed and other trivia.

  • eponicaeponica Posts: 197
    edited December 1969

    Thank you very much, will try now ^_^

  • eponicaeponica Posts: 197
    edited December 1969

    That did the trick nicely :D Thanks again!

  • jestmartjestmart Posts: 4,449
    edited December 1969

    All the manifest files I checked had the absolute directory path not relative. While DIM may see the products as installed now any updates may go to the old path location. You may need to either byte (little pun) the bullet and do a proper re-install or batch hack the manifests to put in the correct drive letter.

  • namffuaknamffuak Posts: 4,176
    edited December 1969

    jestmart said:
    All the manifest files I checked had the absolute directory path not relative. While DIM may see the products as installed now any updates may go to the old path location. You may need to either byte (little pun) the bullet and do a proper re-install or batch hack the manifests to put in the correct drive letter.

    Ah - yeah. Looks like I blew the call on that one.

    As Jestmart says - uninstall/reinstall or use something like notepad++ to do a search and destroy - er - find and replace; the entry to be changed is UserInstallPath VALUE="C:/

    If you only have one or two install directories the uninstall/reinstall would probably be best; more than two and the bulk edit starts sounding good.

  • eponicaeponica Posts: 197
    edited December 1969

    Ah yes... Thank you anyway ^^; Everything looked good til I downloaded a batch of items last night and found that they installed... well, nowhere, really :P And now of course the DIM is failing to recognize my installed files again...

    Most likely an uninstall/reinstall would work best, but I sure hate to mess with things when DAZ is reading it right. Also, how would that affect things if I repaired the other computer and moved my main drive back there? It's not likely, really, I would prefer to just outfit it with a new drive while repairing it. I might just go to manual installation for awhile instead ^^;

  • chaoschaos Posts: 44
    edited December 1969

    Would moving everything you need from the F drive to whatever drive they were on from the old computer work? Just buy a huge drive for your new computer and merge the old and new onto one drive keeping the directory structures the same as the old?

  • eponicaeponica Posts: 197
    edited December 1969

    Not sure... But thanks for the thought ^_^ I usually have no problems installing things by hand, though I admit I may miss some updates and miscellaneous things doing it this way.

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